This is actually a fun topic to read about.
Me beeing the young dumb wipper snapper I was 2 or 3 years ago I didn't go fishing without beer. Now, when bass fishing i no longer bring alchol because every time i pop a top the beer just sits there and gets hot and i end up going home with all my beer but thats probably a good thing saftey wise.
I have my own boat and when I go out on the water not bass fishing of course I take beer almost every time.
I had my bachelor party last weekend and me and my buddys put out set lines for catfish. We set the lines and went back to the sand bar drank a few then checked the lines and over and over all night. By morning you all know what shape we were in. I didn't feel good so i was ready to go home and get in my bed we loaded 3 coolers 3 tents a grill and 4 grown men into a 17 ft bass boat!!!! It went from a 5 min trip to a 30 min trip. Not smart!!!!
Now the moral of this story is I'm done with BWI. I have learned my lesson and I will never take more that 3 beers in my boat again.
I fished a tournament a couple weeks ago and me and my partner got checked. the warrdens went on around the corner. A boat comes and anchors in a fishing spot not far from us, they all take out some beers. Wardens come back around the corner. They had to poor out all the beer they had or get taken back to the landing for a test.