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Everything posted by evo2s197

  1. Charlie brewer 3 inch dropshot worm. https://www.sliderfishing.com/category.sc?categoryId=10 https://www.sliderfishing.com/product.sc?productId=766&categoryId=7
  2. I have it in the new AGS model as well, it's awesome I agree.
  3. I could not imagine telling someone else this, about how distasteful it was for a individual to turn a FISHING ROD into something other than the manufacturers intended purpose, and then add that I saw it on a forum. The person hearing this would say, "Yeah so what, it's just a fishing rod what's the big deal?" What I did affects literally nobody in any real way, it's not a historical piece, it's not some rare artifact, or something that should be held in any sort of cultural significance. It is a tangible product mass produced overseas for pennies on the dollar and sold as a tool at a high markup, to be used however an individual intends it to be used as, nobody will miss it, cry about it or reminisce about the time they spent building it after it leaves the factory. Just last weekend I saw a brand new Ferrari with Graffiti on it cruising down the Los Angeles Freeway, it was not a wrap, no but actual spray paint, done in an artful way, I didn't get offended or upset when I saw it, because the state of that vehicle does not affect me, and it's just a material object anyways they come and they go. I feel that people get addicted to feeling offended all the time because it gives them a high, being self-righteous and having a false sense of being morally superior makes them feel good, which is what I'm seeing in some of these comments.
  4. That was the intent of this thread.
  5. You missed the part where I said, I donate quite a bit to youth organizations including a local youth fishing club, enough to buy all those kids in that club any rod they wanted. I also sort through new and unused tackle at the end of every year and give that away to fishing clubs and friends that don't have the means. People try to add their two sense when they don't know the whole situation or person. Majorcraft, or an Irod Genesis III.
  6. One rod won't do anything to help a local highschool fishing club in my eyes, my wife and myself donate more than enough annually to local youth groups and animal shelters including a local junior fishing club, I also live in an area where I dont need to put my boat away for the winter and lakes are open year around, im not stuck at home working remotely or whatever they call it, cabin fever does not exist in my case. The rod holds zero value, so I made it more of use for lure retrievals. I have buddies that always try to tell or recommend to me on what I should do with my money, it's always the ones telling you what to do with your time or money that don't actually have it themselves, or so it seems in my case. It's just a rod, and not a very expensive one at that so who cares, enjoy the humor in it. Sometimes I feel I'm living in a different reality than some people, who are obsessed with possessions and the value of them, they are just material objects you can always get more. Last year I think it was on these forums, some dude was ticked that people use high end equipment, called it ridiculous and all kinds of other things, even searched through members threads to find out who posted about some of there equipment, mentioned myself saying I posted 4 combos that cost more than his boat or something like that, then ranted about other members, I was embarrassed for him actually.
  7. Exactly, it's all in good fun, thanks.
  8. I would suggest a ST. CROIX XLC71MHXF Legend X 7ft1 MH extra Fast paired with a Steez A. Or a GLX 853C paired with a Metanium MGL You can't go wrong with either, both awesome for what you want, solid warranties.
  9. Only you yourself will know when it becomes too much, i have nearly 4 dozen combos that I have accumulated over the years and countless spare reels still new in boxes, they are all fun to use, some have sentimental value and I have a dedicated room just for tackle and rods so its not a problem, my wife doesn't care as we both have our own spending money, hers being her muscle cars we like to restore, so she can't complain. If storing them becomes a problem or you start suffering financially because of a hobby or causes marital stress then maybe then its too much.
  10. you sir are funny, these comments are what I was expecting, I'll keep the JDM Steez on since I don't have much use for it anyway much more compact and easier to stow away than a Calcutta Dobyns LR combo and more rare, adds to the unique factor. Might cause eyes to twitch or meltdowns from others but who cares it's funny to watch it.
  11. No thanks the Calcutta 400 will screw up the balance of the Dobyns Lure Retriever, let's go with a JDM Steez A Crazy Cranker instead.
  12. It wasn't as cringy until you went back and added the second paragraph, I would just leave it alone if I were you, take a breather, then go back and read the OP, maybe then you'll see the humor without the blinders. That's the spirit.
  13. Most of my buddies wouldn't really use the rod either, a few are rod builders, or have brand/brands they prefer, one guy uses the cheaper priced dobyns for strictly moving reaction techniques and not bottom contact. I did use the rod, and it was balanced but not anywhere close to being worth they price they go for sensitivity was marginal, if it was in the $180 range I think it would be a good value but not 300+ I didn't need to sell the rod to procure money so that I could buy more gear, so I found an alternate use for it. It's not a waste if its used, it's like one buddy that thinks I'm crazy for buying a brand new vehicle a couple years back who's sole purpose is to tow my bass boat, he constantly brings it up when he goes out with me about how it sits in my shop and only tows my boat on the weekends I go out fishing, why does he care what I use my stuff for.
  14. They are rebuttals to the people who can't see the humor in it and instead post a "Im offended" message. This guy gets it.
  15. I had a cousin that was taught that motto, he was overly sensitive and said that often if he was offended. Some people are just sensitive when it comes to mere words, it's always baffled me. This thread turned out to be hilarious for myself, just because individuals are offended by an alternate use of a fishing rod? I mean seriously.
  16. Yes sir that was it's purpose but with some humor. Taking the boat out today as a matter of fact, I'll probably be less ornery afterwards.
  17. People get extremely offended when other people don't agree or dislike what they like, Almost like it's insulting then that another individual is not like minded as they are, it's ok that you like your Dobyns rods, Mr. Walt Kowalski and yourself should go talk about all the bad things I did to a Dobyns, rod maybe you'll feel better venting. It was free, I didn't like it, don't need the money so why sell it and thought it would be funny and slightly offensive at first to people that have a sense of humor. But you and me both know it just plain upsets you that I did what I did to this rod, so really I should of posted a meme of a doll asking you where I hurt you. I would suggest laughing this post off as a joke as was it's intent and being more productive with your time instead of using it to post memes or Gifs that suggests your devotion to Gary Dobyns, who knows perhaps he'll send you an unharmed rod for your valiant meme making skills defending his honor, or most likely he'll chuckle at the post and not care which is what most Men and lest we forget women in the sport/hobby would do. In all seriousness, relax it's just a joke. That is true, or people that can't even figure out how to spool their baitcasters specifically Daiwa, and then go hand out fishing or fishing related advice, crazy I know.?
  18. If I could give you a hug I would buddy, I promised I wouldn't hurt anymore Dobyns rods, if I ever win another in a raffle I'll send it your way, if that happens do you have a name picked out for it, would you send me pictures of you and the rod on vacations and outings so I know its safe and happy??
  19. That is correct there will always be someone that like Dobyns, 13 fishing, Kastking, Favorite, etc. As long that individual likes it and it makes them happy, that's all that matters.
  20. Aww, it will be ok Mr. Kowalski If I come across any more Dobyns rods I'll donate them to goodwill, no more will be harmed honest injun.
  21. Finally found a useful purpose for the single Dobyns rod I have, a Champion Extreme HP lure retriever with 100lb braid and a 20 year old Daiwa Procaster. "Seems some people are offended, it's all in good fun, it's a rod I didn't care for so instead of trashing it I found a more useful purpose for it, won it in a raffle no $ out of my pocket."
  22. Keitech Tungsten football jigs are the best for myself on pressured spotted bass reservoirs, pictured are my favorite two colors and matching trailers, the trailers are 2.5 inches long for reference, I fish them between 0 and 60 feet using the 1/2 ounce model exclusively, much more "finesse" and compact than the two you mentioned they have 2/0 hooks, fish them on 10 lb line.
  23. Tacklewarehouse took long enough with my order but I got what I really wanted out of everything, the new z-man ewg jig heads.
  24. That particular bait is JUNK haven't tried any of their other stuff, but if it doesn't work at Clearlake in the spring, summer and fall, it's not gonna work anywhere. Save your money.
  25. Just got this combo to see what all the Hype is about.
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