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Everything posted by ThatZX14Fella

  1. Let me rewrite that, I'd do as bad as I do now.
  2. I was gonna get a stakeout pole. J said the anchor wouldn't be good for currents.
  3. Lol I had a feeling it'd be something simple. How much backing do I need?
  4. Went out again today. Done a decent amount of fishing, but not as much as I'd liked to have done. The paddle holder made things way more convenient and way nicer. I can't wait to get the rod holder set up. I think the next mod may be a cheap fish finder.
  5. That's probably it. I've only used braid once so I didn't know that it would slip on the spool. I'll back it with mono tomorrow and make sure that is it.
  6. Haven't used this reel but a hand full of times and the drag is already weak. It may be my fault because I keep the drag cranked all the time, but none of my reels have had this problem. Too late to take it back to Academy, so what do I need to get, if anything, to get it working again? I'm not very smart when it comes to reels, so if it's something stupidly simple, I give you permission to point and laugh.
  7. I've gotta buy some jigs. Don't have any at the moment. Also gotta buy some spinnerbaits, crankbaits, soft plastics, etc.
  8. I'd do as good as I do now since I don't use electronics. Lol
  9. I wish I could change it. Maybe I'll get one today. I'm taking the yak back out today. I got a paddle holder on it, but don't have waterproof silicone or a crate for my rod holder, so it has to wait.
  10. I hate to admit it, but I don't even think I've caught a fish this year.
  11. Having no money is an easy way to avoid him. Plus, I hate to tell you, but it doesn't sound like you avoided him. You still bought the lures, you just done it in the fall. He still got you, you're just letting yourself believe you have defeated him.
  12. I couldn't put that much into a cooler. I'd just take the money and put it towards something else.
  13. Just spent $62 at Academy Sports. Bought a rod holder, paddle holder, waterproof phone carrier, and 50 pound Suffix Performance braid (only used braid a few times).
  14. Lol I think I'm already addicted. Just spent $62 at Academy Sports. Bought a rod holder, paddle holder, waterproof phone carrier, and 50 pound Suffix Performance braid (only used braid a few times).
  15. I think I'll buy the main things that I know I'll need and then slowly build up on other stuff until I'm happy with my setup.
  16. This is one of the pics my mom took of me today. Found an old pontoon in a creek.
  17. The main things I'm worried out are a better seat and a rod holder or two. I have plenty of room in between my legs for a tackle bag, but I think I'll get one or two of the bigger Plano boxes to put the main baits I use in and just store them where my bag was today. Now that I think about it, a paddle holder would be nice too. Other than that, there are a few mods I can think of that can either wait until I get the money for them or upgrade to a nicer fishing kayak.
  18. I'm starting out in a Pelican sit in. Took it out for the first time today. Didn't do much fishing since I was mainly exploring and trying to get used to it. Stayed out about 2 1/2 hours. Got kind of an idea of the mods I'd like to do. The two main ones would be a better seat (the one I have in it now is just too far down my back and feels like it's making it blister) and a couple of rod holders. Other than that, there's a few mods that I'd like to do that can wait. I mainly just need to get used to fishing out of it.
  19. Do you mean that's all you bought or that's all you decided you needed after the first trip out with everything you bought? Anyways, got to try mine out today. Didn't do much fishing. I was mainly just getting a feel for the kayak and exploring. Think I have a decent idea of what I need.
  20. Thanks man. I wish it were mine. Just a pic I stole from google. Lol I'd like to have an enduro more, but supermotos are awesome!
  21. I'm not very keen on fish anatomy, but I think I hooked a bluegill through the brain one time. I hooked him through the eye and it took me a while to get the hook out. Put him back in the water and he just swam around in circles for a few minutes and just floated to the top. I felt bad, but if I were super worried about the fish I wouldn't be fishing. I respect them, and I don't want them to die because of a foul hook, but you can't help it. I do my best to keep the fish I catch alive. Most of the time I don't even bother with taking pictures unless it's one of the bigger ones I've caught, I just try to get them back in the water as fast as possible.
  22. Alright, thanks for the tip. I may say a lot of stupid things. Don't know much about these...
  23. I'm from North Alabama. Tanner, or Limestone County. Whichever you prefer to say. Lol
  24. I didn't think about the leashes being a safety hazard, but now that I think about it I can see why. I gotta get a decent PFD. I also would like an anchor since I'll be fishing rivers and the current drags you around.
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