Scott, love the idea on boat stickers! My only question is, are they enforceable? Catt, I'm not even sure if our laws and bi-laws are even documented…lol. It's a lake of about 30-40 properties, half of which aren't even lakefront which gives you an idea of how small the lake is. We do have a catch and release policy which was put in place about four years ago because the place gets hammered every year with ice anglers (most of which don't own property at all…these are "friends of friends" or "my third cousin on my wife's side knows someone who used to live here"). At the end of the day though, I'm not even sure if the catch and release policy is enforceable. Our president, to his credit really has nipped the ice fishing issue in the bud the last two winters. He's suggested guys don't come back and they haven't. So I am 99.9% sure our president's guests do the whole catch and release thing. Again, this matter could be a lot worse as Tony said. It's just the point. I know I probably come across as sounding like a huge jerk by posting this.