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Everything posted by baileyjs

  1. Hi all, haven't been around much recently but hoping to get out more this year. I took my 8 year old son out for a few hours Saturday evening and we did alright. I was surprised how on the lake we typically fish the docks the weedline was already out 10ft from the end of the docks and full of snot grass! It's a smaller lake that holds large numbers of smaller bass so he's pretty much sure to catch a bunch but not sure how often I'll be going back this year.
  2. Are there any decent bass in Parker's? I drive by it every day.
  3. I've always thought this would be a good idea for it's own thread.....would any of the knowledgeable members be willing to give their input and help us newbies out? If so I'd be willing to start it off
  4. anyone familiar with where I could drop in a canoe on the missisippi backwaters around mpls looking for bass? I've never taken it on the river and am a little hesitant.....
  5. stopped by the minnewashta public dock on friday night for a bit to learn how to "walk the dog" and pulled in a small 2 1/2 lbr. with a spook. Then on Sunday went out on Steiger for an hour or so....water temps were about 62 but the lake was full of snot weed and got skunked! We had never been on Steiger before but it's supposed to be pretty good. One guy in a yak said he pulled out a 6lbr last year.
  6. I too really hope this takes off! I don't get out nearly as often as I'd like since it's the brother-in-law who has the boat, (unless I get the canoe out) but I think we're going to go out this weekend. My guess is we'll go either to Waconia, Minnewashta or Minnetonka. Has anyone tried O'dowd in Shakopee? I've heard good things about it as well. Are the bass up into the shallows yet or are they still hanging out on dropoffs?
  7. I haven't had a chance to get out yet but am hoping to on Saturday. Any word on where they're at? I'm assuming they aren't up on beds yet but are they in shallow or still out a ways. It's supposed to be in the mid 60's til Saturday when it hits they 70's here in the metro. I'm new to the whole trying to determine where they are based on water temps rather than just "chuckin' and prayin'"
  8. I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'm in the same situation (looking at the Veritas in particular) and it doesn't look like the 7' MHF *** is recommended for 1/4 oz jigs. Would I get a way with using them with the added weight of the trailer or should I shy away from the ***?
  9. http://www.louisianasportsman.com/details.php?id=7583
  10. I was finally able to get out last night on Lake Minnetonka with my brother in law and we had a good night. The water was glass and he boated a nice 5.1 lb'r with a bonus crankbait in its lip!
  11. Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota is nationally known for largemouth. You're not going to get the hogs like you would down south, but still great fishing. If you google for guides a whole list will come up
  12. I would try a 6" senko texes rigged "weightless". It's an easy way to fish and we've had a lot of luck with it. You won't have a bobber or anything so you have to watch your line for the bite but it's a lot of fun!
  13. I haven't been out much since it started raining. I live a little further west than you (out by Lake Waconia) and just brought home a few new toys...a 14' Wenonah fisherman canoe and my first baitcasting setup. I've heard rumors that any name in Minnesota that is named on a map legally has to have some sort of public access. Not necessarly a dock or launch, but some sort of access point. If this is true I'm hoping to find a few of those smaller lakes you're talking about that probably aren't hit by many anglers
  14. yea I think it's something crazy like 600ft
  15. We've had a lot of rain here and one city had to overflow their raw sewage and it's going to make it to Lake Minnetonka. Any of you full-time fishermen/part-time biochemists, environmentalists etc have any input on how much damage this could do to the fishing/lake? It sounds like it will be pretty diluted by the time it makes it to the lake, but they are warning about swimming/skiing..(article below) http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/about-mpca/mpca-news/current-news-releases/index.html June 01 2014 15:30 City of Mound is releasing untreated wastewater to keep sewers from backing up into homes Contact: Sam Brungardt, 651-757-2249; Kandis Hanson, 952-240-5244 St. Paul, Minn. — Last night's and today's rain has overwhelmed the city of Mound's sanitary sewer system and forced the city to release untreated sewage onto land. The city took this step to keep wastewater from backing up into the basements of an estimated 1,000 homes. It acted after the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) gave the city permission to bypass untreated sewage until the Metropolitan Council's wastewater collection system can accept the large volume of wastewater that is being sent to it. About 10:30 a.m. today, the city began releasing untreated wastewater from its sanitary sewer system onto land at four sites near Lake Minnetonka, one site near Lake Langdon and one site near Dutch Lake. The locations near Lake Minnetonka are the lagoon at Emerald Road and Channel Lane, Beachside outfall at Shorewood, the Avalon Park outfall at Bartlett Boulevard and Lynwood at Morton Channel. On Lake Langdon, it is at Cottonwood and Lynwood. And on Dutch Lake, it is the Grandview boat launch. The bypassed wastewater will eventually make its way to those lakes. Even though the untreated sewage will be greatly diluted, it will increase the lakes' load of E. coli bacteria, which can cause illness. For the time being, people are advised not to swim or do other activities, such as water-skiing, that would increase the chances of their swallowing lake water. According to the Minnesota Department of Health website, E. coli can cause gastrointestinal illnesses, such as severe diarrhea, nausea and possibly jaundice as well as associated headaches and fatigue. Not all people are affected to the same degree; young children and the elderly are usually more susceptible.
  16. Since we can now buy fishing licenses online in Minnesota does anyone know if having a picture of your license on your phone would satisfy the DNR? I'm just thinking in case I were to forget mine or ended up going out some day that I didn't have all my tackle......any idea?
  17. I would check your state DNR website. We can get info on all 10,000 of our lakes (maps, water clarity, what type of fish are in the lake, ave size.....)
  18. How did everyone do this weekend on the opener? We did ok. We caught about 25 with the largest being a 3lb'r. No real consistancy on where we were finding them though. Is the water still to cold? I think the lake we were on water temps were about 62-65.
  19. I picked up some Yum crawfish spray this spring and thought I'd try it out. Bass opener was this last weekend and we went to our favorite "honey hole" and weren't getting much. I tried a few different colors and still nothing. Then I remembered the spray, gave it a squirt, and boom 3lb bass in the boat. Was it the spray, or were we just in the wrong spots before? Who knows, but we ended the day catching about 25 bass between 1.5- 3lbs.
  20. looks like tomorrow is going to be great weather! I think I'll be skipping Minnetonka, at least on Saturday, to some of the smaller lakes. I have a feeling it's going to be CRAZY out there! Maybe Sunday or Monday we'll sneak back in to one of the bays
  21. I just got in to bass fishing and picked up a president 6930 reel and Abu Garcia 6'6 vengence M/MF rod. After some research on here I figured I'd put 10lb braid on with an 8lb floro leader. My question is do you set your drag @ 25% strength of the braid or leader? I would guess the leader since it is "weaker" but I don't want to assume...thx Jim
  22. Yea I figured it would be too big......I'm not sure if you have Fleet Farm by you but you can also get it online http://www.fleetfarm.com/search/?q=100488136
  23. I'm looking to put together an "all around" bass fishing combo. I almost picked up a Pflueger President 6930 (reel only) yesterday on sale for $59.00. Today I just found a Pflueger Arbor combo for $39.99 (reel alone is regularly $89.00). Does anyone have any thoughts on the Arbor? I think the arbor is a size 50.....too big for Minnesota bass?? How does the Arbor compare to the President? thanks for your help
  24. honestly I was originally going to go with the 6930 but it says it's only recommended for 8# braided and 6lb mono....maybe that doesn't matter that much and a little heavier line isn't an issue? What made you go with a 7' M/F rather than say a 6'6 MHF or MLF? Will I really notice much of a difference? I'm in the same boat as you....as far as not fishing tournaments, but we will mostly be in a boat rather than on shore.
  25. I'm looking to get a new setup prior to the bass opener here in a few weeks. I think I'm going to go with the Pflueger President either 6935 or 6930, but how do you determine what rod to go with it? I hear a lot of talk about "balance" but am looking for suggestions. I just recently got back in to fishing and will use it as an "all around" bass fishing setup mostly for soft baits but the occasional frog or popper. I'm up in Minnesota so we don't have the monster bass like down south but 5lb isn't unheard of. Thanks for any suggestions.
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