My second worst fear is drowning, so I'm not going out without one. Lol I'm trying to decide whether to get one of the high dollar ones so I can be more comfortable, a new rod and reel setup, or some other things I've been wanting for a while.
He actually enjoys fishing but he has bad back problems and he stays on the heating pad as soon as he gets home from work. Plus he hasn't been wanting to go because the heat index has been 105+ the past few days. Maybe I can get him to go tomorrow or this weekend.
I didn't wanna make another post and be annoying, so I'll just put this in here. I'm kinda aggravated right now. Ever since I've got these I've been trying to get my dad to go with us and he hasn't done it. I understand he works five days a week and has back problems, but it'd be nice to go fishing with him. We were gonna go yesterday but it was already almost dark so I told him we'd wait. Just started to load up to go today and it's about to storm. I'm pretty frustrated right now.
I can't bring myself to tie on a leader. I bought 50lb braid for a few reasons. More durable, more manageable, stronger, thinner, etc. I don't really get the point of tying a 10-15lb leader on 50lb mainline. In my opinion, if you're going to have a leader you may as well just put on a full spool of mono/fluoro. That's just my opinion...
I've shot a Savage bolt action .17. They're sweet rifles. Shot a rat at about 25 meters with it. I'd never seen a rat fly before that day. Shot him right through the lower part of the rib cage. Keep in mind, I'm a horrible shot because of my shaking problem. As far as .22's, I love them. Have an S&W M&P15-22 and a Heritage Rough Rider. Love the S&W. I like the Heritage, but I have to tighten the push rod guard constantly.
.17 HMR my friend....17 HMR. Better ballistics than the .22 and more accurate. The main downside is that it's more expensive, but also more available. I've been thinking about getting the A17 since I'm a semi auto guy.
Are your brakes adjusted properly for your casting abilities? You can have the spool tension knob off and if your brakes are set high then it won't make much difference. Once you adjust your brakes properly you should be fine. If not then you should send it to someone for a cleaning and inspection. It may be bearings or something else.
Sounds to me like you're loosening the spool tension knob. The spool tension knob is on the same side as the handle and the brake's are on the opposing side.
The worst I've had was a spinner that went under my fingernail that went past the barb. I just grit my teeth and ripped it out. It's times like that that I'm very glad to have high pain tolerance.
If I hadn't just got a mess of new bass baits I'd try to go get some bluegill, then maybe cut them up for catfish. Anyways, I've never tried the jar panfish baits, but the bluegill in the pond I used to fish seemed to really like cut up hot dogs.
Well, I've been on here for over a year and never done an introduction. My name is Forrest, I'm into motocross, fishing, shooting, etc. I'm an aspiring gunsmith. I really don't know what to say for an introduction, so I'll leave it at that.
.22 isn't coming back like it used to me. Not for a few years anyways. People will buy crazy amounts so they can turn around and resell for twice retail and the people who actually want to train or teach their kids to shoot won't be able to find any. That's the way it's going to be. It'll be that way for every other caliber if they find out they can do it with the others.
Don't feel bad. I've been fishing the past three days straight out of my new kayak and haven't caught a thing. Got a lot of baits today, so maybe it'll help having more variety.
You guys suck. Just went to a local tackle shop and bought a $50 pair of sunglasses and quite a bit of tackle. Spent $126 in total, and bought my first Lucky Craft. It's a 1.5 squarebill.
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