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Everything posted by kbkindle

  1. indiana kid yes there are about 3 to 1 small mouth in shafer here are acouple from first of week
  2. indiana kid come over to lake shafer here in monticello indiana and help me catch those brown fish. i'am a lot older than you like turn your number around 71 not 17 you probley have fished the two lakes here shafer and freeman kb
  3. hey those are looking good how do you get the gill pattern so good. i have tryed a real fineline pen but cant get them to look as good as yours kb :-?
  4. kb here tryed a couple more
  5. kbkindle

    kb #3

    kb #3
  6. kbkindle


    kbs 2
  7. kb can you tell the frog one??????????
  8. kb here yeh dan and i are the old timers iam 71 years old my first casting rod was made of steel and was square not round read on a t shirt OLDER THAN DIRT #! you remember candy cigarettes #2wax coak-shaped bottles with colored water inside #3 soda popmachines with dispenced bottles #4blackjack chewing gum #5home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers #6you had a party line #7watched black and white newsreels before movie #8owned a pair or pf flyers #9had a telephonenumber with a word pre fix[br549] #10collected s and h green stamps .darn i remember all of them kb
  9. kb here here is a couple i just cut out on band saw got alot of work to do but something new
  10. kbkindle here i think kieth has the correct answer make a few and see if they sell as good as you think they should you will know for sure you are on to something kb :-X
  11. kb here a guy that has a saanother sitell here in my town gave me a few boards of clear red indiana cedar never made any lures with this wood we all know that poes lures are made with cedar i cut out a couple flatsided baits with it i dont know but it seems like the bait will not have to have any belly weights its a heavy wood any one else tryed cedar. let me know thanks kb
  12. kb here i like basswood to make lures i tryed the foil on the purple one. those that are all brown in a circle were for a guy stationed in japan in the marines he sent me a pic of bait fish over there and said he wanted them that color and no gloss to them kb
  13. kb here ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  14. this is the way i do it kb
  15. kbkindle here would love to show my lures but to be honest dont know how to post pics on this site i do use photobuckets kb
  16. kbkindle


    kbkindle here i make wood fishing crankbaits and trying to find some small fancy letters or complete stick on decals. as U.S.A ARMY in letters only about 3/8 " high i have seen some that are black with a gold outline on each letter. but i dont know where he got them or how to make i can make the letters on computer but dont know how to outline them help thanks ken kindle
  17. kbkindle here just a little about myself ia" a old man that is 71 years old, in good health fish about 3-4 times a week here in indiana where i live in a town that has two small lakes in it about 1600 acres each. i also started to make wood fishing crank baits just about 6 months ago. got a lot to learn but found out this is habit forming.retiered from my own business gave it to our 2 sons. married to same women for 49 years. have a ford truck, with a ranger boat with a yamaha to gether they get 15 mpg. will show you where i paint lures and my lures if you want to see them. and the equipment i have . have a small shop out in back yard where before i started the crankbait thing i did all kinds of wood working hope to learn more stuff and tell you what i know. looks like a good site. well thats enough you know how old guys that are retiered they talk to much.. ken kindle, monticello indiana kb will have to leard how to post pics.?
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