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Subaqua Adinterim

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Everything posted by Subaqua Adinterim

  1. Thanks guys for the explanations, I definitely learn a lot here. After seeing this trolling motor option, it looks like a great alternative to one of those kits that puts the trolling motor at the back of the kayak with the pedal controls. This is much simpler and as long as you can control direction well with this way, it's a good option to consider.
  2. Nice article. We live in Penfeld, about 2 miles away. Wife and I go there occasionally, I usually get the fish fry. Service is fast and employees are always very pleasant and the food is great as well. I like the wide open setting inside the place and someone is always clearing tables, sweeping up and making sure things are spotless. It's good to have such a place so close to home.
  3. So just a few questions. Why would there be a warning for side mounting the trolling motor as one poster suggested? If it is ok to mount one this way, then how do you control direction - do you need a rudder? Thanks for helping me understand this more.
  4. One of the biggest kayak/canoe places is in Waterport between Rochester and Niagra Falls - it's called Oak Orchard. Go there and you can look at a huge variety of kayaks and ask questions and try them out.
  5. X2- agree with papajoe2222 above I actually put the odds more in the fish's favor by crimping down the barbs on my hooks. If I can have a little battle with the fish and see the size of it, then it's all good. If a fish takes a barbed hook too deep, the survival rate is not so good, so it also makes it more enjoyable to me to be able to release the fish easier whether it jumps off by the kayak or I get it in and have to unhook it. Of course I'm not in any tourneys and have no desire to ever be in one, so I guess there's a difference in my outlook because of that.
  6. X2- agree with papajoe2222
  7. Very nice. From the picture, it appears that the motor will be right behind your seat. So you just reach to the side and control it with your left hand? Do you have a rudder? Just wondering how you control direction.
  8. Check out the Adirondack forum the hunting and fishing section. Also, the NYS DEC website has maps and information about each lake. Additionally, there is a publication by Sportsman's Connection covering lakes in various regions of NY. it is sold at Walmart,Bass Pro, etc. you may be able to order this online from their site. I got one of these several years ago when we started going to the ADKs for vacation in September and it is quite helpful.
  9. Again, I will advise that you check out the fishing and hunting section of the Adirondack forum. Search past history or sign up and ask forum members for help.
  10. You're right. I just checked it out and only the UL is available for order online. Perhaps if you have a DSG store nearby they may have one in stock or they can get one for you from a neighboring store. Or maybe call customer service at their main number and see if they can accommodate you. They had these in the store in the Henrietta,NY location (near Rochester)
  11. I recently paired a Field & Stream Tech Spec Elite 7'' MF one piece which you can get from Dicks on sale now for $60 with a Pflueger Supreme that I got on clearance from Cabelas last month for 59.99. So it's possible to have a decent set up for the price range you are looking at.
  12. I have a Werner Camano with carbon shaft and fiberglass blades which is a little more than what you are looking at, probably $210 or so from Austin Kayak after applying the 15% discount. As suggested, try out the various models in your price range before buying. Speaking from experience, lighter weight makes paddling much easier and more comfortable for me.
  13. Go to the Dicks Sporting Goods site. Check out the Field & Stream tech-spec lite rods. 49.99 minus 25% off = 37.50 net cost . It's a 30 ton blank rod, I checked one out a few days ago. I think this is a great value and fits what you are looking for as they have the length that you want. I bought a Tech spec Elite a few days ago for $80 - 25%off minus $10 coupon for $50. Used it the next day and caught two fish with it and it was more sensitive than my ABU Veritas and much lighter with 3 more guides than the Veritas. Not sure who makes these F&S rods, however, they seem to have features found on more expensive well known brands. I don't work or represent any of these companies, just passing along information. Best of luck in your search. Field & Stream TEC-LITE Spinning Rods $49.99 FEATURES: Finely tuned for performance with small lures and light line Constructed with a 30 ton graphite rod blank Solid 1 piece blank design for enhanced power AO micro guides maximize line contact for better bite detection Split Grip design with blank-through-handle construction enhance sensitivity Combination of solid and ground cork seamlessly transitions from reel seat to handle Hook keeper Field & Stream SPECS: Power: UL-Ultra Light, L-Light Rod Power & Length: UL 5'6" Model: FEHTL561UL Line Weight: 2-6 lbs. Lure Weight: 1/32-1/4 oz. Rod Power & Length: L 6'6" Model: FEHTL661L Line Weight: 2-8 lbs. Lure Weight: 1/16-3/8 oz.
  14. Go to the Adirondack Forum site. They have a section there for hunting and fishing. You may get the information from reviewing previous posts or join and ask your question there. Good luck to you on your upcoming trip,
  15. Dicks Sporting Goods has the Field & Stream Elite Tech Spec on sale now 25% off of the $80 regular price makes it $60 and if you have a $10 coupon for purchases over $50 that they are constantly sending out, then the price will be $50. I looked at one of these and it had micro guides and 36ton graphite blank. Lighter than the Veritas that I have and more sensitive. Seems like a good value.
  16. Gary Y. 3.5 inch craw in watermelon with red flakes or pumpkin with green flakes. These fit perfectly on the Owner ultra shakey head with screw top in 4/0 size.
  17. I don't have any old ones to compare to; however, the newer ones work well for me,especially the smaller size in blue and silver. I just checked one of the new ones and it does rattle.
  18. I have caught all sorts of fish trolling a small blue and silver Thin Fin. It's the simplest lure made but it works. Have caught brown trout on it in Lake Ontario in the spring and bass, crappie and pike in other lakes throughout the year. The new ones work just as good for me as the older models. Cabelas sells them as do most of the other big retailers.
  19. Never had a problem. I use barrel swivels to transition to floro leader from mono or braid when I'm fishing plastics for bass. When fishing an inline spinner such as a panther martin I tie directly to the lure, always have with no problems. The blade spins better for me this way and since the blade on this type of lure is spinning around the body of the lure, I get little if any twist. By the way - Thanks to SirSnook for the recommendation, I got some USA braid 10# test and am using it on one of my rigs. Got the Orange color. So easy to see and it works beautifully. Priced right, got it shipped for free to a nearby Walmart and it's made in the USA.
  20. Went out yesterday on a small finger lake with the kayak. Had good luck using the owner ultra shakey head with a Gary Y 3 3/4" craw. Don't carry a scale but most were about 2#s or so, with a few larger ones and a couple I guessed at over 4#s. Several flipped the hook as they came out of the water - not a big deal as I crimped down the barb so I unhook them easier and let them go unharmed in case they take it too deep.
  21. With flows as high as they've been, a PFD would not have saved their lives. People underestimate the power of a dam. - J Francho Yes, this terrible tragedy will help educate anyone to stay clear of these dams. For those who have not read the articles - the dam was a low head dam which looked to be less than 10 feet high and the two brothers approached from the downstream side. There are some you tube videos which illustrate why these dams are referred to as killing machines.
  22. Not sure what brand mine is, but it is a rubber mesh net (good as the hooks do not get easily caught up in it) Approximate dimensions are 16" long, 12" wide and "12 deep and has a handle that extends some. The net floats and it will stretch a little to accommodate a fish that is a little larger than the dimensions. I usually grab bass by the lips unless a really large one and use this for pickerel and trout when I hook into one while bass fishing. The net is too small for a really big trout or pike and I have been overmatched a few times with this net, but for the most part, it works for me when bass fishing and is compact.
  23. Yes, PFDs should be worn; however, even with a PFD, a low head dam is not something anyone should get near. These two kayakers approached from the downstream side and were sucked under. These dams look benign but are very dangerous.
  24. The syracuse newspaper has been reporting on this and updating each day. Syracuse.com. Is the site and the updates are on the front page.
  25. Should have added, in case you do not read the article - it was two separate kayaks. First guy went under and second guy went to help and also went under. Very sad.
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