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Everything posted by blackmax135

  1. Wow that sounds so familiar. I started my year out on these places I am talking about. So discouraged not catching much. I fished a tournament on a lake I have never fished before and the weather was so horrible but yet I caught more fish in that trip than I have in multiple trips to my regular places. The problem is I would have to travel 2 hours to go to any other body of water. Ill never give up and one day I will be the master of these lakes and I will be able to go out there blindfolded and catch my limit. That would be a sight!!!
  2. A small state park lake down from my house has had some excellent fishing in the past but the grass seems to be growing to fast and taking over more of the lake than the DNR folks want. So about 4 years ago they started spraying it once a year now they have started spraying it twice a year. The grass was the main structure the fish used in this lake because there is not much more for them to hide in. I have noticed an extreme difference in the amount of fish I catch and I fish the lake way more that I used to. I feel like its not good for the fish. You know what the sad part is? There is one tournament put on out there every year and every time they decide to spray it. Its done either on the day of the tournament or the day before. Ridiculous!!! I understand they need to keep control of the vegetation. But they need to think of others. also they whold area smells like sewage a few days after they spray.
  3. Dad!!! can we go now? I don't think they are going to bite
  4. Did you mean 20' thickness?
  5. No vegetation!!! I have to go way up the river to find any grass witch sucks
  6. Holy crap!!! 15 min?!! I would flat out be broke if I lived that close to a bass pro. Closest one to me is 1 hour 15 min
  7. If your ever in south carolina send me a message and Ill come take a picture with you. Every one around here calls me Puddin tang; so you can go back home and tell all your family and friends you got to meet the great Puddin tang and you won't be left out. lol
  8. The river I fish is loaded with structure but I can't fish it because I can't handle the river so i'm stuck with the lakes. When the main structure is a few laydowns on the banks (witch is normally where I find my fish) they aren't always there. Were do they go? To the main run(river)? These lakes seam to have little contour and the contour they have has been hard for me to dissect because it is a very slow drop except the bank witch is kind of like a bluff wall were the river used to run. Beeing that this bank is the steepest part of the lake, is this the key structure I should try to work down? If you can understand what I mean (writing has never been my strong point so I can be confusing). I've heard my soon to be father in law talk about some ridiculous size stringers come out of Lake marion (where he lives). That lake is very intimidating though; very wide open!!!
  9. There are a lot of carp in the river I fish. Also bowfin and gar. Santee cooper is one of my favorite bodys of water to fish I can go out there and normally catch some fish. Thanks bud
  10. I have the opposite mind set. I find it easier to find fish on a big body of water were I can find key structure to fish. A pond you just sling that bait out there and hope there is a fish there and you give him what he wants. I can't say I'm to good with either of those tactics but i'm dern sure gonna have to figure them out. Whats the typical weight you use on on drop shot?
  11. I was with my fiancé when I caught that fish and that was that day I was talking about I knew were and how to fish. So I was pretty happy I got to show off. lol There is great fishing in the south but I really don't have any great places close to me so I'm stuck fishing places that are either heavily fished or like the river you have to be in a certain place at a certain time and know where they are to catch them. The river I fish I know I could catch fish in the actual river it's self but the current is so strong I either have to tie up or find an eddie. My T motor isn't strong enough to keep me out of trouble if the current catches me so I stay in the oxbow lakes. These places I fish never has any bass fisherman around atleast when i'm there so theres no way for me to get any knowledge on whats going on I just have to figure it out on my own. I love getting out and trying to teach my self my mistakes but it seems like i'm never learning how to fix my mistakes. Everything I have ever learned has been from all the great guys on here.
  12. I've been out fishing about 6 times since spring started. I have been out once and had a good trip witch I knew it was going to be a good day because the conditions were perfect and I knew were to find the fish and how to catch them at that particular time from experience. But conditions weren't' what I wanted all the other times. The places I fish do not have contour maps made for them yet, so I have to drive around and look for points and other types of structure. When I do I look for fish on my electronics and when I find some I mark them. Ill go back later and throw every thing out the tackle box at them but nothing. The only way I can find a fish is just beating the bank and pick up a straggler. I try and use those fish to get a pattern going but its only good for 2 fish. The river I fish has a huge variety of fish and I am not totally sure that these are even bass and I'm starting to lose the confidence to even try to find fish any more and just go beat the banks and hope for the best . Were do you guys get the confidence to fish these spots and really know there will be bass there. Normally ill go over a spot and man I get excited there is bait fish and bass following but never any luck. Or is bass fishing really this complicated?
  13. What do you considered skunked? I normally fish public waters. I fish 85% of the time in a boat. I like anywere on the savannah river.
  14. you don't stay anywhere close to the savannah river do you. I have a 2 hour drive and gonna follow the river all the way up. Anyone that needs a ride I'm willing to pick up.
  15. I'll be bringing my boat. I believe allterrainangler will be fishing with me if you still want.
  16. 6ft sub!!!!!!!!??????? No way!!! Your kidding. I'm happy with anything and message me if you want me to bring anything
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c-u59d20SY Watch this its reminds me of my self but clearly that snake almost got in the boat until it got shooed away
  18. I just went by what 100s of others stated about the incident. When people took the movie and added it in
  19. like I said I wasn't sure about it all. But I did some research and you are right they don't ball up into hundreds. I guess it was kind of like the story of the fish was THIS big and it keeps getting bigger Lol. The story was true about him gettin bitten to death but I never read the actual story just a picture and the title. What most likely happened were he got near some mating snakes and they got ticked. I appologize
  20. Hey if you want to help conserve the moccasin population you come right on to my house and Ill show you the way just as long as you take them with you. lol
  21. I would never harm any turtle!!! But a snake if its not bright green or dark shiny black he is going down. Water moccasins I know for a fact are a very lethal snake because they will protect their territory witch could be anywhere. They are very aggressive. There has been multiple cases I have had them charge me. We had a incident 2 years ago in the Combahee river were people swim and as always there were multiple people swimming and from what I hear the boy was 15, went off from everyone. He started screaming and everyone went to get him and they couldn't because he was covered in water moccasins. They had to pull him up to shore with something. He was dead before they got him on shore. If I remember correctly water moccasins travel the rivers in big balls of 100s. I think that is when they bread not sure. That is a scary thing to think about in my mind. I can believe a moccasins trying to get in a boat but it would have to have something to help it get in I would think You can have picking snakes up but you sure wont see me touch one.
  22. How did you manage to hook a snake?
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