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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. Are you sure its called the FAT A? Never heard if it... Or maybe I have lol they have a lot of lures with A in the name
  2. Some people say it helps balance the reel by keeping the weight closer to the reel or some BS, I just think it looks cool haha
  3. I like the CRS cranks from academy too, for around 3$ a pop they are awesome. I like the KVD 1.5s too, they go off on a tangent sometimes and then get back on track which I like at times and don't like at other times. IMO the KVD and CRS cranks are waaay better than the LuckE Strike Rick Clunn square bills, I have caught fish with the Rick Clunns but I have gotten none that ran true out of the box, one that had the bill break off in timber, another that sank tail down, and one that either the hook or split ring broke on (I cant remember for sure which it was). I know a lot of people that like the lucky strike ones though so give them a try for the heck of it.
  4. But guys you HAVE to use a bead and swivel or you wont catch fish!
  5. I would just keep it, I have 2 or 3 bantams and I cant part ways with them.... They aren't worth a whole lot either
  6. The pros are okay with it so I'm okay with it, after all it is their tournament
  7. Didn't he fail a drug test or something and get kicked out lol
  8. IMO a MH/F casting rod is pretty versatile, more so than a XF, maybe you can look into one of those
  9. Out of all the jigs I've tried, which isn't a whole lot, I've had the most success with the strike king structure jig in 1/2 oz black and blue.
  10. Ahhh gotta love south Georiga.... Doesn't get better than this, Year round fishing woot woot!
  11. Not the biggest but this happened yesterday afternoon, I'm walking across this little bridge while I was bank fishing for the heck of it at the lake on the military base and I just happen to look down and see this FAT gar...it was huge, so I start jigging my fluke right in front of its face and it isn't interested in the slightest, so after I gave up on getting him to bite I started hitting him in the back with my bait just to see if he would react and he just didn't care lol
  12. I love academy, they have a good selection of stuff at affordable prices. Their H2O brand is great
  13. Pluto is whatever you wanna call it. Buut, in 2006 IAU had a vote to see if Pluto was gonna to be called a planet and it lost because it didn't meet one of the three requirements of being a planet, 8 years later they revisited the question "what is a planet" and had another vote and Pluto won that time around.
  14. This thread is a mess, what's even being debated now? All I know is a bigger handle doesn't effect IPT at all.
  15. When you have 20 hooks on a rig it stops looking like an Alabama rig and starts looking like a chandelier.
  16. Buying a new rod & reel is more enjoyable!
  17. Hmm I can throw weightless flukes a pretty good ways with my MH/F rod...
  18. The majority of pros don't like it being used in tournaments, so that's why its banned. This is from an article about it being banned in FLW tourneys "The primary reason the rig was banned was that the majority of pros simply didn’t want it. In the spring, FLW surveyed all the Tour pros and the results told the story – two thirds of the 150 wanted it barred. At that point, all other discussions cease as this is the pros’ circuit. If they don’t want it and they can agree (to a majority), then it’s gone. With concrete data in hand, FLW made the only rational decision it could." I'm assuming this is the same reason it was banned in BASS
  19. Nice, sounds like a great time!
  20. I usually like to start in the morning around 6 or 7am
  21. It really depends, there is a place for both. http://www.stanfordcedarlures.com/fishing-crank-baits--is-silent-better-than-rattles/
  22. Yup, I think a MH/F is a very versatile choice!
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