If you mean the dirty dancing, then yes.
Not to be confused, when I say two spawns I meant the lake not an individual bass.
If I am catching 1-2" bass (yes that happens... : > ) in December before the spawn, where did they come from. (The lake did not receive a stocking.)
Seen them confused boogers on beds in Oct on Bastrop. The "real' spawn on Bastrop is usually late December.
Seems that power plant cooling lakes have a couple of spawns a year. When the temp gets DOWN to about 75 in a few weeks and then the "real" one starts when the lake gets DOWN to 62-70.
Y'all noticed I said DOWN.
Last weekend it was 97..... ;D :
Right before all hell broke loose, I've seen my buddy's hair stand on end.
But the whites were going crazy. ;D
Lightning can kill. Golf ball sized hail just bruises and batters!
Young and STUPID. :
The difference for me in wind and WIND is a change in tactics and locations. My best days are wind at 20-25, working the shallows on the windward side of the lake. Wind has never ended a trip. It just altered it a bit.
Give me wind or WIND, from any direction, any time over the opposite. 8-)
Locally.....Austin, Travis, Bastrop, Fayette, Georgetown, Choke Canyon and a few ponds.
Internationally.......Dibble, Flatrock, Basket, Barrel, English River, Smirch....All smallmouths and all in Canada.
Does anyone tune in to Bill's show to watch him fish or do you tune in to watch him catch?
Who cares where he fishes.
If I had those types of ponds to fish and catch, then I probably wouldn't hit a public lake ever again. 8-)
The picture I was referring to is the one on this link http://fishing.about.com/od/bassfishing/l/blbrbrecordbass.htmwith the caption "The Family Admires Replica".
When donated to the SAL, they end up in the Lunker Bunker at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens, Texas.
Read more:
After they are done with them, the angler who caught it can release it anywhere he wants. I think most are returned to the lake at which they were caught.
Another instance.....
Power plant cooling lakes are a different beast.
You need to look to when the water temp gets DOWN to 68 or cooler. Since mid-December, we have seen beds on one of our local power lakes. Water temp at the beginning of Dec was 71-73. When it hit 68, we started to see males in the shallow staking out spots. Currently, the water temp is in the mid-70s with most spawnning over.
On to another lake where the spawn is more usual. Water temps on that lake has reached 59-62. 8-)
We do have a trout stocking program. Its just not intended for bass dinners.
But I might have to start fishing the waters down river from the stockings. 8-)
Thats what I said on another post........
btw, our current state record LM was caught by a crappie fisherman and the current state record crappie was caught by a guy bass fishing.
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