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Everything posted by kbkindle

  1. why are my post coming out north and south not east and west
  2. I have a yamaha 200 hp hpdi 2004 year engine on a ranger boat. last year runing engine at (W.O.T.) i got about 5200 rpms this year iam getting about 4800 rpms 64 mph down to 48 mph. engine runs as smouth as a kitten. i have not done anything to engine. other than clean and wax. is there any adjustment to jack up the rpm's. Buy this question you can see i dont know a thing about engines. just dont know why rpm's would drop
  3. Hey mike I have used kvd spray release and it does help a little.But i have got to go back to the wave spinn reel. The only difference i see with this reel on the end of the spool the outer edge of spool has groves in the metal and that must be what makes these reels stangle free. The DHXL 1500 is the best smaller reel the dh 3000 the next size larger great for tubes , frogs, jigs. the smaller for about anything smaller like wacky worm, finesse,bandit 100's, and all that size cranks. If you ever get interested they send a dvd with every reel . i have got extra if you want one send me your address and i will send you one ken They come out with a new reel in 2011 it was suppose to be as good as the 2010 dhxl It is about$25.00 cheaper not as good
  4. mike when i would cast the spinning reel and the line and bait stops i have line coming off like a slinkey toy or into the wind same thing To me thats a backlash i guess you are politicy correct but when this happens to me i call it a back lash
  5. I allways have had a hard time skipping all kind of baits under boat docks and lifts till. i starting useing the wave spinn reels, some time when you are skipping under wood piers thah only have 6 to 12 "of space i would hit the pier board or the water to quick and boy i would get a spinning reel mess. Most of the time it would be a take home reel to strip the line.under big piers you have to skip a long distance so you have to hit it harder i"am not afraid to do this know. Now with the wave reel i still hit the pier and hit the water at the wrong time but i do not get any backlash or a messed up line it really will not give you any tangled line. i know own (3) of there reels know (2) of there 1500 series small reel for wacky worming,finesse fishing and (1) there next size larger for tubes and jigs any one having my problem should try these reels, you wont regret it.
  6. thru wire. screw ons will not hold in balsa. itryed glue and screw still no good
  7. what size are they #6 or #4 If there 4's ok if not put a 4on front and a 6 on back hook make sure the # 4 hook dont hang up on the bill. some times ok not half of time
  8. Any of you guys use the wave spinn spinning reels. Man i just bought one about 3 months ago and know i have bought two more. They have got a few great new new things about them. The one that i like is the no backlash, line dont ball up, it dont come off of spool like the (SLINKEY TOY )these reels are 100% tangle free. On my home lakes we get a lot of fishing pressure.. and pleasure boats and those dam p.w.c. So to bass fish we have to learn to skip our baits under peers, boat lifts, etc May be there is only a few inches between the water and the peer . if you hit the water to quick or hit the peer you would have a mess NOT WITH Wave spinn reels. this is just one thing i like about this reel there are more . But for me this is the main reason i buy them. if you are going to try one get the little one the ztr 1500 you wont be disapointed I think they are about $45.00. I dont work for the co. I just use there reels,When i bought the second It was a different color and i thought it was a different reel so i called the co. and he told me it is the same reel it was just the 2011 year reel the guy who called me was Doug Hannon ( the bass professor )
  9. Man for me Dicks have got a great sale on St.croix rods. $189.00 rods on sale for $129.99 Thats $60.00 off. Dont see that very often. maybe just a fathers day sale. I was looking for a 6' 6" avid spinning med fast No luck just a 6' 0" avid spinning. I'am using these rods for skipping dont know if i had one rod 6'6" and another 6'0" would get me confused where to hit the water to skip . What do you think?
  10. Only one rod needed St croix avid series nuf said
  11. If you listen to Doug Hannon ( The bass professor ) lay spool on floor with the paper side up (something to do with they way the spool is wound at the factory) Never do it with the pencile in hole deal for spinning reels. I use Berkley xl mono clear/ flour line 8 LB for most of my plastics. I have tryed flouracarbon on spinning reel, never again , on baitcasting ok .After loading line on reel i go outside and tie line to tree and take about 40 ft off reel and streach out the line and then another 40 ft do the same thing. I have yet to pull tree out of ground ha
  12. I have tryed a lot of different brands and it is hard to beat the XPS brand from bass pro. I assume you are talking about a bait cast reel . I have not found a fc line for a spinning Every brand on spinning come off like a slinkey toy. Just use mono on spinning. Berkley xl triline is great and i get it with clear/blue flo.
  13. has anybody tryed these new star brite stra tron enzyme fuel gas addative It says it will take care of our problems with ethanol gas KEN
  14. reading a artical in a fishing book if line comes of like a slinkey they say put spool on floor start putting line on reel if it starts to wrap around the rod tip stop turn line box over start again till line wraps around tip and so on. then strech it out like they say i have gone back to mono on a few of my rods i like the xl berkley mono in the flouracent color. and strech the heck out of it. some say you can use floura carbon line on a spinning rod. you talk about slinkey man this stuff is not good iam going back to extra limp berkley mono and powerpro the heck with the rest of lines
  15. Man i had some premier rods for a while nice rod till i tryed the avid, to me so much more sensitive , i can feel so much more ,I like to do a lot of wacky style fishing, iam catching some blugills on the avid, where with the premier i never felt them. trouble is they say the next best st croixi is even better but iam like you the legend rods are about$235.00 and i dont like a splitrod handle
  16. ia'm making some wood lures like the strike king kvd 1.5 square bill type. have been trying to make the bills , but cant get them right. they are bent they go into bait just under ths line tie straight into lure then bend down right at the end of line tie wire bend down about at 30 % angle. tryed everthing i know and cant get them correct SO do any of you guys know where i can buy these bill or any ideas. hope somebody can help thanks guys kk
  17. Dumb me i tryed vicious pro elite fluor on a spinning reel Man what a mess that stuff has so much memory When you open bail looks like a slinkey toy coming down the stairs. Boy on a spinning reel is for sure a NO NO. in fact i put it on two reels one with 8-lb the other 12 lb. Went back to mono.
  18. What size circle hook do you guys like. Iam useing a owner circle hook 1/0 with a zoom trick worm. our fish here on my lakes are mostly green fish, and fish a lot of docks, boat lifts. so i have to skip these baits under them. They say dont set hook just sweep it.under these docks and lifts there is a lot of metal piping and angle arms.I can hook these fish but getting them out of this mess is another story. So i blame the hook. and sugestions may be iam useing the wrong size hook
  19. Does anyone like the new program ? NOT ME
  20. hey Ronnie when i do hold down ctrl key and minus it goes to far and then when i + it goes back to original overlap ? just live with it.?
  21. is it true if you have a texas license to fish you can fish any state that touches the texas borders in the usa?
  22. Around here in stained to muddy water, i have good luck with firetiger in crank baits in about all brands of baits. I use big'o it has a tight wiggle and bandit 100's firetiger it has a wide wobble. makes a difference here on these lakes
  23. Mr Glenn, what's with these advertisment's on the right side bar? How can i get rid of them, They mess up the complete page. Seems like they cut into the forum pages. dont think we need sponsored links here. thank you ken kindle
  24. hey what about a chain saw. Tree cant stand it
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