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Everything posted by kbkindle

  1. I heard it said that the 50e replaces the 100d reels ,is that correct
  2. its not a big one, just keeper size (NO) not naked
  3. in the water out of the water i cant winch the boat dry , boat is to heavy
  4. thanks guys sounds like baby craw is the ticket
  5. hey big o the only places i could catch any fish that size. I use to stay in zapata for 6 months at a time. till the drug traffic got so bad i had to quit going there. different time we would go to choke cannon from zapata and stay at the motel. across from the park The nolan ryan motel. great place Those 2 lakes is the only place where i could catch big fish. i know there are more but those lakes were good to me Falcon and choke
  6. I see everyone is talking about s.k. ragetail baits. the rage monkeys and roosters etc. i have not fished any yet. In your opinion what would be the best rage tail for fishing for smallmouth.Up here in north indiana. thanks guys
  7. The one on the left looks wider at the spool. Look about the same in length.
  8. #1 buzz-bait #2 zoom trick worm #3 bandit square bill or cotton cordell- big o
  9. This is how i do it, made a rod rack and a reel cabinet
  10. white ,swamp donkey frog
  11. kbkindle

    new gun

    holy cow a lot of guestions to answer yes its a h&r topper yes its legal in indiana barrell has to be 18" mine is 18 1/2" yes i have bought the( personal defence) federal shotgun shells it has a elastic 5 shell holder i think i can get off one shot and reload fairly fast i dont know , tell you later if iam still here? i have goon to the local police fireing range and at about 24' there is a 10 " pattern looks like about a # 4 shot just my wife and i so i cant hit anyone else like to find a single barrell 410 and a double 410 *anyone* has to be wood stock. need not be in great shape just safe to shoot i can repair the rest of the gun barrell and stock
  12. kbkindle

    new gun

    sawed off 20 gauge single barrell for self defence
  13. I think that with 15% ethanol there telling me it burns to hot., plus it eats up all the hoses. The warrenty on motors say they are not responceable for damage to motors using 15%. I guess some one will come up with another additive we will have to use
  14. Do you put any wires in lead for a u hook to attach a split ring to and a treble hook. what i call a belly weight
  15. As stated in another site i use red and white cedar for my lures. It grows here in my back yard. I have built a lot of furniture out of it , its the only wood i know that you dont have to have kiln dryed to bring the mostiure out of so it dont crack or shrink You can just air dry cedar for about 3 months and its good to go
  16. i have used a lot of different wood to build lures Seems like i have good luck with cedar wood simi - hard , easy to work and has the weight , a dense wood. Dont care if its red or white cedar. Cuts great on band saw , carves great, and sands real good, and takes createx paint well
  17. i dont like a split grip so i put on a all cork handle . Ill post a pic. Right know iam in the process in marble-izing the rod
  18. SORRY
  19. here are some lures i made from cedar i made these lures (Ken kindle )and where painted by ( Adam Warren) A.W.B.
  20. Beautiful work , outstanding paint,clear is out of reach. I dont see a spec of dirt or lint What a job #1 I wont ask about the clear , that's yours Those mad eyes look great on those lures
  21. who and why was one of my post deleted kb
  22. i have not used it a lot just when i was trying to get the correct belly weight. but your right probley will not hold up real well
  23. here is a few of those cedar lures painted
  24. just a few cedar lures i carved out just wanted to show you i have a lot more kb
  25. if i want to add a pic to a answer from me to another member can and if how is this done. like if i want to add a pic to fishwittler topic how to as he said these lures were made of cedar and i have a pic of a few lures i just made out of cedar not painted yet just carved out lures. and want to show them thanks ken
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