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Everything posted by evo2s197

  1. Another St. Croix rod and Daiwa reel to add to the collection. Legend Elite 7ft6 MH Moderate Fast Steez A JDM 5.3:1 Crazy Cranker Main use 1.25 oz Jackhammers Secondary uses medium to deep diving crankbaits. LV500'S. 3/4 -1 oz foot ball jigs. Carolina rigs.
  2. 4 feet has been the most consistent for me overall.
  3. Reminds me of the time I showed my Grandpa a Daiwa Tournament Z-iA I saved up for a year and finally bought it, this was back in 97 or 98, he looks at it and says "my Garcia Mitchell 300 is better than that commie junk it just needs a cleaning" 30 minutes later he calls me into the garage to check out his freshly cleaned reel, I look it over and point to the pieces laying next to it and ask " what are those grandpa?" He looks at them and shrugs then says " those were extra pieces after I cleaned it" Needless to say you couldn't even crank it. I'm glad I didn't get my mechanical skills from him.
  4. Spend a little extra and get the MOJO it will be well worth it, if you have to save longer so be it.
  5. I myself never had this reaction after losing a grandparent or my mother(albeit I'm sure losing a child is especially tough) but surprisingly a lot of people suffer from bereavement disorder after a death of someone close, such as turning your back on a activity you love irrational and sudden purchases or sell offs. Hopefully you don't look back and regret this Massive sell off, after all life goes on and deaths like this will happen to everyone even if it does sound cold, it's not because of some entities great plan it's just life and that's out of anyone's control when it comes to death, I'm sure your son would've wanted you to keep all your fishing gear and use your love of the sport to ease the pain, what will you do now as an escape? I would suggest professional counseling from a outside source before selling of more items.
  6. Could be worse, like the Loomis guys leaving the price tag sticker on the cork...
  7. Just curious, what leads you to believe that a Lews version of a high end reel is comparable to a Shimano? If your looking at an alternative to Shimano, check out the Daiwa line up, it's like Ferrari or Lamborghini. A comparable option to Lews would be Abu Garcia, which would be like Hyundai or Kia in the early years. The plus about Lews reels is that alot of the internals are interchangeable depending on the model with Abu Garcia and BPS branded reels along with a few others, they are made by Doyo afterall, same guts different skin.
  8. That's the spirit, your not half bad after all. My 3 finesse baitcasters are all Alphas CT SV's, can they do mostly everything my ML - L spinning rods do?.. yes, do the baitcasters do it better? no, they can do it almost as well, but that's just not good enough for me, plus I prefer the drag on my finesse spinning reels over a BFS reel when it comes to these larger California fish. My finesse BFS setups I use mostly for tiny poppers and jerkbaits in ponds, or if I wanna live life dangerously out on Clearlake with those footballs with fins.
  9. Money can most certainly buy happiness if you spend and manage it the right way. When you recognize the difference between need and greed then it's all smooth sailing.
  10. Exactly you can explain it to people but you cant understand it for them. There is no BETTER OVERALL just better suited, both setups have there place to think a casting setup will totally replace any spinning setup in all aspects of performance is just delusional. The Elite pros use both types, why is that.... There are a lot of reasons why, but the main reason is because they use the right tool for the job, you can make anything work that does not mean it's the best choice.
  11. This is exactly why my wife and myself decided against kids, they don't add to our quality of life, much rather have fur babies and stay Dinks " Dual income no kids". High end gear will always exist, if you dont like it, you dont have to buy it, plenty of used and budget equipment available.
  12. Some threads just make you wonder. If I wanted to limit the amount of fish I catch on any given body of water I would most definitely stick with baitcasters exclusively. It's funny because from my experience most of the guys the down talk spinning outfits have that faux macho man mentality. My boat has close to a 50/50 ratio of both spinning and bait casting, because somedays it's gonna take a finesse presentation to bring them in. Painting your self in a corner because you want to insist on using casting equipment is ridiculous unless your a Masochist then it all makes sense.
  13. Why not just take everything out for the night wherever you are staying and leave all the compartments unlocked. I've seen it where people use those bars and some crack head uses a demo pry bar to pop it loose, they provide a false sense of security. Witnessed the damage to 4 boats the night before a Tournament at a hotel, they caught the guy later, because he bought a digging bar from a home depot down the street that evening and matched the description when he fled in his pickup truck, with a bed full of rods and tackle, leaving the new digging bar behind tags and all.
  14. Watermelon Red and and anything with predominantly purple are my two main productive colors.
  15. If its rigged with a Small elaztech bait, with a light weight small hook jighead it's a ned rig.
  16. That's funny, I sold all 12 of my NRX rods after I fished a Legend X and Legend elite. I now have mostly all st croixs from a couple Avid X rods, and then legend X rods to the new Legend xtreme, with a few megabass rods sprinkled in.
  17. The Tatula 100 will cast better, palm better and its lighter, plus it doesn't have a ultra deep spool that you dont need.
  19. I would go with the Mojo Bass casting model# MJC68MHF And the Mojo Bass spinning model# MJS620MLXF Both of these will suit your needs perfectly. PM me and I can give you details on a discount. And change the baitcaster to a Tatula 100 A rod that can handle heavy cover and used for crankbaits also, doesn't really exist. You could make it work but you really need a dedicated cranking rod IMO.
  20. Since I own numerous St. Croix rods, bordering on insanity may I ask.. are you stuck on The Premier line only? And what kind of heavy cover are you talking about? To me heavy cover is the Delta and the back sloughs of Clearlake.
  21. Super soft and hand poured, the tail is super active at any speed even deadsticking, it will consistently out produce other similar style worms especially culprit originals 5 to 1 and sometimes the more than that.
  23. Works well to seal up cuts also, especially finger cuts were a bandage never wants to stay put.
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