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Everything posted by mcnastyf

  1. It's taken quite a few of Gene's videos and this forum to convince me. The last two days I've fished a Jig 85% of the time. Still no luck. I'm sure it's not the equipment but the operator. I like the idea of fishing with nothing else. I've had to do that with my bait casting rod. If I leave my spinning rod at home I won't be tempted to use it. Well done all around forum. Deepest thanks.
  2. I've done as I was asked. At least the best I could. After going over the forums I'd like to ask the anglers of Bass Resource. Where can you bank fish in Comal County Texas? I have no access to a boat. It seems there's very little public beach front withing 30 miles of where I live. I have a couple friends that will let me fish their property. My favorite location has really slowed down. We've gotten lot's of rain so the water has risen significantly. I'm also limited to about 100 yard of area to fish. Central Texans where can I get access to some shore front. Publicly or privately. Cheers!
  3. I fish in central Texas on the Guadalupe River. First part of Spring seemed to be gangbusters. Now I'm in the same boat no pun intended. The suggestion above of posting the conditions is great. I'm a bank fisherman (because I can't afford a boat). That means that water Temp is really hard to determine. We've just received some heavy rain. Now I can't buy a fish. Insert sad face. I take advice from a lot of sources. I will change my game completely from top water to drop shot. Still not having any luck. I even went fishing in the middle of the night. All rambling aside. I feel your pain.
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