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Everything posted by Suspendingjerk

  1. Awesome! Mine did not come with any. It does lay a lot more even now. Thanks for chiming in!
  2. Yeah it was awesome. She thumped it as soon as it hit the water. Definitely didn't expect it.
  3. I found this under the spool and removed it. It seems a lot better now. But it also feels like I have a lot less range in my drag. Like if I set my drag on the lower end my spool feels somewhat loose... Maybe it's just me? But other than that my line does lay a lot more even now. http://i1381.photobucket.com/albums/ah239/Ralemonds1s/Mobile%20Uploads/0320152003_zpsoqq9vzoq.jpg The bread tie is so I don't loose it.
  4. The line is laying pretty uneven on my spool. It keep trying to wrap below the spool. It didn't come with any shims. Even when I make a long cast to even it out it still lays heavy down low. Any ideas?
  5. About 45 degree surface temp. 3 foot of water off a lay down on a 5 Inch watermelon red flake grub split shot. First fish on my new spin jig Loomis. Felt good! http://rs1381.pbsrc.com/albums/ah239/Ralemonds1s/Mobile%20Uploads/0320151627_zpsonisgqvr.jpg~320x480
  6. I'm confused. You can't find any silver hawk?
  7. Cabelas. It's a Cabelas exclusive rod. I've only seen good reviews on it.Has fuji guides with alconite inserts and a fuji reel seat. Pretty good value for 89 shipped.
  8. I will be using it for weightless plastics most likely. I bet it's a pretty versatile rod though from what I've read.
  9. Thanks for posting this. I just picked up the 66 mf. Everything I've read about them points to them being slightly stiffer than their rating. I think you will be fine with the mf for the applications you listed.
  10. This is a loaded question here. Everyone will have a different opinion. I recommend p-line flouroclear or cx. Some of the best line I have used in years, and the manageability is really nice. Just be sure to lubricate your knots.
  11. I don't think your quantum has centrifugal braking. I had an older energy, and if my memory serves me right, it was finicky to set up. I think I kept mine set on 3 or 4 and let her eat. If you keep experimenting you will get it down. And to be honest, I don't own or have ever used a baitcaster I didn't have to thumb at all. Not trying to be mean, but maybe you should stick to spinning tackle or upgrade to a DC reel if you don't want to thumb the spool.
  12. I like mine. It's a little noisy, and the handle is a bit strange. There is no play it just feels "loose". I will suggest you check out the lews tournament mg if you haven't. About the same price range, but I definitely prefer it over the Lexa.
  13. Two ounces off on my last guess. Way to go Dwight. I'm sure you will fill us in on the goods!
  14. The truth is stranger than fiction...
  15. I've personally had my best luck with spinnerbaits on windy days. Maybe you should re visit them this year.
  16. Sounds like you will have two cranking rods.... Maybe you can use one of your cranking rods for spinner baits..
  17. http://rs1381.pbsrc.com/albums/ah239/Ralemonds1s/Mobile%20Uploads/0303150757_zps2yasctxc.jpg~320x480 My pond from my window... Another 6-12 inches of snow and sleet tommorow and tommorow night....
  18. I believe you are more than likely correct.
  19. Calling it... Everyone here will recommend the PQ.. Well most everyone. Unfortunately I cannot comment on that reel. Never used one. I am a huge daiwa guy though, and just picked up the Lexa this year. Have only had soft water on the pond for a day or so since I got it so I can't say much, but it feels nice for its price point. The only thing that irks me about it is the handle. There is no 'play' in it, but it just feels... Loose, for lack of a better word.
  20. Just ran across this, and it seems perfect to drag behind my John boat. I mainly fish medium sized ponds, and was wondering if anyone has any experience with this thing. I searched and only found one post. Everything else I've found online seems promising.
  21. I have a Lexa 2500 and am very impressed. Very smooth, and balances right above the reel seat with my new Loomis sjr782. Couldn't be happier. Would love to get my hands on a procyon, but no one has any locally.
  22. There are some differences. If you search you can find an article where Yamamoto is interviewed about the rig.
  23. I mentioned a link earlier, but the source is not allowed here. You can find it other places if you search Google. Basically you Texas rig a ribbon or cut tail worm in the middle. Then you insert a dry wall screw into the head of the worm. It should be rigged with the point of the hook pointing towards the tail. Looks really interesting.
  24. Has anyone heard of or used this? Stumbled across it online and it looks interesting.
  25. I. Need. These.
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