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Everything posted by evo2s197

  1. I don't tolerate tardiness, if you're meeting me on an agreed time, me having to wait on someone that's late tells me that their time is more important than mine and is totally inconsiderate.
  2. Seems pretty sensitive for the msrp price range, at the price I paid for the rod, it blows everything else out of the water in the $200 range. It is stout though even though it's rated as a MH it's more of a MH+ similar to a St. CROIX MH, it should work great for swim jigs.
  3. My two favorites are the Keitech Tungsten football and the BASS UNION finesse football, both are killer.
  4. My question is, do you have a heading sensor that's above or as near as can be to your transducer or just relying on the GPS built into your head unit? If you don't have a networked heading sensor (such as a point 1 for lowrance products) what you see on your graph and what you mark as a waypoint is based off your graph location on the boat not the transducers location. For example if you have a 50 foot boat and the graph is at the center of the boat while the transducer is at the stern, then without a heading sensor set at the gps location, your waypoint is gonna be off by 25 feet at best. Also without a heading sensor installed, if you mark a waypoint only using your graph, you have to circle back and approach the waypoint at the same angle and direction to come close and even then your nearly on top of the marked waypoint by then.
  5. Never be ashamed of the gear you have or envious of others with what could be perceived as better gear. Buy the best you can afford and go fish.
  6. That's the thing you don't need to understand it, people buy high end gear because they can. To put it simply. The haves and have-nots can often be traced back to the dids and did-nots.
  7. There are by far WAY more people that have issues with high end gear on this forum than vice versa, I see it time and time again, expensive gear triggers people I guess but who knows.
  8. No reason why you shouldn't be able to fish a combo for years and years and still have it look nearly new, just treat it with care.
  9. This is absolutely correct, with my business we deal with institutions primarily, the amount of money these schools spend on in audio equipment we install in stadiums is astronomical, even in upper tier equipment (as far as schools go) the difference between a $9,000 community speaker and a $12000 speaker is noticeable, same with a $500 audio system or a $1000 one. The fact is most people aren't OCD enough to a notice difference they just go through life oblivious to a lot of things, it's all the same to them, some people are just more enlightened and aware, is all.
  10. Added RCS cork knobs and a RCS 90mm carbon handle to the 50th anniversary Zillion I acquired a few weeks back. Bolted it to a Daiwa BLX SG 7ft MH Xfast rod got it from Sierra Trading Post for only $199!
  11. If honking your horn with 2 short blasts works that's fine, whatever makes you feel comfortable.
  12. Your periods late buddy, but yeah people at ramps can be annoying.
  13. Nice combo, more interested in the 4G63power username, 4g63 dsm or ct9a?
  14. Yes it is passive aggressive, I'm sure you gotta walk past the individuals hogging up the space at the ramp, just ask them to move or make room, not wait until you are in the safety of a vehicle to honk. The problem with people today is that they are sensitive and afraid to speak up. But that's just my opinion, im direct and assertive, some people aren't and that's ok if it works for them.
  15. I would of just walked up and asked them to move, honking the horn is passive aggressive and just not that effective at boat ramps.
  16. Not sure if I'm gonna put it on a existing rod I have or buy a new one for it, I have a 7ft6 MH MF ST. CROIX LEGEND ELITE I'm not using, so if I decide to put it on that rod, it will be used for Carolina rigs.
  17. Just got this little gem in, a Shimano 20 Calcutta Conquest DC 201HG. Surprisingly small.
  18. The other benefit to expensive items is that not everyone can purchase them, so a individual that can afford high end whatever has the exclusivity factor of having what your average individual is not willing to attain, also more expensive items are usually but not always better.
  19. Nothing wrong with that, whatever works best for you is what matters.
  20. Between the Kistler and Levante, do you have issues on who gets custody of that lone Aldebaran?
  21. Yes, exactly, if someone thinks they don't exist their input shouldn't either.
  22. G.Loomis has some good rods in their lineup, but the E6X series is not one of them, they just aren't good, much better options for that price range, the St. Croix Victory series being one of them, also look at anything Daiwa or Shimano "even though G.Loomis is under the Shimano umbrella"in the same price range.
  23. This, these little suckers are money literally and figuratively, if your new to jigs and are in need of a bite these are the ones to use.
  24. A T-Rigged worm or Jig n trailer will catch bass in 90% of situations most anglers are presented with.
  25. That's a incorrect statement, unless you have fished some of the rods that are at the top of the food chain, and have custom rods built with the best materials available on a consumer level your opinion holds no validity, you have to fish them to understand the stark contrast between the best available and a mid teir $250-300 custom rod, or a off the shelf readily available stick.
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