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Everything posted by stratos4me

  1. I've been looking for a kill switch from minn kota and have been unable to find one. Did you build something or buy it off the shelf?
  2. For those who attach a remote to your belt, make sure the tether reaches eye level! Otherwise it will be useless if you go in. I'm a little surprised that a horror story hasn't been shared yet. Don't be embarrassed. Let's hear it!
  3. That's what I thought. It's a bad design. It would be much better if it cut off or engaged spot lock when it looses contact with the remote as the remote goes under water. I had a system like that on my offshore boat, and it was great. I expect this tech in due time.
  4. Sorry. I didn't realize that I am supposed to be perfect...like you.
  5. Has anyone fallen overboard fishing solo with the trolling motor's auto pilot engaged while running a bank? What happened? Did the boat keep going until hitting something? I would hate to send my dog on a solo mission. Specifically, I have a terrova. Thanks
  6. I think that's right. The other thing is that I've never broken a oneten Jr. I've thought about this a bit and I think another part of the reason they break easily is the weight. The little rapallas I banged off granite boulders and everything else 30 years ago had a stouter lip AND it only weighed 3/16 oz vs a oneten at I think 1/2 oz. That's a big difference in momentum.
  7. I'm not going to contact megabass because, in the end, I hit a dock. As for your other "recommendation", when you fish almost every day in all conditions like I do, occasionally a gust of wind or hickup in your gear will cause a cast to go astray. I live on a bass lake. Guys hit my dock all the time. It's one of the compromises people make to live lakefront. It's also part of the reason I bought an alumnium boat.
  8. You do know it's not for sharks; right?
  9. Why is it that I can bounce an old rapala off a thousand docks without damage BUT the first time I bounce off a pontoon with a $25 ONETEN the bill breaks off?
  10. You're kidding yourself. Live scope will have the same effect over time as massively increasing fishing pressure. It subjects large populations of offshore bass to anglers. Before forward facing, open water was largely a sanctuary. Now it's a shooting gallery. This will not end well.
  11. Frankly, I don't really think live scoping should even be called "bass fishing". I'm not sure exactly what to call it, but it ain't bass fishing. It needs to go the way of the a-rig. Beyond that, the very steep learning curve in bass fishing is why we still have some good fisheries. Mark my words, forward facing will destroy fisheries. No. At least not enough to be fun. Give it time. This doesn't end well.
  12. Many years ago I asked a very successful pro what is the most important information to get before a trip. He said "depth" without hesitating. His method, and now my method is to first ask friends and then graph points. It's far from an exact science because fish could be super shallow and sonar isn't perfect, but that is what I do. Find um at 12' and you will probably find them on many major structures in the area at 12'.
  13. Well that makes sense. I guess the next time I want an ugly stick or Mitchell I'll go there. LOL. What's the forecast on hell freezing over again???
  14. Yeah. But they seem to carry zero from Shimano. Hard pass.
  15. Agreed. For guys that are very particular about what we use the sales this year are pretty lame.
  16. I agree. But for me a quality heavy power fast action has plenty of give on a heavy worm hook.
  17. I was really dissapointed in the TW Black Friday sale this year. It was SO much better when it was 20% site wide like every other year. I wait all year for the 20% BF sale. I was fully prepared to bend over bigtime for the bait monkey this year, but I ended up buying nothing. Breaking up the sale makes it really hard to get to $50 for free shipping. It's also just a pain for people like me who dislike shopping. Oh well. A sign of the times I guess. I doubt the 20% sale will ever return.
  18. If you're getting owned with single, large hooks go to a heavy power fast action rod and a low to zero stretch line with a tight drag. With treble hooks or tiny single hooks, add give to your system with a lighter action rod, lighter drag, and/or mono.
  19. You must be in South FL.
  20. Most anglers don't have the ability to catch someone else's fish. I think it has a lot to do with confidence. So, I don't worry about my secrets getting out unless I'm dealing with an elite angler on "my" lake. Talk, share your experience, and have fun! It's unlikely to hurt your pattern.
  21. Baitfish diet=sharp teeth Crawfish diet=dull teeth
  22. Thanks guys. So, is it generally fair to say that fishing tends to get increasingly better from the high 60's until winter temperatures are met, and then it quickly shuts down for winter when water temps drop below 50? Obviously, there are good days and bad and latitude/altitude matter, but is this a decent rule of thumb?
  23. In the fall, at what water temperature do you think the fishing peaks? Please respond with a temperature and your state. Also share any other variables you think contribute to peak fall fishing. Thanks.
  24. I find that if I try to make repetitive casts with a spinning rod all day long, it doesn't go well for me. A cast every 5 minutes finesse fishing is no problem. Spinning just doesn't handle as well as a baitcaster and is harder to control for most people. If you insist on spinning DEFINATELY use braid.I would use a 300 size reel with about 30# braid. Any other line type for the mainline is asking for a day ending tangle when casting constantly.
  25. Obviously get it checked out. But also, work on your mechanics. A roll cast can be done with virtually no shoulder movement. Go to Tactical and watch how they cast a swimbait.
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