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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. Hmmm, Teach me.
  2. Thats a healthy pond! Make sure it stays that way, nice catches!
  3. The lake I caught my PB is my favorite place to fish. Might not be the greatest fish factory but its beautiful out there
  4. If you like braid why change it? I'd just stick with braid, its what I use and I love it
  5. I've just always thought they had teeth like in this pic on this other forum??? Do some have teeth and others don't?? http://www.pensacolafishingforum.com/f28/redfish-teeth-132997/#/forumsite/20519/topics/132997
  6. I wanna try the R2S spittin' wa, looks like a great frog
  7. I've put little metal beads in my frogs before and caught fish but I stopped because I don't care to use rattles with my frogs anymore, sometimes it would mess the frogs action up. Only frog I use with rattles now is the KVD sexy frog but it comes with the rattles.
  8. Pretty much the only thing I do to my frogs is trim the legs a little, I usually cut off whatever goes past the nose of the frog.
  9. My papa started taking me fishing when I was little and that got me into it, didn't start getting more into bass fishing and taking it more serious until a couple years ago
  10. I was that guy the other day... some guy was pitching what looked like a 3/8 or so Texas rigged craw into holes around these patch of trees that was flooded with grass. I already wanted to fish that spot before I left because I had caught fish there the day before. I roll up and start fishing and catch 3 bass in probably around 15 cast using the same technique as him... I think he got frustrated and left haha I know him pretty good and we talked at the boat ramp and he said he was fishing that spot all day and couldn't get a nibble and I rolled up and caught fish... Felt good because he always out fishes me!
  11. I've always heard normal monofilament fishing line will take 600 years to decompose in a lake. dunno how accurate that is.
  12. When I fish with my gramps he is the same way, he'll catch 3 good fish out of a patch of trees then move along to a different patch of trees... don't really see the logic in that.
  13. Practice and then once you think you've practiced enough, keep practicing.
  14. what do you mean "big"! that's a big ole bass, nice!
  15. Nice! Looks like you barley got her hooked!
  16. I really like the SPRO frogs, I throw the popping style one a good bit
  17. Maybe I'll try using some yo-zuri as a leader too, I might still lose a bait here and there but maybe it'll make it less frequent...
  18. Uh is this true??
  19. ^^ Hahahahaha its like a tongue twister.... Can I put that in my signature??
  20. Pretty neat but I just geusstimate...
  21. *2, you save a lot of money using backing
  22. Some days I can catch 20 pickerel on a squarebill and never have a problem, next day the pickerel are ingulfing the crank and cutting it off often...
  23. Well I'll try the toothy critters leaders when I get a chance to buy some, its kinda pricey too, its like a dollar a foot. Might just have to suck it up and come to terms with the fact that I'm gonna lose baits to pickerel in this lake. EDIT: I guess I could try to find some good leaders with snaps and just toss one on when the pickerel are biting a lot, any suggestions on a brand?
  24. Squirmin, how would you define structure? I look at structure as stuff like drop offs, humps, ledges etc and cover as stuff like logs, matted grass, docks.
  25. I hold it differently depending on what I'm doing, 100% personal preference.
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