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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. Yeah, I probably won't go too crazy on the rigging anyways. Maybe a cheap fishfinder, rod holders, and some stuff for storage. Plus a paddle leash, rod leash, and a net.
  2. I only have one rod and reel, so it'd be nice to use snap swivels so I can change my baits easier and faster, but I don't want to risk missing fish bites because of it.
  3. I do miss the old Halo's. I seen an Xbox on a video that was worth a ton of money. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I think it was one of twelve issued to the main guys that came up with the original Xbox design or something. I don't remember exactly.
  4. I have a pair of Nike's I use. I bought them for running, but I didn't get into it like I was supposed to so now they're just my work/fishing shoes.
  5. If you don't enjoy kayaking then you can't enjoy the kayak.
  6. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, mainly because the bank fishing here isn't all too great and even if the fishing sucks I'll enjoy kayaking. If I get tired of it after a while, I can just sell them and get a rifle like I was wanting.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions bud! I would, but I don't like using other peoples stuff. Lol
  8. BTW, the red kayak is a Pelican Maverick 100 I believe. Red on top, white on bottom.
  9. I have to deal with the moto monkey and gun monkey.
  10. I keep mine in their original bags.
  11. I'm close. Lol I live in Alabama. Thought about going to get a temporary license and see how the fishing is across the line.
  12. Unless you have to get it in and out of tight spots, go with one piece. I always hated two piece rods.
  13. I'd buy one. If nothing else, just put it on a shelf to look at if it doesn't work. Looks sick.
  14. Lol I didn't know they made fish finders that cheap. I thought the cheapest would be around a few hundred.
  15. Any good accessories I could throw on? Fish finder may not be an option for a while. Lol I'm giving the smaller of the three to my mom, the blue one to my dad, and the red one, which is the newest and my favorite color, will be mine. Lol I've been looking to get rid of my quad for a while and I've been wanting a kayak for even longer.
  16. I'd definitely prefer to have a sit on, but everyone with the sit on tops are wanting to trade for other kayaks. Lol this is only one of two decent deals I've been offered for the quad, and I wish I would've taken the first, but my dad screwed that one up. I may wait. Having troubles with the quad right now anyways so I'm sure that'll deter the guy if I change my mind.
  17. I've had my quad on Craigslist for sale for a while and today I got offered three nice (to me) kayaks. Two ten footers and one eight footer. The one I'm gonna keep for myself is a 10ft sit in Pelican. How are the sit in's for fishing? I've been wanting a fishing kayak for a while and this one I'll just do my best to set up for fishing. Also, any tips on gear I should get for it or any kind of handy tips to make it more fishing friendly would be much appreciated. He's going to throw in paddles for each kayak as well and I'm gonna buy a nice life jacket. I'm a good swimmer, but drowning is my second biggest fear. Lol
  18. I'm hopefully getting an M1 Garand soon. It depends on whether I decide to go with it or a bike. The Garand is one of my dream rifles to own, but I'll miss riding dirt bikes. There's just nowhere to ride here.
  19. Thanks man, it's just tough. I'm trying to keep it together but I feel like I'm just dying inside right now.
  20. Going through a rough patch right now. Me and my now ex broke up. Right now I just want to give up on life but I promised her I wouldn't. I still just want to go to sleep and not wake up though. I'm just tired of life right now. I'm sure someone will come in with, "suck it up, buttercup," but if I could suck it up and deal with it better I would. I'm just basically dreading every day now.
  21. I have noticed this reel is very noisy. Does that mean the bearings are packed in grease or is it good to go?
  22. 54R is $13 a box instead of $20 a box though. Lol plus, I'm just a Russian weapons guy. I don't hunt so the FMJ does fine for me. I wouldn't mind getting a VEPR in 54R or an AK in 5.45x39 or 7.62x39.
  23. 7.62x54R...
  24. True that! Lol I have motocross, but right now I'm trying to find another bike.
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