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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. I'll never sell my moto gear. That's my life. Lol much more so than fishing is to most people. The only reason I'm really considering it is because my dad has a good bit of fishing gear and I could use that. This year is the most I've fished all my life and I've had a ton of fun with it, but I'd like to try some new things or really get serious in motocross and work on going pro. I'm already past the age of what most riders go pro at. I'll make up my mind sooner or later. It's about to be Christmas and my birthday is New Years so I'll probably get some money and forget the idea of selling my gear ever popped into my head.
  2. I'm not planning on fighting MMA, just would like to train a little more for fun.
  3. I figured I could maybe get $100-$120 for the rod and reel. That's a lot of money when you have no job. That could buy me some new motocross gear at least. I'm still trying to decide, just seems pointless to have something you never get the chance to use.
  4. I don't have to worry about replacing much if I do sell it. I only have one setup and a few baits, but the problem is that I know if I sell it and do decide to fish again I know that I'll end up finding something else to buy instead of fishing gear. Lol ehh, motocross holds more enjoyment for me and I'd be more likely to make it pro in motocross. Just really don't wanna sell my fishing gear and then have everyone want to start going fishing with me all of the sudden.
  5. Just had this idea pop into my head about an hour ago and now I'm really considering it. I love fishing, but I never go and I have other stuff I need to spend my money on. That, and even if I do sell my stuff we still have other rods and reels I can use. I don't like to go fishing by myself and no one ever wants to go. I need the money for more bike and quad parts, maybe even training gear for MMA. I wouldn't have posted this, but I figured I'd get plenty of helpful opinions, and probably be called crazy a few times.
  6. I prefer a Ferrari, but everyone prefers different things.
  7. I only watch motocross and hard enduro. In MX/SX: Ken Roczen In enduro: Graham Jarvis, he can do anything on a bike. Freestyle, which I'm not really that into: Travis Pastrana
  8. I like revolvers, but Taurus just came out with a new semi-auto pistol that you can put in your pocket. It's called the curve and it looks pretty neat. The only problem I see is that there are no sights and the grip may be a little awkward.
  9. Fishing related, a Quantum Smoke BC. Not fishing related, a '15 YZ250F and a '15 YZ250X or KTM 300XC.
  10. I would like to be able to use braid and a leader, but I only have one rod and reel setup so I change baits a lot and I'd be spending more time tying leaders than fishing. I thought about tying a swivel to the braid and making quite a few different leaders tied to a snap swivel but that kinda defeats the purpose of using a fluoro leader considering it would add to the visibility factor. I like mono.
  11. I had to catch him. He took the tail of the lizard so I got my revenge. I'm thinking about trying a dropshot for the first time ever today.
  12. I went to the pond for about thirty minutes or so. It's has tons of weeds so I normally fish top water, but I decided to bite the bullet and use a T-rig. Only caught one tiny bass. I was kinda disappointed, but one bass is better than no bass. Just figured I'd make an update status since I haven't been as active on this site lately.
  13. I've done that with a spinning reel before I knew you could change what side the handle is on.
  14. I use right handed baitcasters and I also swap my spinning g reels to right hand retrieve because it feels more natural and I feel that I have more control and power. Maybe most of you grew up using spinning reels but I grew up using a Zebco 33 so that's what feels normal.
  15. Either Slipknot-All Hope Is Gone, or Three Days Grace-One-X.
  16. Catfishing is fun at times, but too slow to do very often. Bass and bluegill are my favorites to fish for.
  17. I have $20 Wahl clippers. They're cheap and I can't grow anything anyways. Lol
  18. Now that I think about it I remember that it has "ACS" on the braking dial. That was a brainfart. Was I correct about it just being an externally adjustable centrifugal braking system?
  19. I've had the Accurist a while but have heard from some that it is dual braking and according to Tackle Warehouse, it is ACS, which in my understanding is externally adjustable centrifugal braking system. That's the best I could figure from Google. The thing is, the one that is on TWH is the newer one and I'm not sure if they updated the braking on the newer model. I know it's a kinda ignorant question and I should know my reel, but I'm just curious.
  20. I like cork more. Looks better and feels better. There's no problem with EVA grips though. The only two rods I own are EVA.
  21. Because I have to have something to do when I can't rip my dirt bike around a track or trails.
  22. I bought the Laguna for my dad for his birthday this year. I can't give you a full review because I have only used it twice, but it seems surprisingly light and sensitive.
  23. I bought a Diawa Laguna for my dad on his birthday. It was on sale at Academy for $20. It's light and sensitive. Can't give you a great review on it because I've only used it twice.
  24. I would love to own a higher quality reel, but with no job I'm on a very strict budget. The best reel I have is a silver Quatum Accurist Burner. I got it on sale for $40.
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