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Everything posted by blackmax135

  1. The current is usually not like that but all the rain we have had has it moving to the river. Sorry the lake sucked out on you but give it another try one day soon when the water gets stabile. One day you will go out there and latch on to a big one.
  2. Just fish the brackish waters in all these rivers. You will catch bass and some Redfish which is alot of fun. You got the Cooper river right there; put in at cypress gardens boat landing and go North, fishing in the rice fields never lets me down. Also the Edisto river in Jacksonboro a good choice and if you wanna go a little farther the combahee river is a great place to take a kayak. But watch out for gators. Good luck
  3. Never been to Alabama but I would think it would be similar to SC Every body of water here is gonna be different. We have some of the best fishing on the east cost in South carolina (Opinion). Lake Greenwood is my favorite place I have ever fished which isn't far from Greenville, has alot of largemouth and spots. Lake Murray has alot of big fish as well. Not to mention Lake marion and Santee-Cooper system witch is a good ride from Greenville but is a big fish factory, can be a tough place but you will catch big fish. I've fished a few ponds and you can't really say what a pond is going to be like due to you don't know how its been taken care of, how its been stocked, and how well of a habitat the fish have to spawn. You can fish one pond, not catch a thing and walk right down the road to end up catching one every 5 minutes. Good Luck
  4. What fishinnkamp said, but one thing I will add is to check the stringers and the transom. You can check the transom with a hammer by lightly tapping in different locations, it should not make a deep thud sound. I have a 94 procraft and its a wood constructed boat. If he had it sitting in the rain for a while it could be that the wood in the boat has had some water seep into it. If that has happened then the hull wont be good for long. See if there is any rot in the floor where you ride and if there is, chances are the stringers are rotten then you will have a boat with no support; thats bad. In my opinion if everything checks out good 2000 isn't a bad price.
  5. How long has it been since you put new grease in there and how long has it been since you have put in new bearings? As the grease gets older it gets thinner and is expected to have a little come out. What you have looks normal to me but looks like it is time for new grease
  6. I have a 1994 175 procraft and mines got the same thing. It looks like its under the gel coat but its not, just get a buffer, rubbing compound, detailer, and wax. That will take care of it for a while but it is defiantly not gonna be a permanent fix. Did this to mine not to long ago and she looked new for about 3 months then it started coming back but that's without it being under a shed. Hope that helps!!
  7. I actually made my way out there Saturday afternoon (live about 5 min from the lake) 3/24/18 and did alright, caught 2 off the grass and 3 off some stumps in the middle which took forever to find a fish cause there are plenty of stumps out there to fish around. Using a moving bait like a heavy spinner bait or deep diving squarebill and a few other things you can tryout. But like Koz said it is very hit and miss (mostly miss). The fishing has really gone down out there the past few years for bass due to a lot of pressure (thats my opinion; its a small lake and alot of people fish it and keep everything they catch) but it holds some big ones, just if you can find them and get them to bite. Keep trying it out cause there is a good chance to catch a PB out there.
  8. Am I the best person to give advice for this lake? Probably not! but i have been there many times and have pulled out some good bags. First thing you need to know about the lake is do not go flying across the lake just anywhere because it is loaded with big stumps. Santee can be tuff but april can be a time of year it will shine, make your way to the backs of all the pockets in tawcaw . You cant go wrong with flipping a jig but if you have trouble with a jig go back to a spinner bait or wacky rigged sinko (wich is my favorite cause it catches fish and is easy to use) around the cypress trees (being if the lake is not low). What all will you be fishing for? In my experience and many others the fish change from day to day so don't be afraid to mix it up a little cause you have a chance at catching your PB in this lake in other words do not stick to one thing. Ill be fishing a tournament out of tawcaw the first weekend of April and if I remember ill try to report something back to you.
  9. What makes it tough is there are really only 3 things to fish out there, and that is Grass or Wood or riprap but there is not much contour to the lake so I feel like the fish are so scattered because they have nothing to follow until they run into something like a stump etc. that makes them hard topredict at least in my mind. Ive been out there and murdered the fish then the next day won't get a bite anyways. In the morning hit the rocks where the spill way is, after it warms up drag a big worm out in the middle of the lake around the logs that you see sticking up and work a buzz bait around the logs as well. There is a pier to fish off of but if there have been people out on it you can bet on not catching anything there. Then you can walk down the rocks. There is also a pond inside of the park that you can try out.
  10. I actually live about 5 min from the lake. Its is a very tough place but there are big fish in there. 4 years ago i caught a 6&3/4 bass on a zoom worm then last year I broke my PB again with a 8 pounder on a buzz bait and both out of this lake. I have been fishing out there since I was 5 and it has been good and bad. Good luck and enjoy its a beautiful lake
  11. I had a new 150 mercury priced for me in Georgia, Install and motor and they said it would be around 12,500 so I'm guessing around 7500 to 9000 for a new 75. Just a guess though
  12. It could surely be a power pack. Take one plug out at a time and make sure they are firing (do not hold the plugs with your hands when the motor is running). Do not run it again until you get it fixed. I had the same problem on my 1994 mercury and ended up being that water was getting into one of the piston's. i kept running it and it fried the piston. Not saying thats whats wrong with yours but it is a possibility. With it only getting up to 2500 rpm at full bore while trying to get on plane your motor is loosing power in one of your pistons.
  13. What type of boat is this?
  14. I have a 95 Procraft 170 I defiantly have the switches. I don't know about the lids though you could send me a picture or message the dimensions. My motor went bad so It hasn't been used in a few months
  15. Have you checked to see how the boat is peeing?
  16. Is it oxidation or just needs a good cleaning? If its very light oxidation I have used macquiers (how ever you spell it) rubbing compound with a buffer or rag and it brought back a brand new shine. Depending on how dulled out it is depends on how many passes you make with the compound. After you get the shine back just put some polish then wax it and it will look good as new. Do not forget the wax or it will dull pretty quick.
  17. I'd get mcguires rubbing compound and a good buffer. It might take 2 or 3 passes with it, but it will get the oxidation off. Took me about 2 hours on the top rail. I have done this on my boat twice and it came out beautiful both times. The oxidation will come back if you do not keep it waxed and in a garage or shed. I feel like you will have a better chance with the compound because there is less chance of operator error. I did the wet sand and didn't do it right and left some major swirls in my gel coat.
  18. I have been paddling around my dads old john boat for 10 years and it has nothing on the transom at all. I patched the holes that where there for the motor with JB WELD. The boat leaks a little but that just what happens with an old riveted jon boat. The boat will be perfectly fine with no wood on the back. The wood is just there for support for the motor.
  19. Just wanted to put this out there, maybe someone else has had this problem. I had my motor lockup a while back, so I took the foot off a week later and it cranked up, sent the foot to a mechanic and he stated that the inside of the foot looks brand new, so it was not the foot. Put the foot back on, and it ran! AWESOME!! Took the boat to Lake Greenwood and ran it WOT for about 5 min and it locked up again. SHOOT!! So since I couldn't go anywhere I fished for about 30 min, and tried the motor and It cranked right up, but now I have no power to get on plane, the motor would not get over 3000 rpm's. So now I took the whole boat to a mechanic and he notices a brown spot on the power head. What that is from, is water that is suppose to be cooling the engine is leaking out of the head gasket. So the reason I could not get the power to get on plain is because one of my cylinders was getting water in it and was causing the cylinder not to spark. Hopefully I caught it in time and did not ruin a cylinder. Hope this helped anyone that might be having some issues as well.
  20. When in doubt, throw a senko!!!
  21. if you can find brush piles deep with your kayak try that with a drop shop and a white ice fluke, you can even take a fluke and work it slow around the docks. Easiest thing will probably be running the bank with a crank bait. Best color might be KVD sexy shad. I have never really done much out there myself but 2 guys in our club always does good there. One of them throws a Sexy shad crank bait and the other throws a drop shot in 20' of water with a fluke. I don't like fishing crank baits or drop-shots and that is probably why I don't do good out there. Beautiful lake though. Good luck and enjoy
  22. It does not have a oil tank and it is peeing fine. It will get over 3000 rpms in neutral.
  23. I started a post a few weeks ago about my lower unit going out because the motor locked up and when I took the foot off it cranked right up. My mechanic went through the foot and couldn't find anything so I put it back on and took it to the river. Ran it WOT for about 10 min and all of a sudden it seemed like either I lost power or something in the foot slipped but I did stay on plane when this happened (because I was already on plane) so it didn't seem like a big deal at the time. Had a tournament the next day took it out and it ran fine for about 5 min then it locked up again. Fished for about 30 min and then it cranked right up, but now my boat does not have the power to get on plane, the highest it will run is 3,000 rpm. So I basically idled around the lake for the tournament the whole weekend. Has anyone else run into this? 1994 135 Mercury V6 Black Max
  24. It ended up not being the right lower unit. He is going to take it apart and let me know what it will take to fix it.
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