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Everything posted by Shanes7614

  1. In the fall try throwing a LARGE lipless. Just make sure your holding on tight!!!
  2. Haha.... I was gonna say sit back and have a beer. If the fishing sucks might as well sit back and enjoy nature.
  3. Buy a few sample packs of different hooks and weigh each one and use the closest to the manufacturer weight and the action should remain the same. Otherwise loosen your drag as previously stated and use your rodbasbmorwnofbabsteeringbwheel to get the fish moving in a direction away from obstructions.
  4. Check the clearance bins and pick out what you use the most of.
  5. Most Wally Worlds have been having the smaller sizes on clearance for 5$. May wanna check that out also. I got lucky with my two local stores and found 3/4 and even 1oz for the same price.
  6. Most bass pro models of other brand ne lures are pretty decent. Otherwise hard to help you without knowing your fishing style location and favorite techniques to help you choose.
  7. To the best of my knowledge.... Even private ponds unless licensed as "pay to fish" waters are still the property of each individual state. I would contact your local marine biologist and make sure this is not the case. As removing large bass from one pond that maybe state owned into a "private pond " could still be considered illegal. Also think of the possibilities of spreading any disease that may come from the supplying pond and the effects it may have on your private waters may do more damage then good. Best bet is to fish for such panfish and take as many as legally possible out each time you visit. What you do with them after is only your business. An old friend used to fertilize his garden with "garbage " fish and till them in each spring and grew tomatoes theorize of cantolopes. Lol
  8. Too many guys are stuck on the ratio ratings of each reel. However not many actually pay attention to the rate of inches per handle turn. Like Francho said. A 6:1 spinning reel can have a greater inch per turn than a 7:1 BC reel. Hence its faster then the BC reel. As far as flipping and pitching and such. Maybe think outside the box and use a rod that isn't JUST designed for freshwater ratings. A buddy of mine uses a tsunami airwave in 7'6" heavy action with a 3500 series reel and can pitch and flip with the best of them. Again, it's personal preference. And controlling a cast with a spinning reel is as simple as Francho stated before with lightly fingering the line as it comes off the spool. I think one of the biggest problems guys find problem with is the price comparison to a BC reel that will keep most beginners from back lashing all day is double the price of a quality spinning reel. Somenguysbjust can't afford to spend hundreds or even thousands on gear they may not use more then 5-6 times a year. But to limit and stand behind " you can only throw this kind of bait on a certain reel is asinine.
  9. I two oz tungsten to the boat or skier may make them think twice about doing it again...
  10. Favorite nighttime bass lures are a black buzz and spinnerbait with an oversized singe Colorado blade. No better feeling and sound when a fat pig comes up and slurps your buzz bait underwater.
  11. Carolina rig large worms in the deep water.
  12. Fish the thickest cover you can find in more then 1 foot of water of find the deepest holes and drag huge worms and jigs.
  13. Available online I believe. Mostly YouTube.
  14. Black buzz baits and bladed jigs with large profile trailers. Slow moving topwaters like spooks work great also.
  15. Silver spoons burned along the top with a very brief paisebcausesbto good reaction bites as well.
  16. Jerk baits work well for schooling fish as well.
  17. Congrats on your biggest fight in your life so far. Bass fishing is a great pastime but without your health there is nothing there to keep the motivation. I myself missed an extended period of time due to a broken neck. Once I was cleared to return it felt like a part of my life was given back to me that I can still cherish all the memories I've made and still waiting to make more. My biggest wishes go out to you that you remain healthy and have any years and stories to share with us.
  18. X2. If not replace with new reel they should return to original specs.
  19. What were the water temps during the day?
  20. Your downfalls can be fixed by upgrading to a heavier rod class. Others downfalls will never change due to the ignorance of being stuck in thier own ways the has caught their ONE trophy fish and will now forever swear by that method. My grandpa taught me growing up that even a blind squirrel can find a nut sometimes. And with the new technology being used today many of these guys are going to be left behind in the dust.
  21. This just sounds like a biased comment because it's YOUR preferred method. Sometimes money, no predesessor to teach or some guys even have a handicap preventing their use of casting reels. That doesn't make them any less of a fishermen and prevent them from using certain baits and presentations. Have you yourself ever tried drop shotting in the super clear DEEP resevoirs in Southern California where water visibility can sometimes be more then 50 plus feet of water? Especially using 4# flouro for the super line shy on these massively pressured waters using casting gear? Setups and baits all have their places they shine. To make broad statements saying things in previous posts is a bit biased and your personal choice for the waters you fish. To say it's not possible is purely out of context and furthest from reality.
  22. Stick with the medium if your going to continue using the same line. If upgrading your line to heavier braid then beef up your rod as well.
  23. I have to sometime year and scrape them off with a small pocket knife to rebait.
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