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Subaqua Adinterim

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Everything posted by Subaqua Adinterim

  1. Coming back from a Seneca Lake park this afternoon with my wife and saw two white deer inside the fence at the old Seneca Army depot. Got out and held my camera above the fence and took some pictures. These are not albino deer, their hair is white and their eyes are brown. There are a few hundred within the fence, along with many more (regular) brown deer. First time that I have seen this type of deer. The new owner of this property is planning on opening this area up as a park where people can drive through and view the white deer. We got lucky and these two were near the fence as we were driving by.
  2. No thanks. I don't want to go swimming when I'm trying to fish and I don't like losing my stuff. Not to mention $2500 for something that's not exactly light weight and has a high center of gravity. There's a place on the bay near where I live and my wife and nephews rented some SUPs last year and had a blast, so SUPs are no doubt fun; however, they wore swim suits and were prepared to get wet. Not interested in seeing the outfit that anyone on this forum is wearing while they are on one of these things either. Although I wished I had my camera last August on Hemlock Lake when 2 gals in string bikinis were paddling these things around. One even had a chihuahua on the front that was like a hood ornament. It usually bugs me when I'm casting toward shore and someone cuts in front of me,but not this time
  3. Agree with you PolkFolk, this site and all the knowledgeable and helpful folks are the reason I have success fishing for bass. I came into bass fishing rather late in life, fishing mostly for trout and salmon until a few years ago. Now, I mostly fish for bass, and unlike before when the only bass I caught were by accident; now I plan to catch bass and am no longer surprised when I do.
  4. This is not the first time into BK for Gander Mtn. In the 90s they were primarily a catalog business - I can remember getting at least a couple mailed each month. Their prices were good/great then. They were primed for the Internet with their model then, i.e., virtually no big brick and mortar stores and just a call center for orders. Too bad they were just a few years too early and were unable to ride out the rough times until the Internet came into favor for shopping. I think they sold off their catalog business to Cabelas. When Gander came back several years ago, they went all in on the brick and mortar thing when their original catalog business coupled with the internet would have done them right. Talk about doing things backward, this company is a university 101 level business course case study on high level bad decision making.
  5. Welcome I have learned so much from the more experienced folks that are on this forum. Very helpful, knowledgeable people here. If you are bass fishing you don't need to fish the entire lake. I fish out of a small kayak and have a lot of fun fishing close to shore. Learn how to T rig a plastic worm and you are off to a good start. Best of luck
  6. Been using a spinning set up since I was a little kid, right after I started walking - so many years ago. I am right handed and learned to cast a spinning outfit with the right hand and reel with the left. It's still more convenient and natural for me to do it that way. I have one casting outfit and the reel has the handle on the left side. The reason someone might suffer the wrong set up as you have pictured is that they are right handed and want to reel that way, or are not knowledgeable that with modern spinning reels, the handle can be moved to either side. The reel in the picture seems to not offer that option; or if the option is there, it may be a little harder to remove the cover on the one side to change the handle set up. Looks like an old garcia cardinal reel, probably still works well after all these years. Thanks again for all the explanations on the casting vs. spinning rods, I'm sure it has helped not only me but other novices.
  7. IndianaFinesse Yes, that's what I meant, you made it more clear and understandable. The bottom guide is smaller on the casting rod, so it sits lower and closer to the pole, therefore, when the line comes off the spinning reel it does not flow as easily through the first casting rod guide. Thanks for taking the the time on your explanations to help me as well as other newbies who may have had this same question understand.
  8. The first rod guide closest to the spinning reel being too low makes sense. Would not have considered using the rod with the reel on top anyway, so the looking the fool part would have been minimized. Thanks again for the info.
  9. I am a relative novice to bass fishing and have learned a lot over the last couple years; looking to learn some more. I was comparing poles from the same manufacturer at the store and the casting rod felt nicer and had more guides, all other things were equal - length, action etc. So the question is - can a spinning reel be used on the casting rod. Thanks for your advice.
  10. This goofy lure really does work and will catch bass,pike and trout. Best way to use is to slowly troll. I'm partial to the blue and silver in the 2.5" size. Good luck.
  11. Beautiful. What were you using? Interested in knowing some more details. In NY they usually clip one of the small fins on a stocked trout, in that way we can generally tell stocked vs. native.
  12. If you are flat line trolling in relatively shallow water, the Storm Original Thin Fin is a great lure. This goofy looking lure will catch most anything including trout. I recommend the silver/blue in the 2.5" size. These are $4.99 from Cabelas, however, you may get them elsewhere for less. Some of the prior recommendations are also good, little Cleos, Panther Martins, Phoebes. Off a down rigger, small light weight flutter spoons are good as well; such as a Mighigan Stinger for example.
  13. From your description, it seems like you are well equipped for the area you are presently fishing. A longer rod will benefit you in a few ways if you decide to venture into larger rivers or lakes. It will allow you to whip your lure out further with less effort and it will also help you to gain leverage when fighting the fish. Additionally, if you use a barrel swivel to attach your leader, a longer rod will allow for a longer leader. I don't think you can go wrong with the Okuma SST Trout rod in the 7' ultralight. You can see it on the DSG web site for $50. You can pair it with the reel you are using or get a Plueger President for about $50 and you will be all set. DSG has discount coupons all the time which may reduce your price by $5 or $10. If you want to spend more $ then look at the St.Croix Triumph series of rods which can be bought for a little more but still well below your budget. I enjoy trout fishing and find that fighting the fish and letting the rod and reel (setting the drag so you don't get broken off) do their jobs is what makes it fun and challenging. I like to use Panther Martin spinners, but have had great success using worms. The key to using worms is to use the small wriggler size on a small #12 hook and make sure that you use a light floro leader, say 4# or less. You can tie the leader to a small barrel swivel about 3 feet from your mainline. Attach split shot sinkers to the tag end (leave about 4 to 6 ") of your main line that is tied to the barrel swivel. That way, if your sinkers get hung up on the bottom, they will slide off and you will only lose a few split shots and will not need to retie everything. Again, good luck in whatever you decide to do.
  14. If you are catching trout that are 5#s or less, take a look at the Okuma SST trout series. You can get these from DSG. These are a great value, very sensitive (IM8 blanks) and run less than $40. I have a 6'6 which I use for trout as well as panfish and have also caught some large pike up in the Adirondacks when playing around with Panther Martin lures in the lakes up there catching perch and sunfish. I just use spinning reels when pursuing trout, and usually use 6 to 8# mono line with a lighter floro leader. You may also consider the Pinnacle Vertex rods which come in 8' - 10' lengths and can be purchased from FishUSA for $30. I use a St.Croix Triumph, light in 9' length that I love and it is moderately priced. When fishing the rivers of upstate NY for Salmon, I use an Ugly Stick rod that is light action and is about 9.5' long. This rod was a downrigger rod so it has extra guides and helps me feel the bottom better in the rivers, while at the same time stout enough to handle really big fish. Definitely not the most sensitive rod by a long shot, but it is durable and gets the job done every time. In November, The biggest salmon I caught on this rig with 15# trilene XT was a 28#er. There are plenty of options and you can spend as much as you want, however, I think you will find great value in an Okuma SST trout series or St.Croix Triumph rod. Best of luck.
  15. I have had 4WD Rangers with extended cabs since 1993. My first was a 3.0L that lasted 240K miles until I sold it to my neighbor (a mechanic) in 2005. He put another 45K on it, before buying a newer model that he still has. i had my 2005 4.0L until 2011 when I traded it in for a new 4.0L Ranger truck. I have a total of over 420K miles all together on these three trucks. I baby my vehicles and change the oil & filter every 5K using full synthetic oil. Expect to get about 21 MPG on the highway. You should have great luck should you choose the Ranger truck, especially if you live in an area that has mild winters and does not use salt on the roads. Here in NY, salt will wreak havoc on any vehicle after ten years - brake lines, under carriage parts, etc. will all need repair or replacement. As far as how much you should pay, check the book value from edmunds or blue book pricing and look for the wholesale value not the retail. Wishing you the best of luck.
  16. So if you expand the playoff games, how many total games will some of these kids play in a season then? Last year Alabama's kids played 15 games. Playoff expansion would mean 16 games. That's 5 more games than the national champs played in the 60s. The concept of student athlete has changed and not to the benefit of the student part of the equation. I get it. These kids are getting a free education; but the institutions, coaches and the TV networks are the ones making big $ and really benefiting, while some of these kids are crippled or in pain for life. Ideally, someone that's concerned with the future physical wellness of these kids would use a 12 game maximum schedule as a starting point and work back from there, which may mean that the regular season schedule is 9 or 10 games and the playoffs would add 2 or 3 games to max out at 12. Thanks for letting me rant.
  17. So far gun season in NY, I have not seen anything but does and small deer. Super windy most of the time. Have seen bucks in the fields at night, but not moving in the woods during the day. Saturday, on the way out of the woods, one of my buddies spots a small deer bedded down. It was so windy that the safest thing for this little guy was to stay in one place. It did not move until my friend got within 20 yards of it. He took a picture and I took a picture of him taking the picture. After the picture taking, we kept walking away and the deer laid back down. Just proves that generally on windy days, during daylight hours, a deer will not move until you give it a reason to; which is to walk right on top of it.
  18. For braid line, I use USA braid. I order shipped direct to Walmart, free shipping and very cheap (inexpensive) but the quality is good. Around $25 for a 500 yard spool, I like the orange color as it's easy to see and it's made in the USA. This was recommended to me a few years ago but someone on this site, I think his name was Sirsnookalot? who was very practical in what he used; so I trusted his recommendation and it worked out for me. For mono, I have used Berkley Triline since I was a little kid - so that's a long time. The XT is just that, extra tough and will not break until well above the rated strength. For Floro, I use Seaguar Red label and just for leader, mainly attached to the braid for bass with an alberto knot, but sometimes when fishing for trout with super light line, attached to the mono with a small barrel swivel about 3 feet above the hook.
  19. You might try the Dynamic lures Travado or J Spec. I use the smaller HD Trout size which work well and catch just about everything - panfish, bass, pike and trout. I'm partial to the glimmer trout color. Please note, I have no affiliation with this company; I'm just passing along my experience with their lures which has been positive.
  20. Coincidentally, I just read the October issue of Sport Fishing magazine that I signed out a few days ago from the local library. The article on pages 14 - 20, titled Drag Kings, discusses in detail the drag systems on reels. A quote from Chris Littau, manager of product and technology strategy at Zebco is from the article. " Reel drag systems are governed by the torque equation (torque = force x radius). In the case of reels, the radius is actually the distance from the center of the spool to where the line exits. This explains why the more line there is on the spool, the less drag you exert. All else being equal, if the diameter on the spool is reduced to half, then the line tension would double." Keep in mind this is a salt water fishing magazine,so the reels they discuss are somewhat larger than what is used for freshwater applications, however, the same principles still apply although to a much smaller degree when discussing bass reels. I'm not an engineer or scientist, however, this article was very informative in regards to how various manufacturers are improving the drags systems on reels.
  21. Interesting. I thought it was due to the lack of rainfall this summer as well as the normal drawdown by the Monroe County Water Authority to provide water for the city of Rochester. I have seen some type of fresh water mussels in the water; never knew they were zebra mussels. Not sure if low water will eradicate zebra mussels, if they are in fact present in this lake.
  22. Wednesday afternoon - went to Canadice for a few hours. Caught one LMB about 2# on a t rigged 4" senko; that was it for 3 hours. Water was way down, shore in some places was about 75 feet out from where it was in the spring. Made the mistake of getting out in the mud in one spot and sunk up past my knees, fortunately I was in hip waders and was able to fight my way out of the muck and get seated back in my canoe. Dangled my legs off each side as I pushed out to clear water to rinse the mud off my boots before putting my feet back in canoe. A couple of pictures from a beautiful afternoon. One picture is of the south canoe launch area, that's my wife's Little Swifty kayak on the rocky area. Just to provide perspective; the large downed trees to the left in that picture were almost completely covered with water in the spring.
  23. I use an Okuma ultralight 6.5 foot SST series rod (these are reasonably priced & I got mine at Dicks Sporting Goods) and a small spinning reel with 6# test triline XT mono and 4# floro leader. I have good luck with panther martin spinners or drifting plain old wriggler worms ( the real living thing) on a small #10 or 12 hook for trout. Bass will also hit the PM spinners, however, rooster tails work good too.
  24. I have had success using the Dynamic lures HD trout. They cast well, have a good color selection (I like the glimmer rainbow trout pattern) and have great action. I have caught all types of fish on this lure - brown trout, panfish and bass. The cost seems reasonable as well, about $6. There is also a slightly larger size, the Jspec that is a few $ more.
  25. Hey, life has it's ups and downs; hopefully things will pick up for you. In the meantime, nothing wrong with just going out and relaxing and enjoying the day as you fish. The fall colors around your lake must be spectacular right now - take a look around and count your blessings. I wish I could have a small percentage of the success that you have over the course of the season; I'm not envious, I just admire your ability and follow your posts to get information to help me get better at catching bass. Hopefully you will keep fishing and posting your reports, as I look forward to reading them.
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