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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. I can't use spinning gear, I just don't like it. I don't think I would like saltwater fishing either, it's got tactics that I don't think I'd be interested in and fighting a fish for 30 minutes doesn't seem to fun to me unless it's a huge river fish. Lol I may try it sometime though.
  2. I can throw weightless worms on my BC, I don't like to though because I have no idea how to fish them.
  3. I bank fish and only use one rod. It's a $180 setup so it's not gonna break the budget and I love my reel. The rod I'm trying to sell or trade for a cork handle because I'm not a foam grip fan after using one for a while. It's more along the lines of if you have the money, you will have more equipment. Trust me, if you get into fishing, you will be wanting to buy a lot more equipment and tackle whether you have the money for it or not. When you're walking through BPS or Acadamy or something and you see a nice reel and find a nice rod to go with it right after, you'll be wanting to save your money up to buy it.
  4. Depends on the round you're firing, with a hollow point it will mushroom out if it's a quality round. If it's a soft tip, I believe those are the ones that fragment. I could be wrong though, I never studied ballistics, just firearms themselves. Lol
  5. Now I'm probably going to wind up buying both. Lol I love the way the smoke looks so I'm definitely buying one of those for sure and I'll check out that Tour Edition in just a second.
  6. Thanks bud, I'm wanting to save up and get a Smoke but that'll be a while. I may just wait until next year so I can get it for $100.
  7. For what it's worth, this is my Quantum.
  8. Most of the other brands don't get bashed as bad as Quantum, though.
  9. I may buy a few more to see if I can get some hits, we'll see.
  10. My Quantum seems to work fine. I haven't had it to long but from what I can tell its a great reel. I think most people just jump on the bandwagon without giving the brand a chance, that's the reason I decided to buy one. If most people bash something I'm most likely going to buy it to see why everyone hates it so bad, and so far, I see no reason the brand should be bashed. Mine is a Accurist PT, the older gold version that a few people have mentioned.
  11. True that, maybe I'll get a bigger one on.
  12. You too! Last time I went I had a four pounder on a popper and he got off a foot from the bank.
  13. I have pretty bad social anxiety, it tends to keep me from asking people. Maybe I can get to the river tomorrow or something.
  14. Kind of hard to be stealt'y when the pond is right in front of the guys house. xD
  15. There's plenty of ponds, just not ones I'm allowed to fish and the ones I can fish I can't get to without a drivers license. xD the closest one that I can fish is about 10-12 miles away, the river is about three miles.
  16. The only pond around me doesn't hold bass bigger than 3/4 of a pound. I don't have my drivers license to go to my fishing spot at the river and even if I did I have to wait on my buddy to bring his phone for a picture. Lol
  17. Not fair, it's going to be a while before I can even go probably. Lol
  18. The best rod out there? The one you think is the most comfortable in your hands and the one that you like. What suits someone else may not suit you. That's like expectlng someone else's pants to fit you perfectly and feel comfortable.
  19. I can't afford a good scale, guess I'll just use the crappy one and see if I still place.
  20. Thanks for the tips bud, I want to get some fish on it. Most of the time we don't go to our fishing spot until mid day or so so I don't expect to catch anything on it then, but when I go to the pond early in the morning I try it and still don't get bites. I think if I could get to the river in time I may do alright, but most of the time we get there by mid day and fish for a few hours then go look at some tackle and gear at Acadamy.
  21. What about Gander Mountain? I don't have a credit card and the nearest BPS is about two hours away.
  22. Where can I find double blade buzzbaits?
  23. Blackhawk pilot. I always wanted to be either a jet pilot or Apachie pilot, but that's just me. Lol my brother used to laugh at the grunts because they would say they're a grunt without even knowing the meaning (Ground Replacement Usually Not Trained).
  24. I think at that point in time you just throw everything you've got.
  25. I'll buy a non-cracker and see if that helps me out, thanks for the help.
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