Took me a while to get back to reality, but thought I would get on here and post about Wednesday and Thursday.
Wednesday was tough. One Fish Anna stayed true to her name and I did only catch one real small (maybe a pound) bass all day. Everything that worked Monday stopped working, so we ended up trying to find some new water and I did manage one on a shakeyhead right before we called it quits. That evening we were a bit sick of throwing for bass so we stopped under a bridge and caught a few crappie. I spotted a huge mass on my graph every time I would go under the bridge and then the nice folks at Hunter's Landing told us that it was crappie. Got to use the livewell on the boat for the first time too, so it was generally a success.
Thursday we decided to get out of the Pamunkey and try the Anna branch. We managed 3, one of them almost 3 lbs so it was better than the day before but not exactly a huge success either. We spent most of the time in an inlet I felt pretty good about. Saw fish all over the graph and shad/panfish hitting the surface pretty well. Guys were catching striper in the mouth of the inlet the evening before. Even heard what I'm going to assume was a carp flopping around in the shallows. Still really couldn't figure out the bass though. We ended up catching the few we did off points with rocks and grass, completely different from Monday. Guess it just goes to show you how quickly a lake can change. The water did clear up a good bit by Thursday. Probably gained 2-3 feet of visibility.
Overall it was a pretty good trip. The family caught a boatload of panfish from the dock and even about 10 catfish. I caught my first fish off a baitcaster (which actually caught all but 2 of my fish) and now of course I want to buy another one. The last day we were there the sun came out in the evening and bugs started coming out. Holy smokes I have never seen so many fish hitting the top of the water. Definitely proved that the baitballs I was seeing on the depth finder were there, which was pretty cool. Seemed like a lot of guys were doing pretty well with stripers while we were there too. Anyways, I'll try and post pictures tomorrow from my work computer if I can get them off my phone. Thanks everyone for the info. It was very helpful