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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. http://www.comicsanscriminal.com/ hahaha I just found this website and its pretty funny to me...
  2. ouch... glad it wasn't any worse! I had the same thing happen with a 1-2 pound bass, I was getting a lipless crank out of its mouth when he flopped causing me to lose my grip and both trebles got stuck in my wrist, luckily he didn't flop much more while I was stuck to the fish..
  3. well for the reel I would also vote for a tatula, its a great reel.
  4. Lol I was expecting to see pictures of some crappie because of the title, nice pictures!
  5. Don't "come on man" me... It doesn't make you look smart. I never said I couldnt read cursive, I said I have a hard time reading cursive, especially when its a bunch of jumbled up chicken scratch.
  6. I would hate having to use one lure all year, I like those pond magic spinnerbaits BTW good little lure.
  7. I just watched A Beautiful Mind and it was awesome, it is definitely one of my new favorites
  8. I'm sorry but if a bear starts running at me I'm gonna run, its gonna be instincts. I don't know if I'd have the guts to stand there and yell at it haha...
  9. I just don't think cursive is nessecary anymore. Like J Francho said, it was meant to speed up the writing process. (Most) people have access to computers/electronics now a days...
  10. Nice fish!
  11. Okay I'll try that, thanks for the tip!
  12. Not trying to sound like a jerk, but why do you think it maters if kids can read stuff like the constituion in cursive? How's that different than reading it in print
  13. My grandpa started taking me... Would have never got into fishing if it wasn't for him
  14. See that's what I thought, like bass, speckled perch, catfish etc.. they will grab a bait and get outta dodge (or at least hold onto it). With bowfin it seems like they will grab a bait for a second then drop it, I will reel in my bait and it will have teeth marks on it. I was fishing with a bobber the other day and had the bait a few feet below the bobber, they would grab the bait and take the bobber down and then it would float right back up like they let go of it... I know its bowfin because they are the only toothy critter in that place and they are leaving teeth marks on the bait
  15. so do you think I should just go back to J hooks and get better at detecting a bite?
  16. Thanks, I need to learn to not set the hook but I have little confidence in a circle hook. I think I might be using to heavy of a wire hook, I'm using a MH/F rod with 50lb braid and 15lb leader so I figured I could get away with a thicker hook but its not working out...
  17. Nice! Enjoy the trip when it comes around
  18. Lol I'm 17, wrestling is about to start and I gotta lose the stache
  19. Hey guys for live bait without a bobber how do you know your getting a bite? For me its hard to tell when I'm getting a bite vs. the baitfish I'm using just moving around... I'm using a rig like a drop shot btw. Another thing is how do you guys use a circle hook with baitfish? I tried just hooking it through the tail but I couldn't get good hook ups to save my life. I switched to circle hooks because I was gut hooking a lot of fish due to the fact I couldn't tell I was getting bites... I' m fishing for Bowfin btw if it matters any.
  20. I like both, I don't really like one more than the other.
  21. I have more confidence using red hooks with top waters like spooks...
  22. Yeah I just got them in the mail yesterday and they aren't as big as I thought they would be, they won't work for my crankbaits but I'm sure I can find some use for them
  23. I've been having alot of luck with swim jigs lately too!
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