This weekend I was targeting bowfin like I do almost every weekend in this one pond and I'm just doing my thing fishing a weightless fluke and its sinking then I feel the slightest tap and went with my gut and had did a hero hookset super hard, Solid as a rock. I figured it was a stump but then the stump started swimming off! I'm concentrating really hard at this point doing everything right, this is a big fish, I have my drag set pretty high and its still pulling drag here and there... well I fight this fish all the way to the bank and he buries himself in the pads that surround the edge of the pond and POP the hook comes flying at me...
I would have loved to get a picture with that fish... it jumped out of the water while I was fighting it and it was easily a 10lb+ Bowfin. The pond isn't very big so its very possible I can hook him again one day because he is still there!
I've caught some big bowfin but none anywhere close to that one...