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Everything posted by evo2s197

  1. Yes, the Oracle design is cool In both the IS and IP's Thanks I'm just gonna use it as a general all around combo when on my boat my myself, it will throw jigs, spinnerbaits, Squarebills etc very nice Megabass X7 blank.
  2. Got a new all around casting combo. Megabass Arms Super Leggera ASL 7005X With a Megabass IP79L DRAGON
  3. High end bass gear is just more enjoyable to fish, at least for me, budget gear never really surprises me but sometimes the mid level stuff does from my own personal experience at least. I guess if you have enough disposable income to spend on something, buyer's remorse doesn't come into play, you just move on to something better instead.
  4. Thanks for the responses, I saw the same nothing that matched exactly.
  5. Since it's often hard to determine colors online and I don't have a BPS near enough to me, does The Stik-O come in a color that Matches the Yamamoto 912 ( which is a Green Pumpkin/watermelon black flake laminate color) and if so what's it called. Thanks
  6. Plastic worm for sure finesse specifically if I had a choice of one only, a lot of ways to fish one, next is a jig, but time and time again if you just need a bite of any kind a finesse worm in a natural color will get you one.
  7. This is exactly what will happen, expect to see a flood of 1-3 year old boats with low hours for sale in the next couple years most still with a warranty, first things people let go or default on is toys, especially all of the recent boat and rv owners that realize they just weren't that into it. Also new boat MSRP prices will not go down in the coming years but expect to see rebates and incentives to be abundant on new boats due to stagnant sales and competition from a plethora better equipped 1-3 year old boats on the used market.
  8. 3 years on a reel? I replace my Flourocarbon at least 4 times a year per reel.
  9. Thanks, they are my favorite series to use just outright performers on the water, I like how I can get away with lighter lures in deep water because they just transmit every little thing that other high end rods either miss or deaden, they are pricey but if you are serious about any sort of bottom contact fishing they are worth it. That pretty much sums it up, looks and performance.
  10. I use whatever is the absolute best for each technique I'm not that brand loyal but over the years I've noticed that most brands or series in a brand are mostly hyped up on forums, the majority of my rods are JDM specific models from Daiwa, Evergreen and Megabass with a few JDM Fenwick models (that's light years ahead of the USDM market Fenwicks) USDM market rods consists of custom St. Croix blanks and a few NRX and Conquests, but these are mainly back ups when I'm traveling or not on my own boat. I believe it's best to use what works best given the task not just because its brand X, although some brands or series in brands are the best in mostly every category.
  11. I prefer right handed reels for all moving baits, crankbaits, spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, swimbaits etc.
  12. I use both depending on the technique, if you are right handed you might find you like a left handed reel for better lure manipulation such as topwater and vice versa, also most of the time your dominant hand is usually more sensitive as far as touch and feeling, so it would make since to reel with your less dominant hand and hold the rod with your dominant.
  13. Got two new combos a few days back for shakey heads and 1/4 keitech football jigs , first one is a: Steez Racing Design 6101ML+FB, paired with a Steez CT SV Second is a NRX+ 852C paired with Aldebaran MGL 31 HG Both are very similar in power. I spooled both with 8lb Tatsu. Both rods were fished with a 1/4 tungsten swagger tackle shakyhead jig and a 7 inch Strike King 3x worm. The difference between the two is eye opening but I'm not surprised based off my experience with the other models of the RD series I have, the NRX+ is heavier, less balanced, not as sensitive doesn't cast as well and doesn't look as good compared to the Racing Design, similar results when I compare my NRX+ 843C MBR to my Racing Design Hustler Finesse Tune MH solid tip, I Do not have a NRX 844 to do a comparison vs my Heavy powered Racing Design. The difference in reels is more of a preference, the Steez CT feels more solidly built and in my opinion is less finicky casting a myriad of lures, the Shimano is plasticy feeling but gets the job done in a pinch it needs an update badly. This specific Daiwa series is cream of the crop for the ultimate bottom contact rods, they just don't come in longer lengths some people prefer, the models I have range from 6ft10 to 7ft, and no the new 2021 Steez rods are not just as good, because I have those also, these RD rods are just Special, it's a shame they aren't more readily available. The comparison is equivalent to a GLX VS a NRX+ the Racing Design being the NRX+ Anyways here's some pics.
  14. Didn't any of you see the always transparent news, your supposed to lower your expectations on what you are able to buy, and also this economy is the best ever.........
  15. Initial observation not really, both are JDM, the HD has a brass main gear the 1000G being JDM has an aluminum main gear unlike the USDM version that's brass, the HD has an aluminum drag star the 1000G is zaion other than that I just think the black looks better.
  16. Just got the new 2022 Zillion TW HD 1000XHL First thing I had to do was swap out the huge EVA power knobs, other than that I like it alot more than the silver one I got.
  17. Anytime someone asks me how I did back at the ramp I always just say that every day on the water is a good day, I never say how I actually did or where.
  18. Minnkota will have a brushless trolling motor out soon enough and the recent offerings will be the ones catching up, then you have the upcoming power pole trolling motor but I'll probably be long dead before thats released and I'm only 38 ?
  19. Yes, between the top offerings of Daiwa and Shimano vs Lews there still is a difference, I have a couple high end Lews reels Team Lew's Pro Ti's and like I said they get the job done when I use them but there is a stark contrast between them and my Daiwa and Shimano reels overall. The Biggest piece of junk models were the BB1 Pros I had a couple years ago, Bass Pro had them on clearance and I bought I believe 6 of them, 4 out of 6 had various issues, I returned them and picked up 4 of the then new Tatula SV TW and all of them were trouble free, both reels were similarly priced. But that's my personal experience.
  20. Absolutely nothing wrong with Lews reels they get the job done but to think they are in the same class as Daiwa and Shimano especially in the upper echelon models there is no comparison, it comes down to what you prefer some people are more picky and some aren't. I have a buddy that has a old Quantum accurist from the early 2000's he swears it's the best reel ever and better than anything I have, yet the drag is shot, it constantly grinds, brakes sometimes works, and when he's with me on my boat he's constantly fiddling with it instead of fishing, but to him it's awesome and I can't convince him otherwise. Open up a Lews vs a Daiwa or Shimano, and you'll see the difference.
  21. Grabbed a 2021 Shimano Calcutta Conquest 201HG and paired it with a Evergreen Kaleido Super Stallion, a great all around combo that can throw a 3/8 casting jig to a 2+ ounce glide bait.
  22. LV150 for me, just a overall great lipless, Lv500 if I'm fishing deeper, hopping it like a jig.
  23. DAIWA SV103H or SV103XS swap in a 1016 G1 spool if you want more distance over control, perfect all round solid reel. The OG green curados are also great if you can find one. Lews/Abu/ Doyo etc. if you want to swap parts between various overseas off brand reels.
  24. A proper ML spinning is in order if your bending out hooks on up to 2 lb bass, at Clearlake where the ONETEN in various variants is my jerkbait of choice I have never bent out the factory hooks, and where talking about some fat footballs with fins. A great rod for the standard ONETEN is the St. CROIX 6ft10 ML Xfast model in any series of your choosing, megabass makes a few models that are perfect also, I like the Rattle Viper Orochi xxx, it's also perfect for the ONETEN and the ONETEN JR. It's definitely the rod your using though, if I'm not straightening out hooks on typical 4 to 6 lb Clearlake largemouth you definitely shouldn't be on 1-2 pounders.
  25. Buy what makes you happy, you'll never get bashed if you decide on budget oriented gear, only high end stuff gets bashed.
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