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Everything posted by blackmax135

  1. Is it a new trolling motor? I have a procraft also and it has the battery 1 battery 2 deal. I had the same problem but it was a trolling motor issue.
  2. Is something not working right?
  3. I've won every tournament I've ever been in. Won a few reels tackle boxes and trophy's. Felt good but it didn't really mean that I'm that good because the tournaments I've fished have been little local $3 tournaments for everybody even if you don't know how to fish. I'm gonna see what I can do at the Oakley Georgia big bass classic next weekend see if I can handle real competition.
  4. Next weekend I'm going to be fishing the Oakley big bass tournament at clarks hill. There will be over 200 boats in this tournament and that seems like a lot of boats to me. I've never fished any reel competitive tournaments before just small things around my area that people that don't know anything about fish come and fish. Being that they started pre spawn most likely, do you guys normally have certain areas like secondary points, main points, or just spawning flats that you key on? Any advice would be awesome because I don't know what its like having that many boats to fish against and i'm scared crap less and don't know what I've gotten myself into LOL. Wish me luck!!!
  5. I bought a lowrance elite 7 hdi. It came with a new transducer but I was planning on using my old transducer that came with the elite 4X hdi. It works. The new transducer is wider than the one I already have. Why is that and should I switch them out?
  6. I know I should but I tend to not clean my reels. I often forget the one lure that would have caught the fish with. lol I often forget that I told my self not to take so much beer because of what happened last time. I often forget to bring my spare tire!!
  7. Every time I put gas with ethanol in it my motor starts acting up. Only non ethanol gas around here is 93
  8. Thanks for the reminder that I have to cut grass next week!!
  9. Hey what can you expect from a Georgian. LOL
  10. it's the water. You can't go to Many boat ramps around here without seeing a warning about mercury and not to eat the bowfin. We have a bomb plant called the Savannah river sight upstream and most people believe it's the cause. The Savannah river is ranked third most polluted in the United states. Been eating fish out of there my whole life. Come to think of it maybe that's what's wro g.
  11. there are no regulations. Just common curtsy and some people don't have that. Ive had this happen a lot to me. 3 People waiting in line to put their boats in and this nice bass boat pulls up to the ramp. Scrawny little teenager gets out and runs to this big nice truck that daddy bought him. He pulls right in to go ahead and back down the ramp so me and one other fella walk up to him about to start backing down and I ask him who he thinks he is pulling in front of everyone. He goes on saying It wont take me long my boat cranks up fast and I have the automatic winch. We were ticked!! I told him to go on down that ramp witch took him 5 min to get down cause he can't back up a trailer!! I was ticked and tired of crap like this always happening so when he got out the truck and cranked up his boat I got in his truck and pulled it up the ramp and put it some were it would take him a while to figure out how to get it out. He was very angry but what was he going to do? That was wrong of me but I had a serious case of ramp rage!! But unluckily he wasn't wearing spandex. LMBO!!
  12. Yea florida is a good driver.
  13. Lowcountry of south carolina
  14. If anyone wants to catch some of these bad boys in huge numbers let me know. They have taken over just about every creek and lake around here. I don't eat them but I give them to neady family's I never throw them back. When it gets to the point you go fishing in your local waters to catch some bream, catfish, and bass and all you can do is pull in mudfish something needs to change. If it's rare to catch one in your area then yea throw it back. They are like wild hogs once they take over, everything else starts to just disappear it seams like.
  15. God bless all you northerners cause I sure wouldn't want to deal with all that. Last year here in the lowcountry of south Carolina we got 1/4 inch of ice and were out of power for a week people acted like the world was coming to an end. It did cause a lot of pines to fall on houses and roads.
  16. That makes more since. The customer pays more than $5 right? You just get payed the 5 from your parents.
  17. Heck I got a dern abu Garcia they don't make anymore silver colored with a nice quantum rod I will sell to you for 80 bucks brand new 40 pound braid and heck ill even throw in a spook tied on already. LMBO
  18. You must just be spraying th You must just be spraying the cars off cause I know plenty of people around here that wash cars and the suck; they get $20
  19. I can get all those thing at walmart. I know no walmart has all the same things. But you get what you can afford. Might not always be name brand stuff but hey my mom bought me a frog like the spro bonzeye off brand name about 5 years ago. Cheapest thing she could find; hooks are rusted all up and I still catch plenty of fish to this day
  20. I have an elite 7 hdi coming but I have the 4x hdi right now.
  21. I know I spelled CABLE wrong
  22. What do you guys do with all the extra cable for the transducer. I have at least 4 or 5 ft left over and im not really sure what to do with it. For now I have it rolled up lying in my cranking battery compartment. I'm also about to install a small unit to the front of my boat and have the transducer on the trolling motor. Also would having the transducer cable being to close to the battery cause so much interference that I can't even tell when a fish is on the down scan imaging. The down scan and regular sonar just seems that it is so sensitive it shows every little particle in the water and that makes it so you cant distinguish actual fish and structure in the water. I have adjusted sensitivity and every other setting on the unit. If I adjust the sensitivity to were the regular sonar is clear, its not strong enough to even show anything like a stump on the bottom
  23. georgeyew makes a very valid point!!! You really think she's the one who caught that bass!?!!!!
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