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About ThatZX14Fella

  • Birthday 01/01/1995

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  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Tennessee River.

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  1. I’m right handed and reel with my right. I’ve tried a left handed casting reel once and it was really awkward. Considering trying it again, because I want to get a MB Huntsman rod and a Conquest BFS. I feel that rod would be a bit more of a struggle to transfer hands with.
  2. My argument for people being worried about the fish seeing the braid has always been that the fish can see the hook, yet still bite. It’s much more visible than the line ever will be, and it’s where they’re focused. If they can’t see a silver shiny thing that is 10x the thickness of the line, I don’t think the line is an issue.
  3. I can’t say much because I have no personal experience with the new trucks, but it does seem that a lot of them have reliability issues. The older trucks seem to be better built, but then you lose some comfort and fuel economy. Maybe an older 3.5 Ecoboost F150 would be good for you. Those seem to be pretty good trucks.
  4. Closest one for me was riding with my little brother (not blood related, but I’ve known him his entire life). His 16th birthday, he cops a feel on a girl, runs off one side of the road, overcorrects, then runs off the other side. Hit a fence and took out a couple of trees. I was in the back center seat with no seatbelt on. Almost went through the windshield, which probably would’ve ended with me face planting the tree that stopped us. After that night was when I decided to start trusting my gut when I got a bad feeling.
  5. I haven’t had any issues yet with them. Every time I reeled in yesterday, they were still attached. They seemed to stay on the hook ok, but it could’ve just been from the fish not committing, which could be the issue entirely.
  6. The only place I have access to, is where I’m the only one allowed to fish because I’m the only one that’s respected the owners rules. It’s just a bunch of dinks, and I don’t like to fish it because I don’t want the owner to think that I’m disrespecting his family (I have to cross his nephews property to get to the pond). I only fish there if I really, really need a confidence boost.
  7. I’m a major Halo fan. Been wanting to start my collection on that. All I have is the first three books and the 25th book. I’d like to get some Pops and models. I’m actually proud of myself, though. I got my dad into the TV show, even though it’s nothing like the books or the games.
  8. I wish I had an issue of catching so many fish that my wrists hurt. I have bad wrists, and they still feel fresh by the time I leave. Lol
  9. I was using some small jig head hooks just to give a little weight. I’ve got some smaller hooks I’ll try. I’ve been using the little yellow nugget looking things for bait. I’m going to try a smaller hook, and I’ll see if that solves the issue.
  10. So, when I fish, I fish for whatever bites. Sometimes I like to take some bream baits and a bobber out to try and catch some panfish. However. My hookup ratio with this technique is probably 1/500. I’ve tried taking my time after the bobber goes down, setting the hook as soon as it’s underwater, swinging for them fences, a gentle pull, reeling in slack, leaving slack, essentially everything I can think of to hook into a fish. I always end up missing. What’s the trick? It gets frustrating when my bobber is down every thirty seconds and I can’t land a fish. I’d like to even catch some as bait for catfish, but it’s pretty impossible if I can’t land the fish.
  11. Ned rig. It’s small, it’s works when nothing else does. It’s not the most exciting method, but it flat out catches fish.
  12. The only old school thing I own is a 1973 Ambassadeur 5000 that I need to fix up. I’d like to get more, but I’m so stuck on trying to stock up on the new stuff I like to have the money for the older stuff. I’d like to go hit some antique stores and see what I can find. I need to get all of my stuff together for an updated picture. I’ve spent way too much money on reels in the past couple of years, and I’ve only bought four. I got a Daiwa Millionaire CT SV 70H because I’m a sucker for round reels. Got a Shimano Conquest DC 100, because, again, sucker for round reels and wanted to try out a DC reel. I got the Daiwa Zillion G, because everyone was saying it’s the best all around reel you can get. And, finally, the first one I bought when I started getting back into the hobby was a Tatula SV TWS, which I think I’ve used twice since I bought it because I’ve been too busy playing with the others.
  13. I run straight braid. I prefer the way it handles. I can’t do the leader thing. I’ve given it many opportunities and it’s just too much of a hassle when lose a lure and have to tie on another leader. Seems like a waste of time.
  14. No more drinking for me. I went too hard for too long. I got diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. Have to quit drinking, quit vaping, and drastically change my diet.
  15. I don’t have any advice to offer. I never catch anything myself. I just basically go to enjoy the outdoors and the tackle I’ve bought.
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