I just figured I would give a tip to bank fisherman who don't know a good way to carry as much tackle as possible. I do nothing but bank fishing so I think I may be a halfway decent person to take a tip from.
When I started going fishing pretty much every day I got tired of walking back to the truck to get a new bait or to get my pliers (even though I keep small channel locks on my pocket), so one day I was thinking about a better way to carry my tackle and decided to put everything in a backpack.
What I have in my backpack is four Plano boxes, a spool of line, pliers, clippers, and a tool for just in case I somehow backlash. I have plenty more room to keep building up my tackle and equipment and this is just a small Wrangler backpack.
I'm not sure if this helps you guys or not, but I figured it couldn't hurt you and that if there's someone out there who couldn't think of a good way to carry their tackle maybe I helped them.