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About RatONaStick

  • Birthday 12/19/1977

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    Wilmington, NC
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  1. Thanks for the hard work Glenn. Merry Christmas
  2. Yes, I did it earlier and did it again just now, same thing.
  3. I'm still getting zero results.
  4. Seems like the search function doesn't work. I can enter generic terms like boat or line and it returns zero results.
  5. Big T Check out the new Stradic Fi. They just came out and have incorporated many features of the high dollar Stella. I just picked one up for my dad for Christmas based on a recommendation from Roadwarrior. Got it on Ebay, cost me $123 to my door. I know it costs a bit more than what you're willing to spend, but hey whats a few bucks more? I haven't used it yet but it seems to be really solid built and smooooth. Go over to Basspro and Cabelas websites and read the reviews on this reel. Everyone that has reviewed gives it 5 out of 5 stars, they claim it casts much farther than the old Stradic and farther than the previous model Stella. We should get together and fish Sutton lake some time.
  6. I recently bought a MK Terrova 55lb with autopilot to replace the old worn out 30lb MotorGuide on my Bass Tracker. Supposedly MK fixed all of the problems with PowerDrive on the Terrova. Although I havent mounted it or used it yet I did hang it off the side of the boat to run it. It seems to turn pretty fast, much faster than I thought it would. The autopilot seems to work pretty good too, with the autopilot engaged I picked the unit up by the base and turned it back and forth real quick and it corrected as fast as I could turn it. The stow and deploy system was redesigned on the Terrova (seems to work pretty good) and the footpedal has both left and right buttons as well as traditional foot pedal steering. Granted the Terrova is more money, I paid $900 for the 55lb with autopilot. The standard version without autopilot can be had for a little over $600 I believe.
  7. The transducer needs to be mounted on the pad(or vee as you call it). At speed the boat actually rides on the pad and unless it's mounted there it will never be deep enough in the water to get a good reading.
  8. 4biz Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.
  9. Hi folks I'm looking to throw some swimbaits this year, particularly Matts bluegill/baby bass and the 6" Storm pearl swim shad. Being in NC, I don't see the need for anything larger, at least not yet. I would consider myself pretty green when it comes to swimbaits, I have thrown some of the small Storm swimbaits(3" to 4") with success so I wouldn't consider myself a total newbie to them. Anyway, I'm looking at the Okuma Guide Select swimbait rods and am kinda unsure about which length and most importantly which power to get. I see they make rods in both 7' 6" and 7' 11" lengths and powers from MH to XH. I have done some searching and there does seem to conflicting opinions about which power to use with what. I know I've seen some reviews that said the MH is ideal for baits like Matts Bluegill and the like, then I read people recommending the heavy power rod for baits like these. So which is it? Would the MH be more suited to these baits or would I need a Heavy? Is there an advantage to one over the other? What about length? Is there a preference for one over the other? I really don't see the need to throw anything larger than these baits and if I do I'll end up buying another rod/reel specifically for them. Any advice would be appreciated Thanks Brandon
  10. That's the VIN# - Vehicle Identification Number Depending on the year of the car the dealer has the key codes for each vin number. Some cars even have the key codes etched into the glass. My dad and I have done this several times. One in particular is my dads 02 Ford F150, this truck was a salvaged vehicle he bought from a salvage auction that we repaired. The keys were gone and all we did was take the vin up to the dealer and they cut a key for us right there. This key had a chip inside it and cost him $150.
  11. I haven't noticed anything different at either Wal mart here(we have two super stores). I have heard that Wal Mart is going to stop carrying guns.
  12. I have a Humminbird 737 with the quadrabeam and I think it's great. The main thing I like about it is the fact I dont have to cover nearly as much water while searching for cover/structure. In my opinion this is a good thing considering todays gas prices as well as the fact that I can spend more time fishing than searching. Another area I've found it to be extremely useful in is following old creek beds by allowing you to stay on top of it more easily. Because of the wide coverage area it gives more of an advanced warning before passing over the channel. Humminbirds quadrabeam actually has a narrow 20 degree beam, a 60 degree beam and two wide 45 degree beams on each side. Each beam has it's own mode as well as a mode that incoporates all of the beams together. Because of this you can pinpoint exactly where the object you are looking at is. I can't speak for anything but the quadrabeam but in it's case I would have to disagree with Josh about not being able to pinpoint what you are looking at. I will admit it does take time to get a good understanding of it and how to use it. Once you do learn to use it I feel it is a very valuable tool. If you do a search I think you'll find more info here about the quadrabeam sonar.
  13. I think it's a joke, the particular user has all different kinds of videos spoofing different players. He even has one of Ben Roethlisburger that I thought was kinda funny, and I'm a Steelers fan. Check this one out about Mike Vick aka "Ron Mexico", it's hilarious. ;D In case any of you don't know what the whole Ron Mexico thing is all about "In March, 2005, a woman named Sonya Elliot filed a civil lawsuit against Vick alleging she contracted genital herpes from Vick and that he failed to inform her that he had the disease.[1] Elliot further alleged that Vick had visited clinics under the alias "Ron Mexico" to get treatments and thus knew of his condition. This led to a number of fans ordering customized #7 Atlanta Falcons jerseys with the name "Mexico" or "Herpes" on the back.[2] Due to the media interest surrounding the case, the National Football League disallowed the use of the jersey/name combination two days after the lawsuit" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Vick#Ron_Mexico_controversy
  14. Hey, whatever floats yer boat. My father caught this cat using a 5" Senko and #3 Gammy EWG hook. Didn't have a scale at the time but we guestimate it to be around 20lb or so. This fish was caught using a MH action rod, 30lb braid and the drag cranked tight. The hook held up fine. This is all the proof I need.
  15. What brand hooks were you using? I've only broken one Gammy EWG hook. I had gotten snagged and bent the hook, tried to straighten it out with pliers and it snapped. I haven't found any disadvantages to using an EWG hook. Although I can see where on certain baits the traditonal J hook might be better suited.
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