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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. I believe it's softer, but I could be wrong. Haven't used either in quite a while.
  2. I've messed with display Abu's and I've tried my dad's Revo STX. I just don't like them. The Black Max is unbeatable in it's price range, but their higher end reels aren't worth the money they want, in my opinion. They're good reels, I'm sure, but they don't exceed in anything. For the price, I can get a Shimano, Daiwa, or Lew's and have a much lighter, further casting, and smoother reel that feels a lot more quality.
  3. Looking for a reel I can take to the ocean and fish as well as something I can use to throw big swimbaits and catch some big catfish with. I know that's going to limit it in each aspect, but it being a good sea reel is most important as I go to the at least once a year. I don't mind if it's a low profile or round reel. The main thing is that I want to stay under $500 for the whole setup (looking for rod suggestions, too). I have no brand preference, as long as the reel does its job and does it well. Any suggestions?
  4. Well, unfortunately it'll have to wait. The landscaping job I was working doesn't have anything to do right now, so I'm going to go job hunting next week.
  5. I finally bought my first Lew's. It's a Tournament Lite. By far the best reel I've owned so far. Casts a mile, super smooth, and ridiculously light. I don't have any pictures of the reel and the rod I bought to put it on (H2O Ethos 6'6" MH), but I do have a picture of my new personal best that I caught within an hour of buying the new setup (bought it Tuesday). Still nothing compared to some of you guys, but its a huge bass to me. Didn't have a scale at the time (went to Academy and bought one after this), but I figure its around 3-3 1/2. Next brand of reels for me to try is Shimano. I've owned the older red and grey Caenen, which I just gave to my friend, but haven't tried any of their higher end reels. I was actually planning to get a Chronarch Ci4+, but the place I was going to buy from was out and tried to sell me the display model. I'm actually kinda happy they didn't have one.
  6. A bit over your budget, but I've had my Suncloud's for a couple of years and they do fine. They're scratched and beat pretty good, but I still use them daily. $49.99 before tax. I do, however, plan to upgrade to Maui Jim's soon.
  7. Tatula or bust. Buy nice gear and you won't have to buy twice.
  8. My plans kinda got booted, but in a good way. My buddy gave me his 10 year old Abu Ambassador 5000, so I'm gonna try to trick it out, get it on a swimbait rod, and use it for swimbaits and catfish. Decided I'll just buy an SV105 and a rod for it. Also gonna sell my buddy my *** and buy myself a ***.
  9. I actually finally ended up finding a Zonda 68L after days of searching. $610 new. I'll definitely be coughing up the money for it as soon as I get it. My friend told me he was going to make a cast with it when I get it. I told him not for at least six months or until I get over being overprotective of it. Lol
  10. I just don't like buying used. I don't buy anything used if I can avoid it. Just a mental thing. I know they're just a tuning house for Daiwa, but it's still my dream reel. Just hoping to finally be able to get one is all. Lol
  11. I'm sold. Just gotta wait until this guy brings me his bike so I can sell it. Already told him I'd take the bike, so can't back out on him.
  12. I've been on the dark side ever since I started looking in the, "show off your stuff," thread. Lol I can't justify buying a used Megabass. It has to be new. I'm not looking to spend over $600 for the reel, so the IS series isn't really an option. The only new ones I've found are $640 or so. Think I'll probably go with the Lauda as I like the look more and I'm also not a fan of the flip up hood.
  13. As the title says, I'm finally looking at getting a Megabass rig. Been wanting one since I joined this site and may be able to afford it now. I want a Zonda 68L, but can't find one new (has to be new if I'm spending what I'm spending on a setup). So instead, I'm looking at either a Lauda 72L or FX68L. I want the translucent sideplate and I can't find an FX68L with one (can only find the Viola and Rossi). Which of the two is the better reel? If the FX68L outperforms the Lauda by a landslide, I believe I can get over not having a translucent sideplate.
  14. The rod. You can catch fish with the cheapest reel possible, but if you can't feel the bite, you won't know to set the hook. That being said, I spend more on the reel than the rod because I enjoy smooth, high quality reels.
  15. My internet won't load the video, but right on the front of my can of Real Magic it says, "DANGER: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE."
  16. You'd better go ahead and put a ring on it. A woman who is proud of you doing what you love comes around once in a lifetime.
  17. Just depends on the situation for me. If I'm fishing a narrow and shallow creek, I'll keep it light. If I'm fishing deeper water with an area where I can make long casts, I go up in weight so I can reach spots most people can't.
  18. I just started using a 1000 that my buddy gave me. Was really rough from sitting out in the rain. Cleaned it up and its way better. Still has a catch in it, but for how it was maintained, it's not bad. I like the size, but feel like I need more line capacity. I have it spooled up with Maxcuatro (was marked down to under half price). Haven't caught a fish with it yet, but I will soon.
  19. It's good for fishing. Everyone gets too caught up in thinking good gear makes them an elite fisherman, but KVD could outfish us all with a Barbie setup. I can understand being a gear junkie, but don't look down upon those that can't afford Stella's and NRX's.
  20. Shimano. I've tried a high end Abu reel and wasn't very impressed. They're ok, but they're not up to par with other reels in the price range.
  21. I'd put an ad out asking if anyone has recently lost a rod and reel. If they have, have them describe what they lost and if the description matches, return it to them. If it were a cheaper setup, I'd say keep it for yourself, but I'm sure someone feels sick to their stomach for losing that one.
  22. Well, took it back and got a 6'6" MF Daiwa AirD X, as well as some reel oil and cleaning swabs (cleaned my first two reels without cheating and using YouTube or Google), and some Power Pro Maxcuatro that was on sale for $12. Haven't gotten to fish with the rod yet, but it seems pretty nice. Wish I could've found at least a 7', but it happens.
  23. Thanks, guys. Gonna try to take it back today.
  24. I bought a Berkley E-Motion not long ago from Acadamey and when i finally got to fish it I noticed there was a rattling coming from what seemed like inside the blank, under the first eye. I don't believe I can return it because it's been a couple of weeks. I was just wondering if it's something I should be worried about and what's causing it. Any ideas?
  25. Got to try out my first Spook today. It was too windy to fish (for me anyways), so I just wanted to see if I could, "walk the dog." Turns out I can.
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