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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. I took it out yesterday and got my first bass on it. It was a small one, maybe a pound, but i at least got hooked into something. The accuracy and distance with a weightless Senko is incredible. I’ll try to get some pictures with it later. I just keep forgetting and I’m not much of a picture taker.
  2. It arrived yesterday. I just got it out and casted it a few times to see how it does. I definitely have good taste. It casts even better than I expected.
  3. I got stung by something at work not long after a started, which was just a few months ago. I’m guessing it was a hornet, because I’ve been stung by bees, wasps, ants, etc., but this one in particular had my hand swelled up for three days.
  4. I’m usually in bed by 8:30 and up by 5:45. I get made fun of for it, but I’ve done the three hours a night of sleep thing before. I’m not game for functioning on little sleep these days.
  5. That’s exactly right! Lol it was a drunk purchase yesterday, but I don’t think I’ll have any regrets. Just the sober realization that I spent half of my check on it. Lol
  6. I ordered a Shimano Calcutta Conquest 100 DC from DigiTaka. I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad (if you get those lyrics, you’re awesome) that I’m more broke when I’m employed than I am when I’m unemployed. I can stretch $50 for a month, but $800 is gone in a few days. For the record, all my bills are caught up, and I only have to worry about fuel to get back and forth to work.
  7. I hate trying to get motivated. I love it once I get going.
  8. I got my new Daiwa Millionaire CT SV 70H in. Just casting it some in the yard, I’m already in love with it. So is my buddy. He’s ticked at me because he wants one now.
  9. My understanding is that each point is worth a Yen. So, if you buy something that costs ¥24,000, then add the points, the price decreases to ¥23,700.
  10. The Black Max is a great reel for the price. Pair it with a Daiwa AirD X and you have a fantastic beginner combo for <$100.
  11. Same here. I’ve spent about that in the past three months. Lol
  12. I do almost exclusively finesse presentations. I have a lot of power fishing baits, but I rarely break them out. Most of the time, I have a Ned rig tied on, and I rarely stray away from that.
  13. Mud bugs here in northern Alabama.
  14. Thanks to you bad influences, I ordered a Daiwa Millionaire CT SV 70 last night from Digitaka.
  15. A Ferrari isn’t going to be good in the mud or at rock crawling. Just because you spend a lot of money doesn’t make it good at everything.
  16. I see Quantum the same as any other brand that isn’t Abu, Daiwa, or Shimano. They may not be bad, but everything that they can do, the previously stated companies can do better for the same price or less. For instance, I had a Quantum Accurist for a short time. My Black Max reels outperformed in it every way. The only thing I liked more about the Accurist was that it had an aluminum frame.
  17. Personally, aside from the medication, staying busy has been the best thing for me. If I’m working, I’m thinking about that. Not all of the other bad stuff that’s happening in my life. And if you’re not busy, then dive into your hobbies. Doing things you love and staying active are both very good for your mental health.
  18. I don’t believe that one technique that justifies one over the other. I think it’s all personal preference and what you’re comfortable with.
  19. I only use leaders on my catfish rigs for abrasion resistance. For bass and bluegill, I run straight braid. It provides the best sensitivity, the best line management, and the best overall performance for me.
  20. Cut bait is your best bet, but if you don’t have any, Secret 7 dip bait will work fine. I use it all the time because getting live bait this year has not gone well. I don’t target channels, but they always seem to find the Secret 7.
  21. Right now the Ambassadeur 100th anniversary is on sale at Tackle Warehouse for $150. I got mine in a couple of weeks ago. Being a round reel guy, I don’t think you could find a better deal. If round reels aren’t your thing, then I’d suggest a Curado. I just got a Tatula SV, and I think the Curado is probably the better reel for the money. The Tatula is great, don’t get me wrong, but I feel that the Curado is smoother, casts slightly better, and feels better in the hand. I’m wishing I would have went with a Curado 70 MGL instead of the Tatula.
  22. It appears that this topic has picked back up, for whatever reason. I've moved from primarily bass to catfishing now, so I don't move as much. I now have a tote with all of my fishing gear in it. Rod holders, cast net, line, bass gear, catfish gear, panfish gear, etc. It's heavy, so I wouldn't carry it far, but all of the areas i fish are less than 100 yards from where I park. I have my bass gear for when I get bored, my cast net for bait, and my panfish gear for when I'm not getting anything in the cast net (I'm terrible with it). I do have a bag if I decide to just bass fish, but I haven't done that since last year. I don't even have a bass rod these days. Just catfish gear.
  23. I believe a casting reel would last longer. Less parts that can go bad, and I feel like spinning reels just see more stress because of the distance from the reel seat to the reel. That being said, with proper maintenance and a quality reel, neither should fail you. They'll become obsolete long before they have any real issues that can't be resolved my the average joe.
  24. It's a reel, and a reel is a tool. Do you avoid hitting things with your hammer because you're scared your hammer will look bad?
  25. The anniversary edition Ambassadeur. I love Ambassadeur reels, and I mostly catfish now, so it would suit my needs well.
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