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Everything posted by evo2s197

  1. I would advise against straight braid or braid with a leader if you do a lot of deadsticking especially in deep water, braid had terrible slack line sensitivity even with a leader, and you cant always line watch especially if it's windy, any good copolymer or flourocarbon is superior in sensitivity when it comes to deadsticking/ slack line fishing or fishing in windy conditions
  2. Gonna grab a st. Croix Premier pistol grip for occasional bank beating if I don't feel like launching the boat.
  3. I'm not sure I would rank Dobyns as high end especially the Xtasy series, high end in their line up, but not even close in the plethora of rods available. High end OFF THE SHELF would be in no particular order. St. Croix Legend Xtreme AGS LOOMIS NRX SHIMANO CONQUEST MEGABASS ARMS Daiwa STEEZ AGS ( Specifically the Bottom Contact) Phenix K2 Torzite. It all comes down to preference with the above rods I mentioned, the Shimano poison rods are nice upper mid level rods the Expride are a good value for a lower mid range. Light doesn't necessarily mean the best, a lot of rods are "light" and feel dead or are just plain out junk and that's why you see them with a 40+% discount. It's all about feel, balance and that "IT" factor, most rods do not possess any of those traits but the rods I Listed do, some others can chime in, I'm giving advice on the rods I have fished or own not just regurgitating what I hear or read from others. You could also go with a custom built rod with a K2, legend, or a stripped down NRX blank and have it built to your specs.
  4. Google Dick Trask and you'll see how awesome those worms are, especially on a split shot setup.
  5. I noticed the same with lews, I took a 6 year hiatus from bass fishing and owned nothing but Daiwa, so when I got back into it, I tried Lews because supposedly they were the latest and greatest, bought ten of the BB1 Pro baitcaster, 6 of the ten had one issue or another, I actually sent them all back to tacklewarehouse and they gave me a nice credit after 1 month of use. When I got back into this sport YouTube was new as far as people all over it pushing different fishing products, Lews cam up all the time so I tried them out instead of trusting my gut. Back to daiwa for me, never one issue other than always wanting more of them
  6. Deadsticking means cast it out and do nothing, or during the retrieve stop and do nothing. Not even a jiggle. Deadsticking a dropshot bait that's buoyant with a heavy weight is extremely productive in the winter or the dog days of summer.
  7. That thing is gonna move out with a 40
  8. There is really no comparison, two different philosophies, but either are the best out of any other brand and its not even an argument, it all comes down to which braking profile you prefer and ergonomics in relation to your fishing style and grip.
  9. I have had one instance a few years ago when it was clear as day the hi-vis braid was negatively affecting my fishing. Me and a buddy were fishing a flat that was about 10 feet deep, I was dragging a split shot roboworm, he was fishing a light weight texas worm through sparse brush. We both know that this particular body of water is killer when employing a split shot in shallow water and Carolina rig in the deep areas. Both of us had braid with a flourocarbon leader, his braid was typical dark green and mine was a hi-vis yellow, in 1 hour he caught 5 to my 1, I immediately switched rods with the same setup but with dark green braid and a flourocarbon leader and proceeded to out fish his texas rig in the same area we just went through, both of us were surprised that the braid color inhibited my catch rates. We repeated this test throughout the day with the same results. This was the first time I have used this particular braid in shallow water I usually use it for deep water dropshot with no negative affect on catch ratio. After this incident I'm sticking to Low- Vis braid.
  10. This is true, I just Use straight 14 lb Sunline Structure Flourocarbon with two Carolina keepers no leader less points of failure.
  11. One of the things I bought for my wifes birthday today, her first baitcast combo. St. Croix Avid Pearl Daiwa Tatula Elite
  12. Any comment that alludes to purchasing or owning high end equipment as stupid, not wise, ridiculous etc. comes off as bitterness or jealousy, and honestly is not a good look. When people say they would take said high end equipment in a heartbeat if given to them, would also purchase it themselves if they had disposable income, if they say otherwise they are kidding themselves. You cant take it with you so if you have more than enough for retirement, Bill's, food, emergencies and so on, what's wrong with splurging on yourself or those around you? I didn't grow up with a lot money, but I like nice things and dont want to take what's given to me, I would rather earn it so I decided when I grew up I was gonna choose a career path that allowed me to buy what I wanted. I would never look at someone else and say "They have nice stuff, but I have different priorities" because then you aren't honest with yourself, you just dont have the drive to accomplish both. On the other hand some people like to live a simple life and there is nothing wrong with that, in that case those people wouldn't comment or care about what other people have, because it doesn't affect them, which brings us back to the beginning of my post.
  13. I agree, obviously I have Ultra high end stuff, but I have what most beginner would call beginner setups that I enjoy using also, for instance I have the New Ugly Stick Carbons that I believe are 70 bucks per rod. As long as you catch fish I dont judge even if your using a cane pole.
  14. 6 inch straight tail Texas rig worm on a 1/8 tungsten bullet weight fished slow with long pauses "1 minute or longer" 5 to 10 minutes per cast.
  15. My four most expensive combos are: St. Croix Legend Xtreme AGS 7ft Medium fast casting $630 Daiwa Steez SV TW 1016SV-SH $549.99 TWO St. Croix Legend Xtreme AGS 7ft1 Medium Heavy XFast casting $640 Daiwa Steez SV TW 1016SV-SH $549.99 St. Croix Legend Xtreme AGS 7ft4 Heavy fast casting $650 Daiwa Steez A TW 1016 SH $499.99
  16. Your looking for St.Croix Medium Power X-Fast action if it's intended use is strictly wacky rigging. Most of St. Croix rods are made in the USA and those that aren't are still made in North America which is a huge plus My recommendation is a Avid X spinning. But any St. Croix in a Medium Xfast configuration will be awesome for wacky rigging The tackle trap has st croix's on sale right now and so does Joe's Sporting Goods so act fast.
  17. I have the Oakley Prizm in the deep water lens on Holbrook frames, and I fish shallow or deep, they are also prescription strength, I regularly see fish and objects below the surface that others with me cant see, and a few have Costas or similar.
  18. If you like power fishing it will do it all. If you need any specific pictures of the ones I have PM me
  19. Definitely has alot more power than a 894, i feel it has more backbone than the 895 as well , except it beats both of them in balance and can throw a broader range of lures, it has just enough tip to fish frogs really well also but the backbone to pull any bass easily out of the cover. It reminds me of the NRX 822dsr rods I had, it fishes small baits really well, but when you load up on a big fish it surprises you with the power it has, if that makes sense. Think of a 893, 894 and 895 from tip to butt all in one and unlike the NRX rods this one is not tip heavy
  20. What about pairing up that NRX with a complimentary Metanium DC instead.
  21. If you have to think whether it's too windy or not best to trust your gut. On the other hand if you are already out on the boat and that specific body of water is known to be hazardous when the wind starts picking up it's best to stay near the launch if you start to notice a shift in weather. I've had a couple white knuckle rides back in on Clearlake, that lake can be outright dangerous at times and will sneak up on you in a hurry.
  22. Major Craft MS-1 Casting Rod 7ft3 MH Excellent rod for the money. Dobyns are a decent value only if they are still doing the 40% off of them. Also Avid X 7ft MH from the Tackle Trap they are still doing discount on them that will get you under the $200 mark.
  23. Were all guilty of it, no harm no foul
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