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Everything posted by Shanes7614

  1. Could be either then I guess. Only he would know why what HE put together would work as it made sense to him to make and use his bait.
  2. Cast you trigs as parallel to the edge of the thickest stuff and work as much of those areas as you can.
  3. If anything is a given as you say his welcome was, was that Sam directed him to anywhere besides the area he asked about. I guess that's helpful and welcoming though.
  4. Where in your post or either of SAMs do either one of you welcome a new member?
  5. The same lures you read about that work in northern states also work in your part of Texas as well. Take a look at other threads from areas with the same kind of heat you guys have. California, Florida, Arizona etc... Welcome to the forums.
  6. You seem very helpful as well.
  7. Take your pick. He either found the one fish that was hungry enough to hit that bait or the bass itself in randomly swimming by his contraption. Even the OP thinks it's dumb. Look at his title. I'm just confused as to why he's questioning it produced as well.
  8. Twitch pause repeat. Twitch pause repeat. Twitch pause repeat.
  9. Hey. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.
  10. You should try whatever YOU want. Not what the masses say. What works for other guys doesn't mean it will work for you!!!
  11. What's that have to do with a name for it? Lol. Are you saying the fluke is trying to eat a grub or the grub is trying to eat the fluke? When he starts posting videos of fish being caught consistently with this then we'll worry about it.
  12. Papajoe has a great idea with the punching. Buzz baits can be used in the areas where it doesn't quite reach the surface. Plenty of noise to draw the fish out. I haven't used them much but the new Popfrogz and Popshadz from Zman could be an option for you to try as well. Both can be rigged weed less. Frogs can be another option.
  13. I've had great success using the smaller versions of slugO's. On my home lake I grew up fishing I started using 6" and my buddy mistakingly bought the 4.5" version. We started using the smaller and had way more success number and size. Small baits don't always mean small fish. They probably imitate the size baitfish present in your lake.
  14. That's a really nice offer. Not many guys would just send someone they've never met and let them try a bait they can't replace. You sound like a great sportsman!!!
  15. Don't think it's gonna make a huge difference. Fishing is always trial and error. Try marking one and fish both and see which produces better for you. Let us know the outcome! Greats deal!
  16. That fish is almost too perfect looking. Nice job!!!
  17. Great job "grandpa". I'm sure they will remember for a long time. Nice looking fish as well. Hope your able to rest up and get out yourself and get em!!!
  18. What do you do with jerkbaits that have 3 trebles on them? Do you have to take one off to be able to use them?
  19. Use them around any cover or weed lines you can find. Work them as slow as possible with the blades still keepingn it on top of the water. Stick with white or white/chartreuse during the day. Black in low light conditions. Next time your driving around take your buzz bait and hold out of your vehicles window to make the blades spin. This causes some wear in them that could take hours and hours to achieve a squeal. For me they always seem to attract more fish once they have that squeal. Hope this helps. For me they are one of my favorite most productive baits I use.
  20. Trying throwing a buzz bait and work it as slowly as you can to just keep the blade spinning. Vegetation like that is what dreams are made of. Lol
  21. If that was it then why go into detail as to why you don't think it's a good idea?
  22. The performance statement I was referring to is saying how logs just show performance for a certain time period. Is that NOT the main reason we as fishermen fish? It's to perform and to catch fish. A log showing what produces fish is a tool that can be used over and over throughout the years.
  23. Not everyone on here is fishing south Florida and the rain that you speak of. The heavy rain was in November. I remember specifically because it was right after I moved here. What do HOA's have anything to do with the general public? What I am saying is that you make it sound as if logging is a bad idea. With the amount of fishing you yourself is able to do which again is not the general public you should be able to find fish on a constant basis due to your time spent. Not everyone has the amount of time you do to spend on the water. So therefor anyone wanting to start a log should in no way be discouraged. Because it doesn't fit YOUR style or life habits doesn't mean it can't help others. With today's day and age and use of electronic devices this can be done much easier then in years past. You missed my point when it came to depth and having a starting point. Even here in Florida bass tend to stay at different water depths at different times of year. As much as the water drops or increases, if I had a log myself that told me I should be fishing in 8'+ of water when the water temps get over a certain temp then no matter where I can find that depth is where I would start my search. Again something easier to do from a boat and having electronics to tell you where you've reached your desired depth. Does it mean fish will automatically be there? NO. But again it's a good starting point for those guys that don't fish over 300 days a year. You say your happy about catching a 1lb bass day in and day out throughout the year may be considered good and fun for you. But to your average guy who may only get out 6-12 times a year would be a totally different story. I myself know I would not be happy catching 12 bass in a year. Anything guys can do to improve their catch numbers sounds like a great idea to me and if keeping a log is one of those ways then I'm all for it!!!
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