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Everything posted by Alpster

  1. A juicy magic marker or sharpie works for me. Ronnie
  2. I have to use like, "Skunk Urine" otherwise the babes just can't keep their hands off of me. You can't really blame them, they are only human. It's especially embarrassing when I'm with my kids in a public place. 8-) Ronnie
  3. Welcome aboard! Come on in, the water is fine! Ronnie
  4. Thanks Tony, My late wife said, she could always find me in the store by following the cough. I used to think that everyone stood over the toilet and hacked & coughed up blood for 20 minutes each morning before they had their first smoke and coffee. When I was in the hospital in GA in the 70s, a rec. therapist said to me " you can't wait to finish that cigarette so you can light another one. I said "I think you are right." LOL I read the stories above and how well I remember saying to myself " if I could just stop eating, drinking coffee or having a beer, I could stop smoking. Truth is, I only enjoyed 2 or 3 of the 75 or 85 smokes a day. The rest were just a mechanical habit, like a baby's pacifier. Ronnie
  5. Hey Fishtank, When you get ready to offload them worthless Shimanos, just let me know. I'll take em off your hands. Always wanting to help a brother out. Ronnie
  6. WELCOME BOB! If you are in Trenton, I am on the other end of I-195. Glad to have you aboard! Ronnie
  7. I already had Speedbead covered, so if CJ don't mind your using his, it's all good. I have extras still, if needed. Ronnie ALSO... 14 guys have already paid up for the Wednesday night dinner. Good Job! Keep those cards and letters comming!
  8. My Uncle Josh jars are evaporating down quite a bit & need to be refilled so they won't dry out. Anyone have a brine recipe so I can get them filled back up? Also, any ideas for containers that are more leak proof? My old jars are leaking in my tackle boxes. TIA Ronnie
  9. This is why I don't buy expensive jigs. Where I fish them, they will get lost. I am not convinced that expensive jigs are a big advantage. Like Burley says, they need to be disposable. JMHO If you have a good lure retriever, you shouldn't lose many treble hook lures. Ronnie
  10. On my home lake, almost never get skunked, but have a ton of one & two fish days. Ronnie
  11. Wow, I didn't realize how freakin boring I am. Here's mine. LOL Ronnie
  12. One of the reasons I won't build rods commercially is the cost of shipping. When rod tubes go over 7' the costs skyrocket. $30 to send 8' 4" rod via UPS + $7.50 for the PVC tube. Post office quoted me $135. LOL Ronnie
  13. It depends on where you are. Google doesn't actually take the pictures. Most of the pictures are 'digital orthophotos' taken by cameras mounted on satellites. They come from various sources that can be traced to world wide government agencies because private companies can't yet afford to launch satellites. In some places, however they will use 'high resolution aerial photos' when available. These are taken from airplanes, hot air balloons, etc. in smaller areas for urban planning, etc. These photos will have incredible detail. When are they updated? The answer is, when they become available. For example, I live less than 60 miles from New York city and the Google maps of my house show a swingset I tore down 4 years ago. They are not usually real time photos, but you never know when new ones will become available, so it is pot luck for the end user. All the other aerial photo sites (Mapmart, Digital Globe, Flash Earth, etc.) get their photos from the same sources. What makes one better than the other is how well they keep track of updates. The whole thing is way more complicated than I can describe, this is the gist of it. I hope it's helpful I am a Land Surveyor. Aerial photogrametry and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a big part of my business. Ronnie
  14. OK, I am sharing my secret fish batter. Everyone who reads this must send me a PM, because I have to hunt you down and kill you, unless you memorize it and erase it from your hard drive. Don't print it, then you have to swallow it. LOL Two large mixing bowls.... In one, mix 1 cup of whole milk, 3 eggs (with yolk), a table spoon of minced garlic (I use the jar stuff) and 1/4 cup of yellow mustard (just like you put on a hotdog). Mix this well, I use an electric mixer. Put your fillets in this batter for 15 mins (or as long as you have time) In the second bowl mix 1 cup of corn meal with 1 cup of "4 Seasons" italian bread crumbs and three tablespoons of ground, black pepper. move the fish fillets from the batter bowl to the breading bowl (don't shake off any excess batter, take as much as will go). Shake the breading bowl to cover the fillets, don't turn them with tongs. Fry them as you normally would in the hottest oil you can. Ronnie
  15. Yesterday I organized tackle boxes and oiled reels. It was 34 degrees with snow flurries and freezing rain. Tomorrow the forcast is Sunny and 60. Go figure. Next week the clocks go back to normal. It's one of the happiest days of the year for me. Springtime is coming! Ronnie
  16. FD, After 22 years at 4+ packs a day (chain smoker) I quit 17 years ago. If I could do it you certainly can. Keep on Keeping on! Ronnie
  17. If I have the story straight, you will grow up to be 'Darth Vader' and kill us all with a "Death Star". LOL Ronnie
  18. Awesome fish Jay, Looks like you Cali boys are still in buisness. Way to go! Ronnie
  19. I turned out to be some babe called 'Galadriel'. Zowie, what a wakeup call , who would of thought I could be so pretty. They must be able to see the hair on my back somehow. Ronnie
  20. OK, my stuff is ready to go. It was 36 degrees with drizzling rain and trying to snow here yesterday. The bassbuss is in the shop getting fixed up. I couldn't play in there, so I had a nice relaxing day cleaning oiling and organizing my gear for the Gville trip. Are we there yet??? Ronnie
  21. Excellent advise KU!!! If you can't stand to wear even a suspender type PFD as KU suggests, I have one that is in a fanny pack you wear it around your waist. I never take it off while in the boat. I also wear my suspenders when the boat is under power. The suspenders inflate automatically when they hit the water, the fanny pack has a pull cord. Ronnie
  22. Aaron, Praying for you & yours. Ronnie
  23. That's slicker than snot on a door handle. AMAZING! Ronnie
  24. It's a pretty cool tip and I will keep it in mind when I need it. Good job! Ronnie
  25. Keith, I turned one grip set and just used the shop vac after I was done. Cleanup isn't too bad, but it does toss some cork shavings and dust. What used to take 45 minutes with the old drill set-up, now takes about 2 minutes. LOL Russ, Yep, that's the idea. I have used the same wood grip that is on your rod on a couple of others and I like them too. The extra weight is negligible and it just feels good in your hand. However, I am more likely to use wood on heavier saltwater rods and fly rod grips. This rig might have some promise for the Cali project we talked about. Ronnie
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