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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. I have an H2O hollow body, I just haven't learned to walk it properly. I started getting the hang of it and it shanked itself. Now it just tends to bob along.
  2. I don't have any carnivores. I need to buy some, but I have other things I have to pay for before I spend more money on fishing gear. Lol I have to spend money on one of the few things more important to me than fishing.
  3. There's about a 8-10 inches of water above the vegetation and its pretty even. I can get on the dock and cast toward the middle without much problem because it's a really deep pond. My dad told me when they were building it they made it deep enough that and excavator could extend its arm all the way up and it would be close to even with the bank. Not sure if that's true, but I do know it's deep
  4. I'm fishing from the bank. I'm not any good with the hollow body frog I have and the other frogs get hung up so I don't like using them much. I've tried fishing a fee soft plastics on top water but had no luck with that either.
  5. I'd prefer to hunt a bear with a 45-70. If it can kill me, I wanna make sure it doesn't have a chance. Lol then again, I don't hunt at all except the occasional squirrel and I try to hunt coyotes, I've just never got one.
  6. I haven't had any luck in the past few days at the pond I normally fish. I normally fish top water because it has so many weeds that every time you cast something out, by the time you start reeling it is already covered. Earlier this year I was catching at least eight a day there on a worm but was getting so tangled up in weeds I gave up fishing it for a while. I haven't been catching much on top water so I tried a worm today and steady retrieved like I normally do there. I only got one bite and I missed him. My question is, what lure should I be using? I don't have much for tackle (a few lipless cranks, brim cranks, buzzbaits, one spinnerbait, worms, a few frogs, and a jitterbug). If I could get some advice it'd be nice.
  7. So because you don't like something that means it shouldn't exist? Seems legit.
  8. I'll pick one up if Acadamy has them.
  9. Here is my favorite deathcore song. The only one I could understand what they were saying throughout the the whole song. I'm sure none of you will like it, but I'm also sure at least one of you can relate to the message of it. Lol
  10. Forgot a genre, screamo.
  11. There's a lot of songs that I have to look up lyrics in in deathcore because I can't understand what they're saying through speakers. I believe it's the studio sounds because when I watch them live I can normally understand it and if it's a good quality recording I can understand most of it.
  12. Deathcore is more hardcore lyrics. Metal and hard rock have a little softer lyrics and vocals. Lol
  13. Metal, hard rock, deathcore, etc. Those are more my genres. I also listen to country, just not as often as the others I listed.
  14. The way you described the vegetation getting you tangled up pretty easily reminds me of the pond I fish. Try buying some watermelon seed curly tail worms and T-rig them. Instead of fishing them slow, throw them near the cat tails and do a steady retrieve. Try to keep it about middle of the water column. If that fails, get out a jitterbug or buzzbait and have at it. The pond I fish has so many weeds all I fish now is top water.
  15. You know, if you ever want to give some of those lures to someone in need...*hint hint* lol
  16. If only you knew how much **** I got from that movie. Lol
  17. There's always someone that says Forrest Gump.
  18. Donnie Darko, Full Metal Jacket, and Silver Bullet would be my top three.
  19. We used to have two dogs and 14 puppies, three snakes, an iguana, two sugar gliders, a turtle, I can't remember the rest. Lol how do you like your monitor? I would like to get either a monitor or bearded Dragon.
  20. I can't speak for any KVD stuff because I refuse to buy stuff with people's name's on it. The only name I like on the stuff I buy is the company name. That aside, my Quantum is a sweet reel. I wouldn't mind having 1, 2, or 10 more.
  21. Time for hate. I've only owned a handful of reels and all were low costs. My best reel so far is my Quantum Accurist. Until I get a better reel, I will continue to call it the best I've owned. Mainly because it is.
  22. It will work fine for a beginner reel, just don't expect it to last a long time.
  23. I would suggest getting around a $200 setup at least. If it comes down to it, put $100 on the reel first and get a cheap rod to last until you get the money for a good one. Rods tend to last longer than reels most of the time which is why I'm suggesting getting the reel first. You may have to get another cheap reel before you get a good one if you end up buying the expensive rod first. As far as suggestions, I like my Quantum Accurist. Of course I'm going to be biased toward it since its the first decent reel I've bought. I think a good rod would be a Black ***. I can't give you many suggestions because I don't have the money to buy much myself and I don't use other people's gear, but based on what I've heard the Black *** is a pretty sweet rod.
  24. Assembly time goes off of how much money you plan to spend at a time.
  25. You can say whatever you want about Quantum, they're good reels and if you don't like them that's your opinion. I think I would like Shimano reels, but I'm not going to buy one due to the people who trash talk every other reel because it's not the brand they like.
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