You might find some who will disagree with you, but I don't!
I was introduced to bass fishing in 1977 while in the Navy stationed at NAS Miramar. I was an avid fly-fisherman having grown up in Montana. One of my first thoughts arriving at Miramar was to seek out a place to catch trout. I ended up on lake Dixon the next day. The trout fishing was good there but different than I was used to. I met some other fishermen who rented a boat. They were Bass fishermen they talked me into trying it out. I rented a house off base, just north of Escondido and fished Dixon regularly for the next four years. We would carolina rig a live rainbow 10 to 12"( probably wasn't legal) and catch bass up to 9 lbs.
The bass in that lake eat a lot of big planted trout and a lot of them are fatter than they are long.
I was surprised when I heard Perry's record had been broken, but not when I heard where it was caught. I feel there are several record bass in there. Lower Otay Lake by San Diego also may hold a Record fish.