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About wcasey911

  • Birthday 07/09/1971

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    <p>Pender Co., NC</p>

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. That has to be Sutton Lake. How are the water levels there now? I know it's fairly shallow to begin with, but with the drought we've been in I was wondering how the fishing is there.
  2. If they are fishing by theirself or otherwise have no way to take out without tying to the dock then what are they supposed to do? I admit when the ramp is busy I hate to do it, but when I go alone I have no choice but the tie off to the dock (the non ramp side of course) to get my trailer.
  3. Let us know how they turned out.
  4. Congrats!!! ;D You may be surprised by the power that trolling motor . My BIL has an identical setup and the 40 works fine on his. Heck I have an older glass boat and all I use is a 37 lb. thrust, and it does is all I need. Anyways, nice looking rig and if you have enough patience the right deal will always come along.
  5. Are all Evinrudes also called FICHT? I keep seeing that name pop up and am not sure what that is. I have a 96 Evinrude 50 SPL. Is mine also a FICHT and should I be concerned about the problems mentioned here for my model as well?
  6. I just had to change out my rear seals and let me tell you they are a son of a gun to get out. The way I did it was to remove the castle nut, washer, and outer bearing form the spindle. Then remove the hub and set it rear side down in a vise letting the back of the hub rest on top of the vise. Then I took the largest socket I had (probably 1 1/4") with a long extension attached to it and put it down through the hub and on top of the rear bearing then gave it a couple of good whacks on the extension. That broke the seal loose enough I could pull it on out and the the bearing will come out the back side once you get that seal out. It is a messy process so have plenty of rags available to keep the parts and your hands wiped off. If all else fails do like someone ele suggested and go to Northern Tool or call them and they can get you the right size new hubs ready to install and roll away on.
  7. Update, I went by Boater's World today and bought a new lanyard with 7 diferent keys to try. I got home and was able to figure out which one clipped on and got the emergency kill switch working. Yahoo!! I was worried it was going to be a headache. I determined that when the key is pushed in it activates the kill system then when it's let out quickly it turns the key to the off position. The clip holds the key in the depressed position then when it gets jerked out the key pops back out and switches to the off position killing the motor. If all that makes sense to you..LOL Thanks for the suggestions you gave.
  8. My key has to be able to be pushed in. It serves as a primer for cold starting the motor. I haven't had a chance to get down and dirty looking at it. I plan on doing that this afternoon and I'll report what I find.
  9. I recently purchased a used Sprint 255 Bass Boat. The kill switch system appears to be inoperable. I say that because it runs without havng a clip snapped on/in anything. When I bought it the lanyard was attached to the key via a keyring. I ASSumed the key would jerk out and kill the motor. Well, I discovered that is not the case. Does anyone have any ideas how this system is bypassed? It was suggested that if a clip were attached, then pulled from around the ignition that it would kill the motor, but after that the motor would still start without reconnecting the clip. I'm not doubting what they said, but I guess I'm looking for a second opinion on that or to see if anyone else has experienced that scenario. I plan on buying a new clip and lanyard this afternoon and trying it out. If that does not work does anyone have other suggestions? Thanks!!
  10. Nice one!!! Good old tried and true jointed Rapala or a broke back Rebel will get em every time.
  11. Plastic worms are the trick. I had the same problem at a pond I fished recently. I used a salt impregnated worm just rigged wacky style. I suppose any brand will do. I was casting just past them and pulling back across or just to the side of their beds. They were hitting it pretty good that way. You'll be hard pressed to get them far off the bed. Good luck with it.
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