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Everything posted by evo2s197

  1. Try Daiwa J-Flouro it's extremely manageable, tough and fairly inexpensive.
  2. A SLX reel might under extremely controlled circumstances and a good wind to your back hit 100 yards, with a Kastmaster and some covid home schooling math, a long rod and a lot of effort. The Antares on the other hand can come alot closer, I've definitely nearly spooled my Antares and Conquests a few times with a 1 ounce spoon for stripers, but they are definitely a different class of reels than the usual gear some Abu rounds are capable also. Yes 100 yards is possible with quality gear, but not needed in bass fishing.
  3. My custom frog rod combo is complete, for my applications it's the ultimate setup. Phenix UMBX-700XH-B. Blank Titanium Torzite Guides spiral wrapped: Excellent for frog fishing. Blade reel seat. DAIWA Zillion 10. Perfectly balanced. This setup is gonna do some major damage at Clearlake.
  4. To all of these posters sending thoughts and prayers, send some tangible help also not just lip service, his family could use the funds.
  5. Thoughts and prayers are useless, does anyone know a link or site to send some money to him and his family, I would like to do that, any serious illness does put a financial strain on families, even well off ones.
  6. As long as your not a klutz, a warranty shouldn't be #1 on the list for a Jig rod the Megabass is superior to the GCX, other options if your budget restricted is the Irod and Halo brand.
  7. Green weenie
  8. I have literally hundreds of bags of Iovino plastics. I like the spade worms, fat boys, and the snakes, awesome baits. S20 and liver are my go to colors.
  9. Just got a Megabass IP68L Oracle Dragon to pair up with my IP79L Oracle Dragon.
  10. Similar concept as the Manns Springr II worm. The manns work really well.
  11. There are a few pros in my area, I know first hand they might use the brands they are sponsored by maybe 1/4 of the time at most, a few even fish with custom rods more than than the rod manufacturer that sponsors them. But they'll say that they used this or that, even though "this or that" wasn't what helped them win or place. Take what these pros say with a grain of salt because they are salesman.
  12. War Eagle in general just seem to work better than most other spinnerbaits on the market.
  13. War Eagle in 1/2 ounce and sexy shad color, works in most conditions, but then again most of my lakes are deep reservoirs, with the exception of a few such as Clearlake.
  14. All three are doing the same thing correct? 4 pins on and the dial at 2 with the spool tension is where the lure falls to the floor with no overruns should be a set it and forget it setting, with good distance still.
  15. Looks like you need a real reel such as a Daiwa Steez SV TW
  16. Left hand for bottom contact baits and topwater, right hand for moving baits.
  17. Finally a Metanium MGL I needed a rod for, picked up a new NRX+ 843C MBR for 300 bucks, couldn't pass it up. Initial observations, not nearly as sensitive as a one of my Daiwa AGS Racing Designs with nearly identical power and taper, but it's just as light and almost as balanced, great rod for general use or junk fishing if you want to bring one setup, sensitivity is on par with the new 2021 Daiwa AGS Steez rods though. These three combo's no, I'm super frugal, I find deals and build relationships with people in the industry.
  18. Picked up a few new rods and reels, first is new Zillion Type R, im gonna use it for 1/2 spinnerbaits and LV500's, paired it with a Destroyer P5 Madbull. Next up is a SV103XSL That's been super tuned, polished everything bearings everywhere including Hedgehog AIR HD for the 1016 G1 spool I put in it, bombs 1/2 and up wobbleheads a country mile, slapped it on a Orochi XX Braillist that I added a hook keeper too, nice combo.
  19. No one asked you to divulge your fixed income status, you chose to on your own accord, because of that, I, as can others are free to give an opinion or statement. Living by choice rather than necessity is something everyone should strive for.
  20. Well yes you are because of the decisions you chose to make, like I said people are in various financial positions because of personal choices...for the most part. A large number of the high end gear available is just more enjoyable to fish with, but not a necessity by any means, people can argue all they want but if money was no object to everyone, the vast majority would fish with the best equipment of their choosing for their given presentation.
  21. Retirement doesn't mean you have to me married to a fixed income.
  22. I sort of think you are wrong. I can’t say I pick up on any envy of any posts and previous threads. Oh it's there even if you miss it, it really comes down to demographics in this particular type of fishing, definitely a wealthy disparity which can cause a division mostly from the less fortunate side, seems like you have mostly bass anglers with disposable income and those that live paycheck to paycheck, not a whole lot in the middle. I have a buddy that thinks all my gear is stupid and a waste, that I spend too much on my equipment, and his berkley lightning is better than whatever I have, mind you I never say look what I got, he just brings it up. The same guy that has to work multiple skill not required jobs and has 6 kids, which is his own doing. He is exactly like most on here that have any sort of negatively towards expensive items.
  23. That made me lol in agreement and I'm not religious by any means. This thread is probably gonna get locked now, with this new topic.
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