OK folks, I have a rather bittersweet announcement to make. Your humble road trip coordinator has been overcome by unforeseeable circumstances and will not be able to attend this year's road trip. :'(
I am a Land Surveyor and my work is tied directly to the housing and mortgage market. You all know what that looks like in this economy. It's a long story, but the net of it is, after being without work for many months now, I have miraculously landed some much needed work that will not allow me to be away next week. It breaks my heart to miss this trip, but I must be mature about it. I have this kid who has developed a daily eating habit that I haven't been able to break.
This is good news for my family and just terrible timing for the road trip. As always, I have found that I can count on the BassResource.com family to help me out when I have a need. My good friend "LONG MIKE" has very graciously accepted my request to stand in the gap for me and take over the last minute details of getting the trip together for you guys. Long Mike has already done a wonderful job of coordinating roommates and boat seats and is the natural choice to step in and cover my butt on this one. I trust you will give Mike the same cooperation and supportive help you have extended to me. I will still be around and checking in on you hooligans, but it is important that you stay in touch with Mike if you have questions or need assistance. From now until the trip is done, Mike is "da man" and he is taking on a lot of responsibility, so if you want to be a help to me during this tough time, throw your support to Mike. I am counting on you guys to help Mike make this the best road trip yet. I will be watching the board to see the new PB pics, so don't let me down.
God bless you all,