Saying that dobyns is better than Gl2 is preference, just like i take the gl2 as my preference. The reason why i get upset and about people saying another brand is because alot of people want those specific rods. If a forum member wants a loomis or a st,croix than thats what he is looking for. Stop trying to force another brand of change their mind. If someone only has two brands of company rods, then give him info on only those rods he ask for. Thats the reason why alot of people dont know what they want these day because you have 20 thousands people saying different things. The thread starter member said that he wants to try a G. loomis rod and i have a g.loomis rods and also used st,croix and dobyns so i am giving a valid statement. For my experience i prefer the G.Loomis GL2 better and thats just for my experience. Every body has different taste so i try not to force them into another brand. (you get what iam saying) If he wants to hear about st,croix, dobyns and loomis then lets help with those preference of his choice. I hate forums where a person is asking for 2 or 3 product and he get reply's from 20 other products. Thats not helping at all, thats just confusing him more and unhelping him with his decision.