In light of the recent changes in the plans for the "Roadtrip", I feel I need to make a very important point regarding the "Roadtrips".
I have been involved in the road trips since the beginning and intimately as a "Roadtrip Coordinator" along with Long Mike for the last several years.
Glenn did not create the "Road Trips" or even the concept. He simply saw what the members were already doing to enjoy bass fishing and tried to get under it and support it. He has spent tons of his own money and countless hours of his own time trying to make what we were already doing, that much better. He has called in a lot of favors and invested much of himself in making a good fishing trip something very special. Much like these forums, the Road trips are an amazingly easy, inexpensive way to enjoy your passion for bass fishing and Glenn has knocked himself out to make it better for all of us.
If you want to come to Pickwick and have a wonderful time fishing with some of the best people you will ever meet, then come on and have a great trip. If you choose otherwise, that's OK, but it is no one's fault and certainly not Glenn's if it doesn't meet your expectations.
I am coming off maybe the worst economic year of my life. I had to cancel the roadtrip last year, I lost my house, I don't yet know how my daughter is going to college in the fall, I am working very little and bills still come due. I can complain and try to find fault with others, but I know that's not going to fix anything. So I got married to a wonderful woman, adopted a new kid and with God's help, we work hard to make the best of it.
There are no bad guys here, only bad circumstances. As in life, everyone is responsible for his own success on the "roadtrip". Please choose to make the best of it or stay home, but don't blame anyone for that over which they can have no control. Sorry for the rant. I just thought that needed to be said at this time.
As always, I continue to appreciate the forums and the fellowship and all I have learned and gained from this group. Thanks for listening.