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Everything posted by blackmax135

  1. Just remember happy wife happy life. I can't go to far because of my job but I will get you somewere to catch fish if you end up being able to make it. We can go to a lake, savannah river river, or up in the swamps. Will you be getting off I95 in yemasee?
  2. My overheat alarm is staying on constantly even before cranking the motor after sitting for days. The water pump runs fine just put it in; new spark plugs. Where should I start because I really don't know much about motors but I am good at fixing things.
  3. if you wanted to you could always drive an hour from Hilton head up to Hampton and I could take you out on the boat and you teach me how to catch some bass. lol you would get to see the true beauty of south Carolina.
  4. I love my bream busters. I have a few of the cane poles to. But I mostly just get a small cork and cricket. I love fishing places with low hanging trees and sling shot the bait up under the trees. My grandfather has fished for bass many a time with a stiff cane pole and a small jig type thing and sling shot those jigs up in the trees.
  5. if you leave your car running it should be fine but It will not be good for the trolling batteries.
  6. Bad news. Since I have a new job my scheduler isn't the same and I will be working that whole weekend and every weekend for the next 2 months.
  7. This is actually a fun topic to read about. Me beeing the young dumb wipper snapper I was 2 or 3 years ago I didn't go fishing without beer. Now, when bass fishing i no longer bring alchol because every time i pop a top the beer just sits there and gets hot and i end up going home with all my beer but thats probably a good thing saftey wise. I have my own boat and when I go out on the water not bass fishing of course I take beer almost every time. I had my bachelor party last weekend and me and my buddys put out set lines for catfish. We set the lines and went back to the sand bar drank a few then checked the lines and over and over all night. By morning you all know what shape we were in. I didn't feel good so i was ready to go home and get in my bed we loaded 3 coolers 3 tents a grill and 4 grown men into a 17 ft bass boat!!!! It went from a 5 min trip to a 30 min trip. Not smart!!!! Now the moral of this story is I'm done with BWI. I have learned my lesson and I will never take more that 3 beers in my boat again. I fished a tournament a couple weeks ago and me and my partner got checked. the warrdens went on around the corner. A boat comes and anchors in a fishing spot not far from us, they all take out some beers. Wardens come back around the corner. They had to poor out all the beer they had or get taken back to the landing for a test.
  8. I like mono but anything will work because most of the water is very muddy. But thats up to whatever you like just remember they are strong. That set up should work fine just make sure you clean it good when your done. I didn't realize you would have access to the course ponds but i would imagine they would be fresh but ive never been there. If it were me being that your from somewere that does not have access to salt water I would definatly try some reds. Remember this also that the people in hilton head are not like most south carolinians.
  9. Redfish is most likely your best bet. I like to walk through the marsh and fish up in the creeks when the tide starts going out. You catch just about anything. Its rough going but its normally worth it. Just get you some fresh shrimp and a cork or do a carolina rig and fish on the bottom. When you see something skimming the surface throw out a spook or something like a swim bait. I don't know if there are any public fresh water ponds on the island or not. Just remember if the water stops moving and then it starts moving again for the water that means get back to the dry land. I really don't know much about hilton head but i fish beafourt a good bit now and its just about the same. Id come take you fising but i no longer have a boat that i can take out in salt water. Why do people always wanna go to hilton head? Another bit of advice go to walmart and get you some skin so soft and pack it on cause the sand gnats are horrible.
  10. What are you targeting?
  11. Well I don't care what kind of boat your in they all make a wake. Whether I'm in my dads 14ft duracraft or my bass boat I slow down to almost an idol when passing a boat that is sitting still. Its inconsiderate and ticks me off when i'm fishing and people go flying by and I have to sit there and about have whiplash because they are to worried about going fast and not caring if just maybe that person is in a bad position and could go flying out of their boat. It won't hurt people to slow down for 10 seconds.
  12. I completely agree!!!! What's the point of calling it a fight and paying someone millions of dollars if they aren't going to fight. I used to watch the UFC and I quit for the same reason you did. They just run around and gather points by throwing small accurate punches. That's why mayweather is undefeated. He can throw those big punches, witch he has in the past but he only does it when its easy for him. That's why he is on top like he is because he does what it takes to win. Manny is the complete opposite, he wants to beat that person down. Glad I didn't waist my money to endorse such a simple fight.
  13. http://pure-gas.org/ Use that website to find yourself an ethanol free gas station. I have put high octane gas with ethanol in it in my boat and eveytime I do I end up with the motor not wanting to crank up and run properly. DO NOT put ethanol gas in you boat. I think the reason they do it is to save there selves money and charge us a fortune
  14. There are some monster gators out there but I would be more worried about hitting a stump
  15. I just looked up tickets for floor seats and holy crap the most expensive is $87,755.25. That's uncalled for in my opinion. That's more than my house.
  16. YOU GOTTA PAY FOR HD!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? I thought that should already be provided with my television provider!! lol I'm not worried about it will be in HD on youtube
  17. On showtime it says "FROM $89.95" I would never pay that.
  18. $99 dollars to watch to grown men brawl it out and could end in just 2 seconds blows my mind. It also shows who has the most heart in this fight by mayweather only doing it if he gets the majority of the money. I really want to see who ever wins it to get a KO and not by decision. I really hope the pac man gets it. I have never seen such a humble rich man and have the heart he has. There is no doubt Mayweather is an amazing fighter but pac man has the passion to take him out. I'm going to wait for people to post it on youtube.
  19. The greatest thing I ever did was to cast my line as far as possible then walk out 20ft. Took a piece of electrical tape and put it on the spool. It helped me. This throwing at the ground thing is going to happen until you get your thumb calibrated. You can tweak those breaks and knobs all you want but if your thumb Is off then its not going to do right. I can cast my reels with half break and the spool tension knob all the way off. Oh and make sure your drag is set right. I have had mine set way to tight and it threw off my cast. It takes time but when you get it you'll be a happy camper
  20. It won't hurt. I do it all the time and my motor is a 94 runs like a champ. No need to change the old oil out because there is no old oil in there because it has been injected into the gas and burned. Unless you haven't run the boat in a long time and the oil has been sitting for a long time.
  21. Ive always been nervous to join a club or start tournament fishing on the co angler side for this same reason. If it were me I would give it another shot since you guys placed pretty decent. You never know what someone is going through that day before yall got together. Like gulfcaptain said it can also go both ways. For example I started taking a buddy of mind fishing a few years ago and our first time out was fine and fun cause we went out for fun. I decided to go to some serious fishing one day and I invited him. It started off I didn't like the way he had his reels set in my boat so I fussed at him and told him he needs to care more about my property and don't just throw your crap in my boat. Then we got out fishing and he had a dip in and I saw him spitting so I yelled at him not to get that crap on my boat. All day long I was getting irritated by his fishing techniques and the way he did things here and there. It wasn't because he was doing it wrong it was because it wasn't my way and I had something in my head that I wanted accomplished. In other words I was disrespectful to him. I didn't realize all the fussing and crying I was doing and it was ruining our day. This used to happen all the time when I took people fishing even when they would try to help me load the boat up they would run through the water to wind up the boat on the trailer for me and I would yell get out of my way your not doing it fast or good enough. Point of the story. My best friend confronted me while we were fishing after I fussed at him about 100 times for so many un necessary things. He told me what I was doing and I never realized how stupid I was until he opened my eyes. If this guy is a true man and sportsman you can talk to him and he will understand. You have to do it in a respectful manner and it will help. Good luck and stick with it and this is the only way to learn to be a better man
  22. That's some good stuff there!!! I think the goose just wanted to get on the kayak with him lol
  23. I have heard murray is a tough place. I have never been there except to see the forrest wood cup last year. I would have to say my goal is the same because when I go out and I see that fish are out deep I get a bad feeling going down my arms and a lot of discouragement. Its time to move away from the bank and pull up my big boy panties and learn.
  24. Well then its rare for me to get skunked. But this year in the past month I have been getting skunked. I can normally get at least one bass in the boat but haven't been able to lately. Don't feel bad because you aren't' the only one in this situation. The way I see it is that it happens to everyone even some of the greats, even though you never see them not catching fish, thats because they don't show that part and they don't talk about it. They also get to fish the best fishing waters in the world. Our luck will pick up soon!!!!
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