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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. Simple man is my all time favorite song, and Shinedown nailed it. I'm still undecided after all this time if I like it better than the Lynyrd Skynyrd version though.
  2. Alright, you want to play that game? I can throw a baseball probably over 70mph, but inaccurately. If I see your car on the streets that you don't own, I'll get a bucket of them and throw them as hard as I can underneath your car. If I hit it, oh well, I wasn't aiming at the car. I was aiming at the street that you do not own.
  3. I finally did it! I finally caught my first bass on my buzzbait I bought a couple of months ago! I went to the pond cause of fishing withdrawals and was throwing a frog. I had no luck so I decided to throw my grasshopper crankbait on my dad's ultralight to see if I could get some brem. I caught one of those and after the sun started going down I threw the buzzbait on. I got three or four fish that hit it and the first one I was messing with the drag because I never use it and would like to start using it. Anyway, he wrapped me around a post and got off. Got a few more hits and then finally brought one in. He was just a little guy, but it's still a fish, on a buzzbait.
  4. Funny thing, I actually have a Vendetta I'm trying to sell to buy an H2O. Lol
  5. Check out H2O rods at Sports Acadamy. They seem really nice for the price. I'm considering picking one up for myself.
  6. I love snakes, just don't tick them off and you'll be ok. If your worried about it, at least wear some high top hiking boots.
  7. Use a brick attached to a rope. Simple as that.
  8. I've never thrown creature baits. I always throw a worm or lizard. Maybe I need to buy a bag of creature baits and see if I can do anything with them.
  9. Lol I made a paddle out of a 2x4 and an old piece of hardwood floor.
  10. All I need is the $30 boat and the rod floats you were talking about and a paddle. Lol
  11. Most of you have read my posts and know I'm a "budget" fisherman. My friend has a little homemade skiff and because I have nothing that I can use, we can't get out to good spots. They have small inflatable boats at Wal-Mart for around $30. Anyone know if it is trustworthy enough? I can swim really well so if it goes flat, I'm not going to die considering I fish close to the bank. Lol
  12. I seen a post on here a week or two ago and have been thinking about it quite a bit. I don't own a boat, nor will I ever have enough money to own one, but the boat fisherman get ticked off if someone doesn't want them skipping jigs at or near their dock. It's their dock, they use it, their boat is in it. If they don't want you casting near it, don't get all ticked off and rant on these forums (I know, I'm doing the same and being hypocritical). The way I see it, is you put your $50K+ bass boat out there and let multiple fisherman of varying skill levels cast all sorts of lures at it and next to it. Sure, some of you may be great at casting, but there are people who will try to do the same as you and not be as accurate and end up pegging the hell out of someone's boat without saying anything. I know you're all probably going to say "it won't hurt the boat," but I don't think you're going to let me throw stuff at your car even if I believe it won't hurt it. Anyways, be respectful to people and their property. If they don't want you fishing near their stuff, then move along.
  13. I agree. To me, fishing T-rigs and jigs are the most fun. However, when you're just beginning and you see everyone else reeling and reeling and you're going slow paced you tend to want to pick up the pace. Once he catches some fish and gets the excitement and decides he wants to learn new techniques, that is when the Senko fishing will be fun.
  14. I think I may cave in and give Pflueger another shot. Maybe their higher end stuff is worth the money. So the reel is now between the Shimano Symetre and the Pflueger Supreme. Any input?
  15. Easiest way in my opinion would be to buy a white or chartreuse spinner and use it. It may not get you as many bites, but if you get bored easily then it's better than using a worm.
  16. I use my BC for everything. It seems like it's a lot more fun to use to me. I guess since its s little trickier than others and I like to master things. Lol Thanks bud! Do you know if you can change the handle with the Symetre? I really don't like the feel of power handles and from what I seen that's what it has. I'm not a Pflueuger fan after having to deal with my dad's BC. I've heard their spinning reels are better, but I think it may be worth it to fork up the extra $40-$50 for the Symetre. As far as rods go, I figured the Fenwick would be the best bang for the buck. The only high end rod I've used is the one I have for my Accurist and its the Vendetta.
  17. I always keep it a little ways from the edge of the spool.
  18. I didn't read everything, but I didn't see this mentioned. If you plan to buy new equipment (rods, reels, line, etc), buy higher end. I'm not saying blow $250 on a reel, but get at least a $100 in the rod and $100 in the reel. It is definitely worth it. Trust me, I'm a "budget" fisherman and thought my Black Max was awesome until I got a $100 reel and now I wish I had a $200 reel. I'm fixing to start saving up for a $200 spinning setup to try out. As far as baits, T-rigs, jigs, and spinners. That is the three that I have the most luck on. Try to fish near boat ramps, especially ones with rock piles or debris from storms. We get a lot of tornadoes here so there is always a fair amount of floating logs near the boat ramps here and there's always bass lurking in them. Don't be afraid to cast into open water, I've caught some bass in open water at times that I would never expect.
  19. I don't pay attention to the jig type, I just fish it. I suck at learning new techniques so I stick w high what I know and it normally works.
  20. I don't mind buying used baits, but gear you never know how much the previous owner used it or if they took care of it very well.
  21. I'm not the best person to take advice from, but I catch more bass on jigs than anything else. Well, besides worms. I cast it, let it hit the bottom, shake it, let it sit, then hop it twice. After that I just hop it twice each time after it sinks back to the bottom, I continue until I get to the shore.
  22. I'm glad someone knows how it feels. Some people on this forum you ask for a decent cheap reel suggestion and they suggest a $250 reel. Lol
  23. I'm not worried about the strength, I never pull in big bass. I'm just worried about the diameter because I here plenty of people saying how thin diameter will snap itself sometimes and for someone with no job, I can't afford to lose lures. Lol then again, I only plan to throw soft plastics with this setup.
  24. That's what I was thinking since BC pulls it onto the spool more directly.
  25. This is probably a dumb question, but why doesn't fluoro spiral on a BC like it does on spinning equipment?
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