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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. So kids aren't allowed to have guns? Got my first one when I was eleven, shot my first gun when I was probably five or six. I've been studying them since I was eight and plan to go to college for gunsmithing. I own five guns now.Mosin Nagant, S&W M&P15-22, Winchester Model 1300 XTR, A Savage .410 (can't remember the model but I believe it's a Model 67 Series E), and a Heritage Rough Rider .22LR.
  2. One, why aren't there more aftermarket parts for Quantum? And two, any tips for taking reels down for a cleaning? I'm fairly mechanically inclined, but the only reel I've taken apart was my mother's cheap Zebco spinning reel. It was having problems and she wanted me to try to fix it. I think my Accurist is overdue for a cleaning. I have the schematics sheet for it, just wanna know if there's anything I need to look out for.
  3. I've been wanting an M1 Garand and a M1903A3 for a while. Lol I see the Garands all over the place, just don't have that kinda money. I'd like to get deeper into milsurps. I know a decent amount about Mosins, just don't know anything about the others, unfortunately. I occasionally see Mausers and Lee Enfields, but I never know what model they are or if it's a good deal.
  4. I'd take the pond. I'd rather have a kayak over a boat. I feel like I'd have to much fun driving the boat around and forget all about fishing. Plus when I'm too lazy to hook up the trailer, drive to the river, unload the boat, fish, load the boat back up, and drive home, I could just go fish in the pond.
  5. Is there any other Mosin Nagant lovers out there? I've liked them for a while and treated myself to a '43 Tula 91/30 on the 26th. I shot it for the first time yesterday and I am definitely in love and will probably end up owning at least ten more Mosins. I was waiting to get my field gauge in to make sure the head space was good before I shot it. The headspace is good, firing pin protrusion is good, bore is good, everything seems good. My accuracy was off yesterday because I was a little nervous about shooting such a high caliber rifle with a steel buttplate considering all the horror stories I've heard about the recoil. After the first shot I realized that it doesn't kick at all. Anyways, I love this thing. Sorry if this doesn't make too much sense, I heard a loud explosion and kinda lost my train of thought. Lol
  6. Bluegill out of the pond I fish with an ultralight underspin. They like to steal your bait which makes it more fun.
  7. You're shooting down towards the ground, it looks pretty thickly wooded also so trees should help stop it, and according to the first picture, you have plenty if distance to work with. I believe you're good.
  8. You said you are replacing a few spinning reels, why not buy both and see which you like better?
  9. Rod: dynamite. Reel: frag grenade. Baits: mortar, Laser guided missile, 105mm, 40mm, 25mm. Now who wants to make a bet that I'll be finding the biggest number of fish?
  10. I hate crankbaits. They seem boring to me. I'd rather use a T-rig over anything.
  11. I had the Cardinal SX and wasn't a fan. It didn't seem like it casted far at all. Then again, I had 12lb mono on and it was on a Zebco 2-piece rod so I'm sure it wasn't the best setup for casting distance.
  12. Hey, now I have a moto bud on these forums.
  13. Negative, don't plan to go to college.
  14. I have no pictures, but I was trying to get some weeds off of a spinnerbait one time and I shake all the time for some reason so I thought my finger was clear of the hook and when the weeds gave their grip up the hook went under my fingernail. I just gritted my teeth and pulled it out because I have a high pain tolerance but I'm scared of getting hooked.
  15. For me it would probably be the first time I caught a bass out of the river. It was April or May of this year if I remember correctly. I've been bass fishing ponds for two years and just got the chance to go to the river often this year. Anyways, I was throwing a $1 spinnerbait by some logs knocked in the river by tornadoes and got a strong hit. I always get hung up when I river fish so I thought I caught a log. Kept reeling and pulled in a 2lber. Bigger than any bass I've pulled out of the pond I fish.
  16. I asked about a job at a motorcycle shop that I always buy stuff from last year. The guy said it would be a long internship process and even after that I probably wouldn't get the job. If it was close, I'd still find it helpful, but it's about a 20 minute drive. My sister went the motorcycle mechanic route and I don't even believe she has worked in a motorcycle shop. I'd like to be able to work on my own bike, but I have people who already do that for free and I don't have to freeze in the cold. I just know that I have a slight chance of going pro if I really try and I'd like to put the effort forth.
  17. I like speed. I'd have to go to every track day possible if I had an expensive car. That's why I'd choose the Ferrari. Preferably an F40 or 458. Although an Aston Martin is another dream car of mine.
  18. I live in Alabama. Otherwise I'd be interested.
  19. I don't yet. When I get a job I will. The money from selling my fishing gear was just going to be for fixing stuff on my bike or new gear.
  20. It's just a Quantum Accurist on a Abu Garcia Vendetta.
  21. That's what I was thinking of doing.
  22. I almost put in an application at a car wash the other day, but it's winter and I don't do cold well enough to work at a car wash this time of year. Lol I thought about putting in at Lowe's. I know where everything is in there and probably know more about it than most of the workers.
  23. Not making money yet, but I've been in it since I was a kid and I keep up with B class riders. Not sure if that means anything to any of you or not, but that's with me not riding much. Most people work pretty hard to get to the pace I ride and I haven't even really tried. That's one reason I'd like to really put my effort into it.
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