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Everything posted by blackmax135

  1. I put the foot back on because some how we got it unlocked. I put it back on and the propeller is wobbling like crazy. A guy I work with said a buddy of his has one for $300 and he guarantees it. I also found a site that has new foots available for all kinds of motors called SEI Stern drive. They have mine brand new for $875. Im probably going to get the used if yall think thats the right thing to do.
  2. I went to Lake Marion to fish a club tournament last weekend. Practiced on Friday and did good, then Saturday morning for the blast off I took the boat off the trailer and as soon as it came off, (idling in reverse) the motor locked up and would not turn over. I took the foot off and the motor cranked right up. Has anyone else had issues and if so what did you do to get this fixed. I know nothing about this and I don't know where to start.
  3. Ill give you some things for you to think about when you go look at the boat. I bought a 1994 18' procraft for $3500 4 years ago. I didn't look at certain things and ask certain questions and the things I missed are the things I ended up having to fix. Like batteries, had to replace 3 batteries 4 weeks after buying boat. He said they where newer and hardly used, if I would have just looked at them I would have known they where not new $300+ right away. Next thing is the trailer. 3 years later I had one of my bearings go out and removed the wheels and come to find out one spindle had been replaced but the other side had not and it was in bad shape causing bearings to go out prematurely. I messaged him and he said that the tire had fallen off at the boat ramp before. But he told me when I was buying the boat that he had just had the bearings replaced. Thats a big thing right there because its expensive to have fixed properly. The trailer is a big part of the price of the boat so make sure you check it out very well.
  4. I will never put E10 back in my boat. I have a 94 mercury and have never had a single problem, except when I used fuel with ethanol. I have put E10 in my tank twice since I purchased the boat and both times I had a time cranking it up, and went to take off from the landing, the engine stalled out before I could get going good. This ethanol stuff is no good. Maybe its ok in a newer motor but not my old 2 stroke.
  5. The zert is on the end of the axle. The side that I have fixed actually looks like everything is new even the spindle. The seal its self doesn't seem to me like it could hold the grease in if the grease was being pushed in. Its nothing but a piece of light rubber with a spring rapped around the lip.
  6. I had the bearings go bad on me the other day and have gotten one side replace with new bearing and seals. When I got everything back together and back on i pumped some grease in to make sure there was enough. After a few pumps the grease started coming out the back of the hub. I know its hard to answer without being there to see it for yourself but. I want to know if i messed up the new seal or is this suppose to happen if i put to much grease in. I do not have a bearing buddy.
  7. Just use your outboard to get off of it. No officer is gonna hastle you about getting your boat off of a stump as long as you shut it off as soon as you get off of the stump. I have this happen all the time due to the waters I fish are very muddy and stained. My dad has a flat bottom boat and we were coming out of a creek where we put the boat in and as soon as we turned into the main river we ran up on a pilon. Stayed stuck on that thing for about 15 minutes spinning in circles. We put the motor in reverse and just kept rocking the boat
  8. Have you pulled it up any really steep ramps?
  9. The club is open to everyone. As long as your laid back and are doing it because you love fishing. We only have 3 people in the club that are doing it for the money. This is the wrong club if your doing for the money because your going to spend about the same on the tournament as how much 1st place gets.
  10. Ive looked around and haven't seen any topics about this but I might have just looked over it. Anyways I just bought a FWD gmc acadia with the towing package. It is only front wheel drive. My boat weighs around 2500#s loaded and the max capacity of the vehicle is around 6000#s I wanted to know if anyone has had problems towing with a front wheel drive vehicle. I hate to get to the boat ramp and not be able to get back up it. Thanks I'm glad to be back with you guy!!!
  11. Our club fished the Cooper river in February and it sucked so bad. Me and my partner both got skunked, out of 12 anglers 7 got skunked. So don't feel bad cause everyone says at this place your either a hero or zero. The guy who won the tournament came in with a 22 pound sack and he started culling around 11am. I couldn't believe it! He stayed in the main run all day and fished a chartreuse chatter bait with a small swim bait trailer. Everyone told me he wins the tournament every year. The area where they have the no wake zone Al Wolbach was talking about is where he said he caught all but 3 of his fish. He would throw the chatter bait in one of the whirl pools and let it sink. He has been one of my mentors since I joined. O
  12. We have a club in Hampton, S.C. We fish Savannah river, Cooper river, Lake marion, Wataree, Murray, lake russel and a few others. Our club is very laid back. More about the enjoyment of fishing than the money. You could fish as a guest to see if you like it, like I did. We wont be back to the Cooper river for a while though.
  13. I am actually doing my boat right now. The oxidation is actually covering the cap of the boat and has gotten pretty thick. I am halfway done with the boat now and it looks new where I have worked it. I boat a cheap buffer and wool pads for it, I tried other pads and the wool seems to work the best. I bough some of the Maguire's rubbing compound and rub that stuff around in a 2 ft area for about 15 min, wipe it off then do it again (you might not have to do it again if the oxidation is not bad). Make sure before you decide to polish and wax to make sure the surface is dry of the compound oil, to make sure you got all the oxidation
  14. In Hampton sc, thats about an hour from where you are.
  15. Well I got my boat done. Took them 2 days. The reason for the horn going off was that whoever removed the oil reservoir did not remove it properly and it caused an error. The total price ended up being $499. That's with replacing fuel lines, water lines, fuel pump, water pump, changing lower unit oil, spark plugs, and something else that's not major. This sound right?
  16. Yea I sure hope they aren't thinking that they are just replacing plugs and filters. I already did that, that's easy stuff. What would you consider a tune up and what should I expect? My motor needs some loving and I have never never been to much into knowing about motors so I'm learning. I'm a nervous person and this boat is my baby and I'm worried. Thanks
  17. I'm taking my 94 mercury black max 135 to get worked on because the temp sensor constantly stays on and will not go off. So i was wanting to get a tuneup while I was there. because the nearest mechanic is an hour away and I want to get everything done at once. When I take it I want to make sure this mechanic is doing everything he should be doing. What Kinds of question should I ask? He is saying its going to be almost $400 dollars. That seem fair? Thanks BlackMax
  18. I've been doing electrical work for 5 years. Went to school for 2 but I didn't get a degree only got 2 electrical certifications witch in the end has kind of put me behind. Went and worked for an electrical contractor for 2 years in the commercial and industrial side. Loved it and learned a lot, I worked extremely hard for very little money and making a lot of sacrifices. Now I work for the Power company as an apprentice technician. I'm an apprentice because I do not have a college degree. Soon I will be trying to move up to be a linemen.
  19. I have the same rods and are 8ft and I wouldn't have it any other way. They last a long time and can muscle the fish and give enough whenever he takes off. I use 40 pound mono on my reels and we have had catfish break it. An have had huge catfish just come right in. The trick is not to muscle the fish but to control it. I doubt the cork broke the line. It could have been frayed anywhere and those catfish will break that line almost every time.
  20. Yall ever catch any redbreast. I catch a lot in the savannah river and the little ones always make me think I have on a granddaddy redbreast.
  21. Depending on how tame the gators are. I have a small john boat and I have had them come up to the boat many times until I knocked them with the paddle. That's at a lake were they never get messed with and people feed them when they aren't allowed.
  22. The oil injection system had already been taken out. I guess I'm going for the temp sensor cause I can't get my wife to go fishing anymore since it started going off. Do you know what it looks like and were about it is?
  23. Ok that makes more since lol
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