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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. Line capacity itself doesn't effect IPT but the diameter of a full spool does... A full spool is gonna give you more IPT then a half full spool. A shallow spool and a deep/high capactity spool can have the same diameter when full but one contains way more line.... So no, line capacity doesn't effect IPT
  2. You can never go wrong with a trick worm year round....
  3. I was thinking the same thing, mainly because they are durable and float!
  4. Winter says craw, river says craw, put em' together and its screaming craw!
  5. I like fast reels for everything... (6.4 and up)
  6. I use braid with spinnerbaits, but a lot of the way more experienced anglers are gonna come here and tell you to never use a spinnerbaits with braid... IMO it makes it a lot easier to get a good hook set even on bass that are barely getting the spinnerbait...
  7. Fanwort??? Dunno if y'all have it there but there its all over here....
  8. Good to hear, hope you catch plenty more!
  9. Just curious, Diet and Training for what? I wrestle and have to make weight all the time... This year I'm wrestling a weight class up from last year so its a lot easier haha
  10. I know my team CAN make it to the superbowl, but will they? Idk yet, but after last nights game its not looking good.
  11. Braid. Its all I crank with and I'm doing fine.
  12. black, green, brown, and white!
  13. Peanut Butter & Nutella sandwiches, mmmmmmm...
  14. This is how a lot of the people I fish with sometimes think, they'll catch a good bass say 4 or so pounds and then think that that bass was the only bass/biggest bass around and move on... The way I see it is that spot/area produced a good quality fish so it definitely has the potential to carry more fish of the same quality.
  15. X2, It's always seems like this holds true around here.
  16. I like a faster reel for shallow crankbaits so you don't have to reel like a mad man, with square bills your usually reeling the bait in quick anyways so I don't see the need for a slow reel.
  17. Has anybody used this line and do you like it? I was wanting to pick up some line to use as ethier leader line or to spool on straight for dropshots... How bad is the memory and how abrasion resistant is it?
  18. I like higher speed reels around 30 IPT, But like a lot of people are gonna say its mostly preference.
  19. Do you use any of the Carbonlite rods to dropshot, If so how do you like them for that application and what power/action carbonlite are you dropshotting on? Sorry, buying news rods makes my head spin, So hard to choose a new rod when there are hundreds of choices....
  20. Hmm. Seems like I meet more people that don't care if you eat bass than people who do, down here in south georiga lots of people eat bass... Even the bass fishermen.
  21. I was looking at a Shimano Compre dropshot rod and it looks pretty cool and gets decent reviews. Have any of y'all used it and what are your experiences with it, good or bad? Do you use it for anything else other than dropshotting, and if so what else do you use it for? There was an old thread on this but it didn't get a whole lot of replies so I figured I'd ask again....
  22. Ahhhh the "Everything Else" forum is finally back to normal....
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