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Everything posted by TheCodFather

  1. I did not know that. I put backing just to fill some of the spool to cut cost a little. Good thing
  2. To follow up on this I would just like to thank everyone for all of the input! I have been using 40lb power pro braid, its the green one, and 30 lb Seaguar fluorocarbon leader (red label), about the length of my rod, and it works amazing. I connect the lines with an improved Albright knot and it works very well. I put a little layer of super glue over the knot and roll it in my fingers after tying it. I feel it helps protect the knot from catching on the eyelets of my rod and just extends the life of the knot. I use this on both my spinning rod and baitcaster and have had no problem landing everything from bass to 30 in. pike to carp. I actually had a Northern pike break my rod and line still held! I use it for everything and I couldn't be happier, it cast extremely far and is very sensitive. It should also be noted the line is showing no signs of memory, money well spent!
  3. So would you recommend to use a knot that is synched down or a knot with a loop? Sometimes I think when I synch it down the mainline doesn't come out of the knot perfectly straight and causes my crankbait to steer to the left or right and impedes the actions but I could be all wet on that.
  4. KVD Square bill crankbait, Sexy shad
  5. Ok. I just really want to use a flouro leader because I feel it will greatly increase my hooks up due to it being nearly invisible.
  6. Could I put 30lb power pro and a flouro leader on my spinning rod too? Same stuff I'll be putting on my baitcaster.
  7. Thank you all so much! This answered all of my questions, I am heading to the store then to the lake tomorrow morning! THANKS!!
  8. Hello, I have recently purchase a Pinnacle Platinum plus rod and reel combo. I have only ever used mono my entire life might I add. I am new to the market of braided line but eager to try it out. From what I've read its sensitive, has low memory, and has a thin diameter. Hence my reasons for switching. I have been closing looking at Sufix 832 Braid Lo-Vis Green 20lb, which I would like to pair with a Seaguar Fluorocarbon leader. (But I am open to all suggestions) I have no idea what I'm doing though to be frank. I have heard I need to go heavier as braid loves to break but I have recently learnt about a thing called "backing" on a reel and I'm just puzzled by all of this so I am asking for some clarification and to possibly be pointed in the right direction. I want to be able to feel the bottom of the lake, I feel braids sensitivity will give me this ability, and I want to be able to cast further as mono doesn't work well for me on a baitcaster. Might I add its 10lb Spiderwire (.30mm) I hate asking for help but I don't have the funds to just buy and try. I only really use this rod for all bass fishing no matter what I'm throwing. So any advice will be greatly appreciated. I have done a lot of research but much of it seems to contradict itself. Thank You!
  9. I do all kinds of fishing during all times of the year, and I normally do fairly well. But I am looking to take my fishing experience to the next level. I fish from a 12' Lowe Jon boat and a 20' Procraft bass boat. I live in Michigan. And I am new to the market of fishfinder. Well I have a old Hummingbird but all its good for is telling me the depth of water. I am looking for any advice for buying my first fishfinder. My price range is around $500. I have done some research and have looked at a Raymarine Dragonfly Sonar GPS and it looks nice and is around my price range but I don't know much about fishfinders. It should be noted that the majority of lakes around my area are 50-150 acres. I would like to primarily use the unit to help locate my crappie honey hole easier which is in about 10-20 ft. of water. And to catch deep bass. And the average depth of water I fish is about 10ft. (the reason I add this is I've heard different fishfinders give different readings depending on depth) A key feature I would like it to include is a map so I can mark areas I've caught fish. THANK YOU!!
  10. Thank you! Went out today and couldn't catch a keeper for my life it seemed. Tried tons of things and areas. Probably didn't help they just got done spraying the lake for weeds the day before : \
  11. How do you find the staging areas? All this is new to me. Thank you for the reply!
  12. Which is your favorite?
  13. I'm fairly new to baitcasters. How much do bad boys like those run? I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I don't really have the budget for the really expensive rigs but then again I don't want to spend $100 on some rod and reel that is going to be a waist of my time.
  14. We defiantly felt the wind! It calmed down a lot as it got later so it wasn't to bad. I couldn't catch a bass so I just went to heavy spoons for pike, worked well against the wind.
  15. Here in Michigan the local DNR puts out free topo maps online. There actually good quality. Maybe your state does the same.
  16. Nice! Well I tried darn near everything that was suggested on this forum and no bass, not even one. But I did catch a nice 27" northern pike!
  17. Awesome, thank you. I'll check the temp and adjust my location accordingly to what you said. I know the depths and the baits thanks to everyone. Thank you.
  18. This site is gold. I have some crank baits that dive so I will defiantly throw those as search baits then switch to one of the suggested choices once I find them. What are your thoughts on a wacky rigged worm? Maybe with a weight? I apologize if I'm asking to many questions I've just never known any of these things tell recently.
  19. Great information. Thank you it's much appreciated. I have just recently learnt some about reaction hits from bass and then like hits when there feeding. I was under the impression that they would not hit a rat-l-trap/crank bait during pre spawn because there more in the feeding type phase then reactionary. I hope that makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.
  20. This site is awesome! Thank you for the replies. Looks like I'm headed to the store come morning. We've entered a little "bass competition" if you will against some friends and I've pre-fished the lake twice now and caught nothing of size and the competition is Monday. I know bass are in there, the lake is known for it's bass. Any advice on location? Such as cast it in the shallow and reel it into the deep? The lake has steep drop offs.
  21. I am new to fishing prespawn bass. What do the bass want? Plastics? Jigs? Lures? I am fishing in Michigan on a lake that is mostly clay, sand, and marl. The waters are still in the 50's-60's. He lake goes to about 35 ft deep and has steep drop offs. The water is dark typically about 2-3 ft of visibility. I'm open to all suggestions. I've tried Texas rigs and jigs and nothing and I know there in there. Thank you!
  22. What kind of action do you use with your wacky rig in stained water? I'm getting ready to fish a small lake, clay, sand, and marl bottom, in about 2ft to 10ft of water and stained but about 3 ft visability.
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